17 research outputs found

    Distance bounds of Ï”-points on hypersurfaces

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    Ï”-points were introduced by the authors (see [S. PĂ©rez-DĂ­az, J.R. Sendra, J. Sendra, Parametrization of approximate algebraic curves by lines, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 315(2–3) (2004) 627–650 (Special issue); S. PĂ©rez-DĂ­az, J.R. Sendra, J. Sendra, Parametrization of approximate algebraic surfaces by lines, Comput. Aided Geom. Design 22(2) (2005) 147–181; S. PĂ©rez-DĂ­az, J.R. Sendra, J. Sendra, Distance properties of Ï”-points on algebraic curves, in: Series Mathematics and Visualization, Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces, Springer, Berlin, 2005, pp. 45–61]) as a generalization of the notion of approximate root of a univariate polynomial. The notion of Ï”-point of an algebraic hypersurface is quite intuitive. It essentially consists in a point such that when substituted in the implicit equation of the hypersurface gives values of small module. Intuition says that an Ï”-point of a hypersurface is a point close to it. In this paper, we formally analyze this assertion giving bounds of the distance of the Ï”-point to the hypersurface. For this purpose, we introduce the notions of height, depth and weight of an Ï”-point. The height and the depth control when the distance bounds are valid, while the weight is involved in the bounds.Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y CienciaComunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal

    Computing Monodromy via Continuation Methods on Random Riemann Surfaces

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    International audienceWe consider a Riemann surface XX defined by a polynomial f(x,y)f(x,y) of degree dd, whose coefficients are chosen randomly. Hence, we can suppose that XX is smooth, that the discriminant ή(x)\delta(x) of ff has d(d−1)d(d-1) simple roots, Δ\Delta, and that ή(0)≠0\delta(0) \neq 0 i.e. the corresponding fiber has dd distinct points {y1,
,yd}\{y_1, \ldots, y_d\}. When we lift a loop 0 \in \gamma \subset \Ci - \Delta by a continuation method, we get dd paths in XX connecting {y1,
,yd}\{y_1, \ldots, y_d\}, hence defining a permutation of that set. This is called monodromy. Here we present experimentations in Maple to get statistics on the distribution of transpositions corresponding to loops around each point of Δ\Delta. Multiplying families of ''neighbor'' transpositions, we construct permutations and the subgroups of the symmetric group they generate. This allows us to establish and study experimentally two conjectures on the distribution of these transpositions and on transitivity of the generated subgroups. Assuming that these two conjectures are true, we develop tools allowing fast probabilistic algorithms for absolute multivariate polynomial factorization, under the hypothesis that the factors behave like random polynomials whose coefficients follow uniform distributions.On considere une surface de Riemann dont l'equation f(x,y)=0 est un polynome dont les coefficients sont des variables aleatoires Gaussiennes standards, ainsi que sa projection p sur l'axe des x. Puis on etudie et calcule des generateurs du groupe de monodromie correspondant a p

    Approximate parametrization of plane algebraic curves by linear systems of curves

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    t is well known that an irreducible algebraic curve is rational (i.e. parametric) if and only if its genus is zero. In this paper, given a tolerance Ï”>0 and an Ï”-irreducible algebraic affine plane curve C of proper degree d, we introduce the notion of Ï”-rationality, and we provide an algorithm to parametrize approximately affine Ï”-rational plane curves by means of linear systems of (d−2)-degree curves. The algorithm outputs a rational parametrization of a rational curve of degree d which has the same points at infinity as C. Moreover, although we do not provide a theoretical analysis, our empirical analysis shows that and C are close in practice