3 research outputs found

    Towards perfectly matching layers for lattice Boltzmann equation

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    International audienceFollowing the efficient technique of Bérenger in classical computational fluid dynamics methods to avoid reflection of sound waves on the boundaries of the computational domain, we propose a new LBE scheme that behaves like a Bérenger medium for absorbing waves without reflection. This model is presented and its\textquotesingle properties are discussed using the method of "equivalent equations". We also proposed a general method to introduce zero-order damping terms in Boltzmann schemes that are used to absorb the waves propagating in the Bérenger medium. Results of the simulation are discussed with theoretical interpretation in the case of waves incoming normal to the interface. We shall also show that the reflection of sound waves can be reduced simply by changing the "advection step" of the lattice Boltzmann algorithm on the nodes close to the interface. \textcopyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Review of Boundary Conditions and Investigation Towards the Development of a Growth Model: a Lattice Boltzmann Method Approach

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    El mètode de Lattice Boltzmann (LBM) es una tècnica computacional de simulació dinàmica de fluids que esta guanyant popularitat degut a les seves propietats inherents: pot treballar amb geometries complexes amb relativa facilitat, es fàcil de implementar computacionalment i pot ser utilitzat de forma efectiva amb eines de alta paralel·lització computacional. Tot i això el mètode encara no està totalment establert en la comunitat cientifica degut a la seva relativa primerenca aparició. Un conegut tòpic que està sota investigació activa és el desenvolupament de condicions de frontera efectives, especialment les no-reflexives. Podem trobar a la literatura diverses propostes de condicions de frontera no-reflexives per LBM. Tot i això, no hi ha massa investigació empresa sobre el impacte físic de utilitzar una condició de frontera reflexiva o no-reflexiva més enllà dels tests de condició de frontera. Per altra banda, el LBM també és capaç de recuperar la equació de transport de advecció-difusió utilitzant un escalar passiu. L'estudi de les plaquetes en la sang és un estudi molt actiu, i una de les tècniques utilitzades en LBM per modelitzar-ne el seu transport es a través de un escalar passiu. Les plaquetes son una peça clau en la coagulacio, que pot arribar a taponar una artèria quan la coagulació passa en una arteria amb arterioesclerosis severa. Les plaquetes també experimenten un moviment lateral cap a les parets, anomenada marginació, que augmenta de forma natural la seva capacitat de coagulació. La memòria de la tesi consisteix en dues parts distingides. Primerament, es presenten els resultats d'un estudi paramètric per analitzar el impacte físic de les reflexions artificials que es produeixen en un flux que passa per un obstacle dins d'un canal. En segon lloc, es desenvolupa un model de transport per a les plaquetes basat en la tècnica de la doble funció de distribució en LBM, es reprodueix el procés de la marginació i es prepara un grup de eines per a desenvolupar un model de creixement que pugui reproduir un episodi de trombosis en una artèria coronaria.l método lattice Boltzmann (LBM) es una técnica de computación dinámica de fluidos (CFD) que está ganando popularidad rápidamente debido a sus inherentes propiedades: trata formas geometricas con relativa facilidad, es computacionalmente fácil de implementar y se puede usar con herramientas de paralelización de forma eficaz. No obstante, este método no está enteramente establecido en la comunidad científica debido a su relativa temprana aparición. Un tema común que aún se encuentra en investigación activa es el estudio y desarrollo de condiciones de frontera efectivas, en especial las no-reflexivas. Se puede encontrat en la literatura varias propuestas de condiciones de frontera no-reflexivas, pero no hay mucha investigación hecha sobre el impacto físico que se genera al condiciones de frontera reflexivas o no-reflexivas mas allá de los test para las condiciones de frontera. Por otra parte, el método de lattice Boltzmann también puede desarrollar simulaciones basadas en la equación de advección-diffusion usando un escalar pasivo. Una temática muy activa que considera esta técnica es el transporte de las plaquetas en la sangre. Ellas son la clave del proceso de coagulación, pueden llegar a taponar una arteria que tenga arterioesclerosis severa. Adicionalmente, las plaquetas presentan un desplazamento lateral espontáneo, llamado marginación, y generan un exceso de concentración de plaquetas cerca de las paredes de la arteria. El reporte de la tesis consiste en dos partes diferenciadas. Primero se presenta un estudio parametrico en el cual se analiza y caracteriza el impacto the las reflexiones producidas en un flujo en un canal con un obstáculo en el medio. Después, se desarrolla un modelo de plaquetas basado en la doble dfunción de distribución y reproducimos el efecto de marginación de las plaquetas. Adicionalmente preparamos un conjunto de herramientas computacionals para desarrollar un modelo de crecimiento que se asemeje a un episodio de trombosis en una arteria coronaria.The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a computational fluid dynamics technique that is rapidly earning popularity due to its inherent properties: it deals with complex geometries with relative ease, it is computationally easy to implement and it can be effectively used with massive parallel computing tools. However, the method is still not entirely established in the scientific community due to its relatively early appearance. One known topic that is still under active research are the study and development of effective boundary conditions, specially non-reflecting ones. We can find on the literature several proposals of non-reflective boundary conditions for LBM. However, there is not much conducted research about the physical impact of using a reflective or a non-reflective approach on a simulation beyond the boundary tests. On the other hand, the LBM is also capable to able to hold the advection-diffusion transport equation by means of a passive scalar. One very active topic is the study of the blood platelet transport. Platelets are the cornerstone of the coagulation and this latter phenomenon can occlude an artery when platelets are activated in an atherosclerotic artery, which is called thrombosis. Platelets also experiment a spontaneous migration, called margination, to the walls that naturally enhance their performance. The thesis report consists on two distinct parts. Firstly, we present the results of a parametric study to analyze the physical impact of the spurious reflections that occur on a flow past a square obstacle in a confined channel. Secondly, we develop a transport model for platelets in the LBM based on the double distribution technique and we reproduce the margination of platelets and we prepare a set of tools to develop a growth model to resemble a thrombosis event in a coronary artery

    Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Wind Energy Analysis

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    An estimate of the United States wind potential conducted in 2011 found that the energy available at an altitude of 80 meters is approximately triple the wind energy available 50 meters above ground. In 2012, 43% of all new electricity generation installed in the U.S. (13.1 GW) came from wind power. The majority of this power, 79%, comes from large utility scale turbines that are being manufactured at unprecedented sizes. Existing wind plants operate with a capacity factor of only approximately 30%. Measurements have shown that the turbulent wake of a turbine persists for many rotor diameters, inducing increased vibration and wear on downwind turbines. Power losses can be as high as 20-30% in operating wind plants, due solely to complex wake interactions occurring in wind plant arrays. It is my objective to accurately predict the generation and interaction of turbine wakes and their interaction with downwind turbines and topology by means of numerical simulation with high-performance parallel computer systems. Numerical simulation is already utilized to plan wind plant layouts. However, available computational tools employ severe geometric simplifications to model wake interactions and are geared to providing rough estimates on desktop PCs. A three dimensional simulation tool designed for modern parallel computers based upon lattice Boltzmann methods for fluid-dynamics, a general six-degree-of-freedom motion solver, and foundational beam solvers has been proposed to meet this simulation need. In this text, the software development, verification, and validation are detailed. Fundamental computational fluid dynamics issues of boundary conditions and turbulence modeling are examined through classic cases (Cavity, Jeffery-Hammel, Kelvin-Helmholtz, Pressure wave, Vorticity wave, Backward facing step, Cylinder in cross-flow, Airfoils, Tandem cylinders, and Turbulent flow over a hill) to asses the accuracy and computational cost of developed alternatives. Simulations of canonical motion (falling beam), fluid-structure-interaction cases (Hinged wing and Flexible pendulum), and realistic horizontal axis wind turbine geometries (Vestas v27, NREL 5MW, and MEXICO) are validated against benchmarks and experiments. Results from simulations of the three turbine array at the Scaled Wind Farm Test facility are presented for two steady wind conditions