1,454 research outputs found

    TRIPS and the WTO An Uneasy Marriage

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    Establishing the design knowledge for emerging interaction platforms

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    While awaiting a variety of innovative interactive products and services to appear in the market in the near future such as interactive tabletops, interactive TVs, public multi-touch walls, and other embedded appliances, this paper calls for preparation for the arrival of such interactive platforms based on their interactivity. We advocate studying, understanding and establishing the foundation for interaction characteristics and affordances and design implications for these platforms which we know will soon emerge and penetrate our everyday lives. We review some of the archetypal interaction platform categories of the future and highlight the current status of the design knowledge-base accumulated to date and the current rate of growth for each of these. We use example designs illustrating design issues and considerations based on the authors’ 12-year experience in pioneering novel applications in various forms and styles

    Competition, Consumer Welfare, and the Social Cost of Monopoly

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    Conventional deadweight loss measures of the social cost of monopoly ignore, among other things, the social cost of inducing competition and thus cannot accurately capture the loss in social welfare. In this Article, we suggest an alternative method of measuring the social cost of monopoly. Using elements of general equilibrium theory, we propose a social cost metric where the benchmark is the Pareto optimal state of the economy that uses the least amount of resources, consistent with consumers' utility levels in the monopolized state. If the primary goal of antitrust policy is the enhancement of consumer welfare, then the proper benchmark is Pareto optimality, not simply competitive markets. We discuss the implications of our approach for antitrust law as well as how our methodology can be used in practice for allegations of monopoly power given a history of price-demand observations.Monopoly power, Antitrust economics, Applied general equilibrium

    Fostering energy awareness in residential homes using mobile devices

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    There is considerable global effort being made towards identifying ways of reducing energy consumption to cope with growing demands. Although there is potential for energy saving in many sectors, our focus is on reducing energy consumption in residential homes. We have developed a system which combines home automation and energy usage monitoring technologies. The system offers a range of tools designed for mobile devices to assist users with monitoring their energy usage and provides mechanisms for setting up and controlling home appliances to conserve energy. In this paper we describe our system and a user study we have conducted to evaluate its effectiveness. The findings of the study show the potential benefits of this type of mobile technology

    EFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing

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    There is an abundant expansion in the race of technology, specifically in the production of data, because of the smart devices, such as mobile phones, smart cards, sensors, and Internet of Things (IoT). Smart phones and devices have undergone an enormous evolution in a way that they can be used. More and more new applications, such as face recognition, augmented reality, online interactive gaming, and natural language processing are emerging and attracting the users. Such applications are generally data intensive or compute intensive, which demands high resource and energy consumption. Mobile devices are known for the resource scarcity, having limited computational power and battery life. The tension between compute/data intensive application and resource constrained mobile devices hinders the successful adaption of emerging paradigms. In the said perspective, the objective of this paper is to study the role of computation offloading in mobile cloud computing to supplement mobile platforms ability in executing complex applications. This paper proposes a systematic approach (EFFORT) for offload communication in the cloud. The proposed approach provides a promising solution to partially solve energy consumption issue for communication-intensive applications in a smartphone. The experimental study shows that our proposed approach outperforms its counterparts in terms of energy consumption and fast processing of smartphone devices. The battery consumption was reduced to 19% and the data usage was reduced to 16%

    The 3DMA Middleware for Mobile Applications

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    Mobile devices have received much research interest in re- cent years. Mobility raises new issues such as more dynamic context, limited computing resources, and frequent disconnections. To handle these issues, we propose a middleware, called 3DMA, which introduces three requirements, 1) distribution, 2) decoupling and 3) decomposition. 3DMA uses a space based middleware approach combined with a set of workers which are able to act on the users behalf either to reduce load on the mobile device, or to support disconnected behavior. In order to demonstrate aspects of the middleware architecture we consider the development of a commonly used mobile application

    Rapid prototyping and fast user trial of multimedia broadcast and cellular services

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    This paper presents the results of fast user trial of multimedia services that are enabled when a mobile terminal has access to converged services over digital broadcast and mobile telecommunications networks. It first describes the motivations behind developing this system and describes the service scenarios that benefit most from it. It then provides an overview of the service components of the test case scenario. Finally, it presents the results of fast user trials on end users of the services that were developed. This work was conducted as part of the EU-funded CISMUNDUS project

    Comparison Of Apple\u27s Ios 5 And Android For Mobile Applications Development: A Developer\u27s Perspective

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    Body composition, or the proportion of fat, muscle, and bone of an individual\u27s body, is an important indication of health status. Numerous techniques can be used to assess body composition, producing varied results and measurements. For individuals with insufficient or excessive amounts of body fat, accurate assessment of body composition is crucial. Two commonly used techniques for measuring body composition are air displacement plethysmography (adp) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (dxa). Past research has been conducted, comparing adp and dxa, but the results are inconsistent. The majority of past studies found that, when compared to dxa, adp underestimated body fat percentage, but a few studies found that adp overestimated body fat percentage. Additionally, majority of the past studies have focused on ideal weight, overweight, and obese adults, with little research on body composition of athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether body fat percentages obtained by adp and dxa statistically differ from one another, specifically in a lean population. Ninety-three collegiate student athletes participating in Division I NCAA sports participated in the study. Subjects underwent a bod pod and dxa scan, measuring their body composition. Body fat measures were then analyzed using spss. Paired-sample t-tests were conducted, comparing body fat percentage estimates from adp and dxa. Box plots and bland-altman plots were also created to display data. Results shothat body fat percentages obtained by adp were significantly lower than body fat percentages obtained by dxa, with the difference being greater in leaner individuals. These results are consistent with the majority of past research, which states that adp underestimates body fat percentage when compared to dxa. Clinicians should consider this discrepancy between adp and dxa for deciding which equipment to use when making clinical decions regarding student athletes\u27 health or participation status