73,720 research outputs found

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Formal Relationships Between Geometrical and Classical Models for Concurrency

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    A wide variety of models for concurrent programs has been proposed during the past decades, each one focusing on various aspects of computations: trace equivalence, causality between events, conflicts and schedules due to resource accesses, etc. More recently, models with a geometrical flavor have been introduced, based on the notion of cubical set. These models are very rich and expressive since they can represent commutation between any bunch of events, thus generalizing the principle of true concurrency. While they seem to be very promising - because they make possible the use of techniques from algebraic topology in order to study concurrent computations - they have not yet been precisely related to the previous models, and the purpose of this paper is to fill this gap. In particular, we describe an adjunction between Petri nets and cubical sets which extends the previously known adjunction between Petri nets and asynchronous transition systems by Nielsen and Winskel

    Regular Trace Event Structures

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    We propose trace event structures as a starting point for constructing effective branching time temporal logics in a non-interleaved setting. As a first step towards achieving this goal, we define the notion of a regular trace event structure. We then provide some simple characterizations of this notion of regularity both in terms of recognizable trace languages and in terms of finite 1-safe Petri nets

    A counterexample to Thiagarajan's conjecture on regular event structures

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    We provide a counterexample to a conjecture by Thiagarajan (1996 and 2002) that regular event structures correspond exactly to event structures obtained as unfoldings of finite 1-safe Petri nets. The same counterexample is used to disprove a closely related conjecture by Badouel, Darondeau, and Raoult (1999) that domains of regular event structures with bounded ♼\natural-cliques are recognizable by finite trace automata. Event structures, trace automata, and Petri nets are fundamental models in concurrency theory. There exist nice interpretations of these structures as combinatorial and geometric objects. Namely, from a graph theoretical point of view, the domains of prime event structures correspond exactly to median graphs; from a geometric point of view, these domains are in bijection with CAT(0) cube complexes. A necessary condition for both conjectures to be true is that domains of regular event structures (with bounded ♼\natural-cliques) admit a regular nice labeling. To disprove these conjectures, we describe a regular event domain (with bounded ♼\natural-cliques) that does not admit a regular nice labeling. Our counterexample is derived from an example by Wise (1996 and 2007) of a nonpositively curved square complex whose universal cover is a CAT(0) square complex containing a particular plane with an aperiodic tiling. We prove that other counterexamples to Thiagarajan's conjecture arise from aperiodic 4-way deterministic tile sets of Kari and Papasoglu (1999) and Lukkarila (2009). On the positive side, using breakthrough results by Agol (2013) and Haglund and Wise (2008, 2012) from geometric group theory, we prove that Thiagarajan's conjecture is true for regular event structures whose domains occur as principal filters of hyperbolic CAT(0) cube complexes which are universal covers of finite nonpositively curved cube complexes

    Prediction of radiated electromagnetic emissions from PCB traces based on Green dyadics

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    Because it costs to solve ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) problems late in the development process, new methods have to predict radiated electromagnetic emissions at the design stage. In the case of complex printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) containing embedded microstrips and a large number of nets, a tradeoff between accuracy and simulation time must be found for this evaluation. In this paper the basic algorithm used within a new emissions predictive analysis tool: ElectroMagnetic Interferences Radiated (EMIR) is presented. It is able to take accurately into account the actual cross section between the metal plane and the air for each PCB trace. It is compared to theoretical formulas for validation. The effects of superstrate (cover) on a dipole radiation are describe
