6 research outputs found

    Collective intelligence within web video

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    Video Pulses: User-Based Modeling of Interesting Video Segments

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    We present a user-based method that detects regions of interest within a video in order to provide video skims and video summaries. Previous research in video retrieval has focused on content-based techniques, such as pattern recognition algorithms that attempt to understand the low-level features of a video. We are proposing a pulse modeling method, which makes sense of a web video by analyzing users' Replay interactions with the video player. In particular, we have modeled the user information seeking behavior as a time series and the semantic regions as a discrete pulse of fixed width. Then, we have calculated the correlation coefficient between the dynamically detected pulses at the local maximums of the user activity signal and the pulse of reference. We have found that users' Replay activity significantly matches the important segments in information-rich and visually complex videos, such as lecture, how-to, and documentary. The proposed signal processing of user activity is complementary to previous work in content-based video retrieval and provides an additional user-based dimension for modeling the semantics of a social video on the web

    La planificación de medios y la fragmentación de audiencias. Incidencia de la televisión a la carta en la evolución del Prime Time en España

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    L'objectiu fonamental de la present tesi doctoral és analitzar l'impacte de la televisió a la carta en les audiències del prime time a Espanya i, per extensió, a la planificació de mitjans. L'aparició de diferents cadenes de televisió al llarg dels últims anys ha suposat una fragmentació de les audiències en funció de l'oferta televisiva i dels gustos particulars de cada individu entre l'audiència, que ha arribat a la màxima expressió des del moment en què els espectadors poden triar el contingut que desitgin, en el moment que prefereixin. El catalitzador d'aquesta evolució en el consum de la televisió és la tecnologia en general i internet en concret, que de forma conjunta ofereixen els dispositius necessaris perquè el consumidor de contingut audiovisual pugui accedir a ells de la forma més ràpida i còmoda. La rellevància d'aquesta recerca per a la planificació de mitjans resideix que aquesta és una de les fases ja no només més importants del procés publicitari, sinó a la qual es destina la major part del pressupost d'una campanya publicitària, i les audiències representen, per a la majoria de les cadenes actuals, la seva principal font d'ingrés. La recerca es recolza en importants elements quantitatius com l'anàlisi de les audiències aconseguides pels principals programes en la televisió a Espanya entre els anys 2002 i 2016, i es complementa amb valoracions qualitatives rellevants que inclou les aportacions de professionals que representen a les principals empreses del sector.El objetivo fundamental de la presente tesis doctoral es analizar el impacto de la televisión a la carta en las audiencias del prime time en España y, por extensión, en la planificación de medios. La aparición de distintas cadenas de televisión a lo largo de los últimos años ha supuesto una fragmentación de las audiencias en función de la oferta televisiva y de los gustos particulares de cada individuo entre la audiencia, que ha llegado a la máxima expresión desde el momento en que los espectadores pueden elegir el contenido que deseen, en el momento que prefieran. El catalizador de esta evolución en el consumo de la televisión es la tecnología en general e internet en concreto, que de forma conjunta ofrecen los dispositivos necesarios para que el consumidor de contenido audiovisual pueda acceder a ellos de la forma más rápida y cómoda. La relevancia de esta investigación para la planificación de medios reside en que ésta es una de las fases ya no sólo más importantes del proceso publicitario, sino a la que se destina la mayor parte del presupuesto de una campaña publicitaria, y las audiencias representan, para la mayoría de las cadenas actuales, su principal fuente de ingreso. La investigación se apoya en importantes elementos cuantitativos como el análisis de las audiencias conseguidas por los principales programas en la televisión en España entre los años 2002 y 2016, y se complementa con valoraciones cualitativas relevantes que incluye las aportaciones de profesionales que representan a las principales empresas del sector.The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to analyze the impact of the video on demand in the prime time’s audiences in Spain and, by extension, in the media planning. The appearance of different television channels over the last few years has led to a fragmentation of the audience in terms of the television offer and the particular interests of each individual among the audience, which has reached the maximum expression since the moment that the viewers can choose the content that they want, whenever they prefer. The catalyst for this evolution in the television consumption is the technology in general and internet in particular, which together offer the necessary devices so that the consumer of audiovisual content can access them in the fastest and most comfortable way. The relevance of this research for media planning is that it is one of the stages not only more important in the advertising process, but also the one that allocates most of the budget of an advertising campaign, and the audiences represent, for most of the current channels, its main source of income. The research is supported by important quantitative elements such as the analysis of the audiences obtained by the main television programs in Spain between the years 2002 and 2016, and it is complemented with relevant qualitative evaluations that include the contributions of professionals who represent the main companies of the sector

