34 research outputs found

    A Multi-Dimensional View Of Socio-Technical Information Systems Research And Technochange

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    Technical change is almost always the catalyst for organization change. Technochange is the use of information technology to drive improvements in organizational performance. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to continue the movement from socio-technical thinking to technochange thinking by analyzing the socio-technical research on information technology projects from different viewpoints. This is accomplished by using a multi-dimensional framework that delivers a fresh research perspective into the information technology, human and organization aspects of technochange. The results are a socio-technochange conceptual frame for the types of statistical analysis employed, the level of analysis conducted, the logical relationships between the causes and the outcomes, and the impact on the organization. This provides a coherent synopsis of the tools and interpretations needed to give us sufficient background to better understand technochange and its relationship to improved organizational performance

    Organizational Informal Structure Influence On Project Success: Social Capital Approach

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    Knowledge sharing and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among project team members are crucial for project success. The IS project team is a temporary organization and has to produce outcomes in a limited time. we investigate how internal and external social capital (SoC) influence knowledge sharing and OCB within a team and how OCB and knowledge sharing affect project success. We also analyze the relationships between the three social capital dimensions. Our investigation will be analyzed using multi-level approach, which can make up for shortcomings of single-level analysis. This research adds to the current body of knowledge by examining the facilitation of knowledge sharing in the organization through informal interaction and citizenship. A statistical testing has not been complete. We will explore both HLM6 and MPLUS for multiple structural equation modeling and introduce a comparative analysis of each set of results. We expect the results of the research can provide project managers with insights on how to encourage project team members to share their knowledge and build teamwork more efficiently

    Antecedents of IT Alignment in Public Sector: Case of E-Syariah Implementation in Malaysia

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    IT alignment has been receiving a considerable attention amongst IS scholars and researchers. Despite the growth of IT alignment literature, further review indicates that most of the studies are carried out in either commercial or entrepreneur-led organizations. In correspondence to a strong call for IT alignment studies to be carried out within the setting of public sector organizations, this study attempts to fulfil the gap by examining antecedents of IT alignment in the context of public sector. Drawing on the previous literature on IT alignment, the effects of five antecedents of IT alignment namely; shared domain knowledge, prior IS implementation success, centralization, formalization and CEO-CIO relationships are examined. It is further argued that high level of IT alignment in government sectors contributes towards the improvement of government’s performance which is represented by improved public service delivery. Using case study on the use of E-Syariah in Malaysian Islamic Judicial System, the researcher finds out that all antecedents except centralization and formalization, have direct and positive impacts towards IT alignment practice in public sector, which consequently improve the delivery of government services to the public

    Analyzing community contributions to the development of community wireless networks

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    Community wireless networks (CWNs) have emerged as collective actions achieved by many communities worldwide to access the information highway. Developing autonomous CWNs depends, in large part, on community contributions that may include time, money, efforts, expertise and computer resources. However, there is a lack of instruments for measuring such contributions, as well as the outcomes of these networks. This study uses the social network analysis analytical approach to model, measure and analyze community contributions in the development of their wireless infrastructures. In particular, we model community contributions as a two-mode (or bipartite) graph composed of two sets of nodes: the first represents a set of community contributors and the other represents a set of wireless networks. The edges between these two sets stand for the inputs of contributors. Their contributions include volunteering time and manpower, sharing their wireless nodes with community members, donating money, donating hardware, providing technical support, and developing open source software for the network. The model is used to analyze these tangible and intangible forms of contributions. We hope this study provides a better understanding and sounder measurement of the role of communities in developing these emerging common wireless infrastructures and similar digital collective actions

    Towards The Internet Of Production – How To Increase Data Sharing For Successful Supply Chain Collaboration

