9 research outputs found

    Prikaz slobodnog prostora za dvonožne hodajuće robote

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    Motion planning for biped walking robots is a highly demanding task because of the complex kinematics of such machines and the many degrees of freedom involved. One approach to dealing with this problem is to determine a feasible path in a reduced configuration space of the robot and then to perform the motion planning by searching for an appropriate sequence of steps which allows the locomotion along this path. In this work, a novel method for creating a free space representation for biped walking robots is presented. The method rests upon the approximation of the robot by a set of 3D hulls whose shapes allow efficient determination of feasible paths in a 3D configuration space, involving stepping over obstacles and changing the walking level. The robot’s environment is partitioned into two regions. In the first region, 2D motion planning can be performed, while the complexity of 3D motion planning in the second region can be significantly reduced by considering only a restricted set of paths sufficient for solving a wide range of locomotion tasks.Planiranje kretanja dvonožnih hodajućih robota predstavlja iznimno zahtjevan zadatak zbog složenosti kinematike takvih strojeva i velikog broja stupnjeva slobode gibanja. Jedan pristup tom problemu je da se prvo pronađe izvediva staza u reduciranom konfiguracijskom prostoru robota te da se zatim traži odgovarajući niz koraka koji omogućuje kretanje tom stazom. U ovom radu predstavljena je nova metoda stvaranja prikaza slobodnog prostora za dvonožne hodajuće robote. Metoda se temelji na aproksimaciji robota skupom jednostavnih trodimenzionalnih geometrijskih tijela čiji oblici omogućuju učinkovito određivanje izvedivih staza u 3D konfiguracijskom prostoru, koje mogu uključivati prekoračivanje prepreka te prelazak između hodnih površina različitih visina. Okolina robota dijeli se na dva područja. U prvom području može se primijeniti 2D planiranje koraka, dok se složenost 3D planiranja koraka u drugom području može značajno smanjiti tako što se pri planiranju uzima u obzir samo jedan reducirani skup staza, koji je pak dostatan za rješavanje velikog broja praktičnih zadataka

    Linear inverted pendulum model and swing leg dynamics in biped robot walking trajectory generation

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    Expectations of people and researchers from robotics have changed in the last four decades. Although robots are used to play their roles in the industrial environment, they are anticipated to meet social demands of people in daily life. Therefore, the interest in humanoid robotics has been increasing day by day. Their use for elderly care, human assistance, rescue, hospital attendance and many other purposes is suggested due to their adaptability and human like structure. Biped reference trajectory generation is a challenging task as well as control owing to the instability trend, non-linear robot dynamics and high number of degrees of freedom. Hence, the generated reference trajectories have to be followed with minimum control interference. Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) is used to meet this demand which assumes the body as a falling point mass connected to the ground with a massless rod. The Zero Moment Point (ZMP) is a stability criterion for legged robots which provides a more powerful, stable reference generation. With the assistance of this methodology, advanced Linear Inverted Pendulum Models are implemented. This thesis aims to improve the applicability of the versatile and computationally effective LIPM based reference generation approach for the robots with heavy legs. It proposes a swing-leg gravity compensation technique based on a two-mass linear inverted pendulum model which is simulated on a discrete state space model. LIPM modeling is implemented by switching between one-mass and two-mass models during double support and single support phases, respectively. The joint trajectories are then obtained by inverse kinematics and PID controllers are employed independently at joint level for locomotion. The effectiveness of the generated reference trajectories is verified by simulation. The reference generation and control algorithm is tested with a 3-D full dynamic simulator on the model of a 12 DOF biped robot. Results indicate better performance of the one-mass-twomass switching LIPM over the one-mass LIPM

    A humanoid robot pushing model inspired by human motion

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    This thesis explores an observed method used by humans when pushing a large object of unknown mass. Body motion and reaction forces are analyzed for feet-apart pushing with varying stance length. It is found that, via articulation of the waist, a human will push their static zero-moment point (ZMP) as far forward as possible prior to pushing. Along with an extended back leg, this provides a larger support region in which the ZMP can move before stability is lost. Using this motion, the subject can produce a larger force than if the waist is constrained. Further, in this stance the subject is stable without object contact and can exert a range of forces by controlling mass distribution at the feet. For this increases in force exertion and stability, a linearized double inverted pendulum model with a feet-apart stance is proposed for use in the humanoid robot pushing of an unknown mass. Using the human pushing data and our humanoid, HUBO+, the advantage of this model and the added degree of freedom is shown against the commonly used single inverted pendulum model for humanoid robot pushing.M.S., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    Walking trajectory generation & control of the humanoid robot: suralp