    Future of interactive technologies

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    The concept of interactivity continuously enhances our day-to-day living, allowing us to experience a more convenient and enjoyable life style. Existing analogue technologies such as the internet, mobile phone and satellite have now entered their digital phase, making it possible to increase their capacity for interactivity. The technologies which provide this increased interactivity, namely the internet, mobile and television, are classed as interactive technologies. Television has been successful at marketing, having launched an interactivity interface known as iTV which initially offered superior commercial prospects. However, after a decade, the iTV industry is still quite young and has not reached its full potential. This thesis adopts a range of research methodology with which to forecast the future of interactive technologies, especially interactive TV (iTV). The uptake of new interactive technologies depends on many factors, notably the existing infrastructure in the country of adoption, cultural attitudes to new technology, the radicalism of the technology, social influences and interactions and ease of use, quality and cost. Beyond these, many other significant factors influence the acceptance of interactive technologies, the focus of this thesis is to ascertain the importance of those factors mentioned on technology adoption. This study has adopted technological and judgemental forecasting techniques to predict the future of interactive technologies, following which Cross- Cultural and Technology Acceptance studies were carried out to investigate interactive technology adoption. In the Cross-Cultural study, survey data were collected from the UK, Hong Kong and Pakistan so as to examine cultural factors pertaining to the likelihood of adoption, while Growth Curves were used to model and forecast future levels of adoption. Then technology trends in different countries were collected from the global marketing database Euromonitor. The Growth Curves, applied to a selection of interactive technologies, were evaluated and compared to identify the most useful model with which to forecast the future of interactive technologies. The findings identified the Bass Model, Simple Logistic Model and Gompertz Model as the most suitable models for the purpose, with different models identified as best for different cultures. The Judgemental study established that WWW will be the dominant service provider for financial services such as banking or financial products, while iTV will be the dominant service provider for entertainment. WWW will in fact be the dominant provider for most of the services, followed by iTV and then WAP. It is most likely that WWW, WAP and iTV will exhibit technology convergence in 20 years' time and in all probability will converge into WWW. Further to this the Cross-Cultural study confirmed that there are significant differences between cultures regarding the acceptance of interactive technologies, as it is affected by demographic and social interactions and influences. In addition, the study showed that each interactive technology has its own significant elements which influence its acceptance. Overall, the key elements identified as influencing acceptance of interactive technologies were Knowledge and Confidence, followed by the number of hours the individual spends with his or her family. The Technology Acceptance study identified a technology acceptance model for each interactive technology: WWW, WAP and iTV, which established the factors expected to influence the future growth of the technology. Managing these significant elements will assist further in promoting the growth of interactive technologiesEThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Future of Interactive technologies

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    The concept of interactivity continuously enhances our day-to-day living, allowing us to experience a more convenient and enjoyable life style. Existing analogue technologies such as the internet, mobile phone and satellite have now entered their digital phase, making it possible to increase their capacity for interactivity. The technologies which provide this increased interactivity, namely the internet, mobile and television, are classed as interactive technologies. Television has been successful at marketing, having launched an interactivity interface known as iTV which initially offered superior commercial prospects. However, after a decade, the iTV industry is still quite young and has not reached its full potential.This thesis adopts a range of research methodology with which to forecast the future of interactive technologies, especially interactive TV (iTV). The uptake of new interactive technologies depends on many factors, notably the existing infrastructure in the country of adoption, cultural attitudes to new technology, the radicalism of the technology, social influences and interactions and ease of use, quality and cost. Beyond these, many other significant factors influence the acceptance of interactive technologies, the focus of this thesis is to ascertain the importance of those factors mentioned on technology adoption.This study has adopted technological and judgemental forecasting techniques to predict the future of interactive technologies, following which Cross- Cultural and Technology Acceptance studies were carried out to investigate interactive technology adoption. In the Cross-Cultural study, survey data were collected from the UK, Hong Kong and Pakistan so as to examine cultural factors pertaining to the likelihood of adoption, while Growth Curves were used to model and forecast future levels of adoption. Then technology trends in different countries were collected from the global marketing database Euromonitor. The Growth Curves, applied to a selection of interactive technologies, were evaluated and compared to identify the most useful model with which to forecast the future of interactive technologies. The findings identified the Bass Model, Simple Logistic Model and Gompertz Model as the most suitable models for the purpose, with different models identified as best for different cultures.The Judgemental study established that WWW will be the dominant service provider for financial services such as banking or financial products, while iTV will be the dominant service provider for entertainment. WWW will in fact be the dominant provider for most of the services, followed by iTV and then WAP. It is most likely that WWW, WAP and iTV will exhibit technology convergence in 20 years’ time and in all probability will converge into WWW.Further to this the Cross-Cultural study confirmed that there are significant differences between cultures regarding the acceptance of interactive technologies, as it is affected by demographic and social interactions and influences. In addition, the study showed that each interactive technology has its own significant elements which influence its acceptance. Overall, the key elements identified as influencing acceptance of interactive technologies were Knowledge and Confidence, followed by the number of hours the individual spends with his or her family. The Technology Acceptance study identified a technology acceptance model for each interactive technology: WWW, WAP and iTV, which established the factors expected to influence the future growth of the technology. Managing these significant elements will assist further in promoting the growth of interactive technologies