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    Numerous start-ups and now even some major corporates are currently trying to improve visibility and foresight in the manufacturing industry through connected supply chains, or in other words, through increased data sharing. This study strives to support companies in leveraging the potential of increased data sharing in supply chain collaborations. Despite the great potential of digitizing manufacturing and automated data sharing throughout the supply chain, most companies are not yet able or willing to implement this kind of openness. The main reason for this lack of transparency in the supply chain is the high complexity and high cost of the required interfaces. In practice, instead of automated and extensive data sharing, companies exchange spreadsheets and PDFs with minimum information. This study supports companies in the pre-stage before automated data sharing is technically implemented. We find that building trustful relationships is a necessary step towards extended and automated data sharing. Moreover, we find that social capital provides a means to partially compensate for a lack of automation in terms of shortening lead times and dealing with disruptions. Introducing a supply chain collaboration typology and showcasing descriptive and qualitative results for 36 firms, we show how to navigate the frontend of the Internet of Production

    The Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Banking Sector of Southern Punjab, Pakistan

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    The main objective of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between knowledge management practices and organizational performance in the banking sector of districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Target population of the study was all the employees providing customer services of all banks located in the districts of Punjab province of Pakistan. Simple random sampling was used to select an appropriate and truly representative sample. Sample size of this research was 306 and out of 306 questionnaires, 291 were useful for the purpose of this research and hence making our response rate 95%. The reliability of data was tested by Cronbach’s alpha and regression analysis was used for testing of hypotheses. All the hypotheses of the study were accepted which stated that information technology, organizational elements and knowledge have positive relationship with organizational performance and further this relationship was statistically significant. This study has been conducted in the banking industry which bars to generalize the results of this research to other business settings. The findings of this kind of study are possibly useful to decision making bodies within the Banking services and it is also helpful for the government policy makers to develop policies for the better operations of banking sector with the aim of growing banking industry. This study makes a contribution in knowledge management literature by empirically investigating the impact of knowledge management practices on organizational performance

    A practical transition of employees towards information systems adoption: A public service perspective

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    This paper is a case study which studies change management in the pilot study phase of the implementation of an ERP system. This system, when rolled out in its entirety, will affect all parts of the public service and all state departments of an unnamed African country. Amongst the challenges faced is the matrix structure of the public sector, with one department seen as the driver of this change. This wide scope means that particularly skillful change management is required. Nine factors that had previously been identified from research literature on change management, IS adoption models, and different people-centric approaches to change management, that relate specifically to issues concerning the people involved with or affected by the proposed changes, are used as the basis for engaging research participants familiar with the case being studied. This is done in order to verify the relevance of the factors in practice and to show relationships between the factors. The results show that perceptions of change vary widely amongst the people involved and, therefore, inflexible or standardized change management processes are inappropriate. In addition, it is found that where there is a need to implement the system as a modular process, change will be extensive and lengthy and change management practice must take the possibility of change fatigue into account. The organization and the individuals need to be assisted to adapt and accept ongoing change as a norm rather than seeking stable periods after planned disruptions

    Social Capital in University Business Incubators: dimensions, antecedents and outcomes

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    Producción CientíficaWhile many universities around the world have devoted resources to create University Business Incubators (UBIs), the literature has neglected the study of the social capital acquired by the entrepreneurs located in university incubators. The current work analyses how incubator managers can contribute to the development of both incubator and incubatee social capital as well as the influence of social capital to the success of incubatee businesses. The empirical study is based on survey data collected from incubatees on Spanish and Dutch UBIs. The findings reveal that the entrepreneurial profile of the university and the incubator manager proactivity are critical to build a collective social capital amongst the entrepreneurs. Results indicate that the collective social capital foster the individual social capital. However, only entrepreneurs’ relationships with external agents (bridging social capital) are relevant to their businesses whereas internal relationships (bonding social capital) have not a significant effect.Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17)Ministerio de economía, Industria y competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-86628-P

    Latent communities of digital publications: The role of editors, followers, and advertisers

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    Producción CientíficaThis research explores how digital publications may be turned into something more than just a meeting point for people who are seeking information and may become a latent community. The paper proposes that the network of editors, followers, and advertisers of digital publications determine the user sense of community towards the publication. While the pattern of connections among editors and followers reinforces the sense of community, advertisers act as intruders who weaken the feasibility of building a community. Data were collected from followers of digital publications. The dynamics of the sense of community is described as a process in which informational value and identification are essential to nurturing readers’ soft or hard commitment. Findings indicate that the strong ties between editors and followers as well as the diversity positively impacts on informational value and identification, whereas advertising intrusiveness diminishes the informational value.Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA001B10-1)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17