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    In recent years, the operational area of the robots started to extend and new functionalities are planned for them in our daily environments. As the human-robot interaction is being improved, the robots can provide support in elderly care, human assistance, rescue, hospital attendance and many other areas. With this motivation, an intensive research is focused around humanoid robotics in the last four decades. However, due to the nonlinear dynamics of the robot and high number of degrees of freedom, the robust balance of the bipedal walk is a challenging task. Smooth trajectory generation and online compensation methods are necessary to achieve a stable walk. In this thesis, Cartesian foot position references are generated as periodic functions with respect to a body-fixed coordinate frame. The online adjustment of these parameterized trajectories provides an opportunity in tuning the walking parameters without stopping the robot. The major contribution of this thesis in the context of trajectory generation is the smoothening of the foot trajectories and the introduction of ground push motion in the vertical direction. This pushing motion provided a dramatic improvement in the stability of the walking. Even though smooth foot reference trajectories are generated using the parameter based functions, the realization of a dynamically stable walk and maintenance of the robot balance requires walking control algorithms. This thesis introduces various control techniques to cope with disturbances or unevenness of the walking environment and compensate the mismatches between the planned and the actual walking based on sensory feedback. Moreover, an automatic homing procedure is proposed for the adjustment of the initial posture before the walking experiments. The presented control algorithms include ZMP regulation, foot orientation control, trunk orientation control, foot pitch torque difference compensation, body pitch angle correction, ground impact compensation and early landing modification. The effectiveness of the proposed trajectory generation and walking control algorithms is tested on the humanoid robot SURALP and a stable walk is achieved

    RoboCup@Home: commanding a service robot by natural language.

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    It was in the ancient Greece that myths were written and, among already there one could nd the human desire of robotic servants. It was Hephaestus, god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen and artisans who is said to have built robots to help him on his workshop. This show how deep in our thoughts was this desire that one could nd stories and tales of human-shaped machines that danced in china or inanimate materials like mud that gave shape to golems in Jewish tradition. In the renaissance, a lot of automata began to arise, beginning by Leonardo Da Vinci to the artisans from China and Japan, mankind was trying to produce automatic machines, sometimes for their own bene t, some other times to their delight and fascination. But it wasn't until the digital era that the dream began to seem feasible. After millennia of wondering of automated robots, computers showed that automatic calculus was possible and from this, ideas of an automated mind arose. Theories for cognitive architectures are born since the early stages of arti cial intelligence, cognitive architectures that now are a reality. Thanks to the technological advances and the knowledge about the mind, what once was material for ctional tales, now is feasible and only matter of time. There is a lot of research on robotics and cognition that is beginning to get coupled into what are called "service robots". In this thesis, I present a system that participates in a competition designed for this kind of robots. A competition that have on its basis the same dream that humans have had all around the world for centuries: the cohabitation of humans and service automatons

    Bipedal humanoid robot control by fuzzy adjustment of the reference walking plane

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    The two-legged humanoid structure has advantages for an assistive robot in the human living and working environment. A bipedal humanoid robot can avoid typical obstacles at homes and offices, reach consoles and appliances designed for human use and can be carried in human transport vehicles. Also, it is speculated that the absorption of robots in the human shape into the human society can be easier than that of other artificial forms. However, the control of bipedal walk is a challenge. Walking performance on solely even floor is not satisfactory. The complications of obtaining a balanced walk are dramatically more pronounced on uneven surfaces like inclined planes, which are quite commonly encountered in human surroundings. The difficulties lie in a variety of tasks ranging from sensor and data fusion to the design of adaptation systems which respond to changing surface conditions. This thesis presents a study on bipedal walk on inclined planes with changing slopes. A Zero Moment Point (ZMP) based gait synthesis technique is employed. The pitch angle reference for the foot sole plane −as expressed in a coordinate frame attached at the robot body − is adjusted online by a fuzzy logic system to adapt to different walking surface slopes. Average ankle pitch torques and the average value of the body pitch angle, computed over a history of a predetermined number of sampling instants, are used as the inputs to this system. The proposed control method is tested via walking experiments with the 29 degreesof- freedom (DOF) human-sized full-body humanoid robot SURALP (Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform). Experiments are performed on even floor and inclined planes with different slopes. The results indicate that the approach presented is successful in enabling the robot to stably enter, ascend and leave inclined planes with 15 percent (8.5 degrees) grade. The thesis starts with a terminology section on bipedal walking and introduces a number of successful humanoid robot projects. A survey of control techniques for the walk on uneven surfaces is presented. The design and construction of the experimental robotic platform SURALP is discussed with the mechanical, electronic, walking reference generation and control aspects. The fuzzy reference adjustment system proposed for the walk on inclined planes is detailed and experimental results are presented

    Study on biped walking vehicle

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2247号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2006/3/24 ; 早大学位記番号:新426

    Study on biped foot systems and controls adaptable to various terrains

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2842号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2009/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新506