6 research outputs found

    Towards the tipping point of FAIR implementation

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    This article explores the global implementation of the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific management and data stewardship, which provide that data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The implementation of these principles is designed to lead to the stewardship of data as FAIR digital objects and the establishment of the Internet of FAIR Data and Services (IFDS). If implementation reaches a tipping point, IFDS has the potential to revolutionize how data is managed by making machine and human readable data discoverable for reuse. Accordingly, this article examines the expansion of the implementation of FAIR Guiding Principles, especially how and in which geographies (locations) and areas (topic domains) implementation is taking place. A literature review of academic articles published between 2016 and 2019 on the use of FAIR Guiding Principles is presented. The investigation also includes an analysis of the domains in the IFDS Implementation Networks (INs). Its uptake has been mainly in the Western hemisphere. The investigation found that implementation of FAIR Guiding Principles has taken firm hold in the domain of bio and natural sciences. To achieve a tipping point for FAIR implementation, is now time to ensure the inclusion of non-European ascendants and of other scientific domains. Apart from equal opportunity and genuine global partnership issues, a permanent European bias poses challenges with regard to the representativeness and validity of data and could limit the potential of IFDS to reach across continental boundaries. The article concludes that, despite efforts to be inclusive, acceptance of the FAIR Guiding Principles and IFDS in different scientific communities is limited and there is a need to act now to prevent dampening of the momentum in the development and implementation of the IFDS. It is further concluded that policy entrepreneurs and the GO FAIR INs may contribute to making the FAIR Guiding Principles more flexible in including different research epistemologies, especially through its GO CHANGE pillar. LIACS-Managemen

    FAIRifying Clinical Studies Metadata: A Registry for the Biomedical Research.

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    The data produced during a research project are too often collected for the sole purpose of the study, therefore hindering profitable reuse in similar contexts. The growing need to counteract this trend has recently led to the formalization of the FAIR principles that aim to make (meta)data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, for humans and machines. Since their introduction, efforts are ongoing to encourage FAIR principles adoption and to implement solutions based on them. This paper reports on the FAIR-compliant registry we developed to collect and serve metadata describing clinical trials. The design of the registry is based on the FAIR Data Point (FDP) specifications, the state-of-the-art reference for FAIRified metadata sharing. To map the metadata relevant to our use case, we have extended the DCAT-based semantic model of the FDP adopting well-established ontologies in the biomedical and clinical domain, like the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO). Current implementation is based on the Molgenis software and provides both a user interface and a REST API for metadata discovering. At present the registry is being loaded with the metadata of the 18 clinical studies included in the 'I FAIR Program', a project finalised to the dissemination of FAIR best practices among the clinical researchers in Sardinia (Italy). After a testing phase, the registry will be publicly available, while the new model and the source code will be released open source

    Design of a FAIR digital data health infrastructure in Africa for COVID-19 reporting and research

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    The limited volume of COVID-19 data from Africa raises concerns for global genome research, which requires a diversity of genotypes for accurate disease prediction, including on the provenance of the new SARS-CoV-2 mutations. The Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN)-Africa studied the possibility of increasing the production of clinical data, finding concerns about data ownership, and the limited use of health data for quality treatment at point of care. To address this, VODAN Africa developed an architecture to record clinical health data and research data collected on the incidence of COVID-19, producing these as human- and machine-readable data objects in a distributed architecture of locally governed, linked, human- and machine-readable data. This architecture supports analytics at the point of care and-through data visiting, across facilities-for generic analytics. An algorithm was run across FAIR Data Points to visit the distributed data and produce aggregate findings. The FAIR data architecture is deployed in Uganda, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Tunisia.Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Towards the Tipping Point for FAIR Implementation

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    One table and three figures of the paper. Table 1 shows topic domains by continent of FAIR implementation (n=100). Figure 1 shows FAIR implementation by continent (n = 100). Source: Created by authors, Stokmans & Basajja. Note: Europe+ is Europe and other continental geographies, mainly the United States of America Figure 2 shows topic domains of FAIR implementation (n = 100). Source: Created by authors, Stokmans & Basajja (2019). Figure 3 shows FAIR INs active in March 2019 by topic domain (n = 13). Source: Created by authors, Stokmans & Basajja (2019)