9 research outputs found

    Proscriptive Bayesian Programming Application for Collision Avoidance

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    Evolve safely in an unchanged environment and possibly following an optimal trajectory is one big challenge presented by situated robotics research field. Collision avoidance is a basic security requirement and this paper proposes a solution based on a probabilistic approach called Bayesian Programming. This approach aims to deal with the uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness of the information handled. Some examples illustrate the process of embodying the programmer preliminary knowledge into a Bayesian program and experimental results of these examples implementation in an electrical vehicle are described and commented. Some videos illustrating these experiments can be found at http://www-laplace.imag.fr

    Obstacle Avoidance and Proscriptive Bayesian Programming

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    Unexpected events and not modeled properties of the robot environment are some of the challenges presented by situated robotics research field. Collision avoidance is a basic security requirement and this paper proposes a probabilistic approach called Bayesian Programming, which aims to deal with the uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness of the information handled to solve the obstacle avoidance problem. Some examples illustrate the process of embodying the programmer preliminary knowledge into a Bayesian program and experimental results of these examples implementation in an electrical vehicle are described and commented. A video illustration of the developed experiments can be found at http://www.inrialpes.fr/sharp/pub/laplac

    An Autonomous Car-Like Robot Navigating Safely Among Pedestrians

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    voir basilic : http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2004/PHKBBL04/ address: New Orleans, LA (US)The recent development of a new kind of public transporlation system relies on a particular douhlesteering kinematic structure enhancing maneuverability in clulteml environments such as downtown areas. We call bi-steerable car a vehicle showing this kind of kinematics. Endowed with autonomy Capacities, the hi-steerahle car ought to combine suitably and safely a se1 of abilities: simultaneous localisation and environment modelling, motion planning and motion execution amidst moderately dynamic obstacles. In this paper we address the integration of these four essential autonomy abilities into a single application. Specifically, we aim at reactive execution of planned motion. We address the fusion of controls issued from the control law and the obstacle avoidance module using prohahilistic techniques

    An Interpolated Dynamic Navigation Function

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    The E-star algorithm is a path planning method capable of dynamic replanning and user-configurable path cost interpolation. It calculates a navigation function as a sampling of an underlying smooth goal distance that takes into account a continuous notion of risk that can be controlled in a fine-grained manner. E-star results in more appropriate paths during gradient descent. Dynamic replanning means that changes in the environment model can be repaired to avoid the expenses of complete replanning. This helps compensating for the increased computational effort required for interpolation. We present the theoretical basis and a working implementation, as well as measurements of the algorithm\'s precision, topological correctness, and computational effort

    Advances in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and application. This book brings together many different aspects of the current research on several fields associated to RL which has been growing rapidly, producing a wide variety of learning algorithms for different applications. Based on 24 Chapters, it covers a very broad variety of topics in RL and their application in autonomous systems. A set of chapters in this book provide a general overview of RL while other chapters focus mostly on the applications of RL paradigms: Game Theory, Multi-Agent Theory, Robotic, Networking Technologies, Vehicular Navigation, Medicine and Industrial Logistic