84,350 research outputs found

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    Evolutionary intelligent agents for e-commerce: Generic preference detection with feature analysis

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    Product recommendation and preference tracking systems have been adopted extensively in e-commerce businesses. However, the heterogeneity of product attributes results in undesired impediment for an efficient yet personalized e-commerce product brokering. Amid the assortment of product attributes, there are some intrinsic generic attributes having significant relation to a customer’s generic preference. This paper proposes a novel approach in the detection of generic product attributes through feature analysis. The objective is to provide an insight to the understanding of customers’ generic preference. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm is used to find the suitable feature weight set, hence reducing the rate of misclassification. A prototype has been implemented and the experimental results are promising

    Current Challenges and Visions in Music Recommender Systems Research

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    Music recommender systems (MRS) have experienced a boom in recent years, thanks to the emergence and success of online streaming services, which nowadays make available almost all music in the world at the user's fingertip. While today's MRS considerably help users to find interesting music in these huge catalogs, MRS research is still facing substantial challenges. In particular when it comes to build, incorporate, and evaluate recommendation strategies that integrate information beyond simple user--item interactions or content-based descriptors, but dig deep into the very essence of listener needs, preferences, and intentions, MRS research becomes a big endeavor and related publications quite sparse. The purpose of this trends and survey article is twofold. We first identify and shed light on what we believe are the most pressing challenges MRS research is facing, from both academic and industry perspectives. We review the state of the art towards solving these challenges and discuss its limitations. Second, we detail possible future directions and visions we contemplate for the further evolution of the field. The article should therefore serve two purposes: giving the interested reader an overview of current challenges in MRS research and providing guidance for young researchers by identifying interesting, yet under-researched, directions in the field

    Flavour Enhanced Food Recommendation

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    We propose a mechanism to use the features of flavour to enhance the quality of food recommendations. An empirical method to determine the flavour of food is incorporated into a recommendation engine based on major gustatory nerves. Such a system has advantages of suggesting food items that the user is more likely to enjoy based upon matching with their flavour profile through use of the taste biological domain knowledge. This preliminary intends to spark more robust mechanisms by which flavour of food is taken into consideration as a major feature set into food recommendation systems. Our long term vision is to integrate this with health factors to recommend healthy and tasty food to users to enhance quality of life.Comment: In Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management, Nice, France, October 21, 2019, MADiMa 2019, 6 page

    Integrated Road Safety Approach Towards Safer Road in Indonesia

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    Safer road is a global issue in the world. Regarding road conditions, traffic conditions, and accident rate in developing countries, including Indonesia, safer road is crucial. Furthermore, the problem is worse because of a number of reasons i.e. data of road geometric, road pavement surface, road furniture conditions, and traffic accident are not well recorded, difference available recorded data among institutions, and beginning level of intelligent transportation systems implementation. Moreover, to reach safer road, all stakeholders involved (road authorities, industries, experts, road users) should work together. In order to reach integrated road safety approach, the aims of this study are to determine steps to decrease number and severity of traffic accident before, during, and after accident occur, and then to recommend road safety scheme towards safer road in Indonesia. Sustainable and consistent implementation of steps and road safety scheme leads to significant improvement of safer road in Indonesia. Keywords: safer road, accident rate, traffic accident, traffic condition Jalan berkeselamatan merupakan isu global di dunia. Terkait dengan kondisi jalan, kondisi lalu lintas, dan tingkat kecelakaan di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk di Indonesia, jalan yang lebih aman sangat penting. Selain itu permasalahan lebih diperburuk oleh beberapa alasan, yaitu data geometrik jalan, kondisi permukaan perkerasan jalan, kondisi perlengkapan jalan, data kecelakaan lalulintas yang tidak tercatat dengan baik, perbedaan data yang tercatat di institusi-institusi terkait, dan implementasi sistem transportasi cerdas baru pada tahap awal. Untuk mencapai jalan yang berkeselamatan semua pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat (otoritas jalan, industri, ahli, pengguna jalan) harus bekerja sama. Dengan memperhatikan pendekatan keselamatan jalan terpadu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan langkah-langkah untuk mengurangi jumlah dan tingkat keparahan kecelakaan sebelum, selama, dan setelah kecelakaan terjadi serta merekomendasikan skema keselamatan jalan menuju jalan yang lebih aman di Indonesia. Keberkelanjutan dan penerapan yang konsisten langkah-langkah dan skema keselamatan jalan akan menghasilkan perbaikan yang signifikan akan jalan berkeselamatan di Indonesia. Kata

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented

    Faith in the Algorithm, Part 1: Beyond the Turing Test

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    Since the Turing test was first proposed by Alan Turing in 1950, the primary goal of artificial intelligence has been predicated on the ability for computers to imitate human behavior. However, the majority of uses for the computer can be said to fall outside the domain of human abilities and it is exactly outside of this domain where computers have demonstrated their greatest contribution to intelligence. Another goal for artificial intelligence is one that is not predicated on human mimicry, but instead, on human amplification. This article surveys various systems that contribute to the advancement of human and social intelligence