462 research outputs found

    From Personalized Medicine to Population Health: A Survey of mHealth Sensing Techniques

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    Mobile Sensing Apps have been widely used as a practical approach to collect behavioral and health-related information from individuals and provide timely intervention to promote health and well-beings, such as mental health and chronic cares. As the objectives of mobile sensing could be either \emph{(a) personalized medicine for individuals} or \emph{(b) public health for populations}, in this work we review the design of these mobile sensing apps, and propose to categorize the design of these apps/systems in two paradigms -- \emph{(i) Personal Sensing} and \emph{(ii) Crowd Sensing} paradigms. While both sensing paradigms might incorporate with common ubiquitous sensing technologies, such as wearable sensors, mobility monitoring, mobile data offloading, and/or cloud-based data analytics to collect and process sensing data from individuals, we present a novel taxonomy system with two major components that can specify and classify apps/systems from aspects of the life-cycle of mHealth Sensing: \emph{(1) Sensing Task Creation \& Participation}, \emph{(2) Health Surveillance \& Data Collection}, and \emph{(3) Data Analysis \& Knowledge Discovery}. With respect to different goals of the two paradigms, this work systematically reviews this field, and summarizes the design of typical apps/systems in the view of the configurations and interactions between these two components. In addition to summarization, the proposed taxonomy system also helps figure out the potential directions of mobile sensing for health from both personalized medicines and population health perspectives.Comment: Submitted to a journal for revie

    Exploring the Landscape of Ubiquitous In-home Health Monitoring: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Ubiquitous in-home health monitoring systems have become popular in recent years due to the rise of digital health technologies and the growing demand for remote health monitoring. These systems enable individuals to increase their independence by allowing them to monitor their health from the home and by allowing more control over their well-being. In this study, we perform a comprehensive survey on this topic by reviewing a large number of literature in the area. We investigate these systems from various aspects, namely sensing technologies, communication technologies, intelligent and computing systems, and application areas. Specifically, we provide an overview of in-home health monitoring systems and identify their main components. We then present each component and discuss its role within in-home health monitoring systems. In addition, we provide an overview of the practical use of ubiquitous technologies in the home for health monitoring. Finally, we identify the main challenges and limitations based on the existing literature and provide eight recommendations for potential future research directions toward the development of in-home health monitoring systems. We conclude that despite extensive research on various components needed for the development of effective in-home health monitoring systems, the development of effective in-home health monitoring systems still requires further investigation.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Empowering patients in self-management of parkinson's disease through cooperative ICT systems

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    The objective of this chapter is to demonstrate the technical feasibility and medical effectiveness of personalised services and care programmes for Parkinson's disease, based on the combination of mHealth applications, cooperative ICTs, cloud technologies and wearable integrated devices, which empower patients to manage their health and disease in cooperation with their formal and informal caregivers, and with professional medical staff across different care settings, such as hospital and home. The presented service revolves around the use of two wearable inertial sensors, i.e. SensFoot and SensHand, for measuring foot and hand performance in the MDS-UPDRS III motor exercises. The devices were tested in medical settings with eight patients, eight hyposmic subjects and eight healthy controls, and the results demonstrated that this approach allows quantitative metrics for objective evaluation to be measured, in order to identify pre-motor/pre-clinical diagnosis and to provide a complete service of tele-health with remote control provided by cloud technologies. © 2016, IGI Global. All rights reserved

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Point-Of-Care Health Monitoring Systems: Diagnosis For Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Chronic sleep disorders are present in 40 million people in the United States. More than 25 million people remain undiagnosed and untreated, which accounts for over $22 billion in unnecessary healthcare costs. In addition, another major chronic disease is the heart diseases which cause 23.8% of the deaths in the United States. Thus, there is a need for a low cost, reliable, and ubiquitous patient monitoring system. A remote point-of-care system can satisfy this need by providing real time monitoring of the patient\u27s health condition at remote places. However, the currently available POC systems have some drawbacks; the fixed number of physiological channels and lack of real time monitoring. In this dissertation, several remote POC systems are reported to diagnose sleep disorders and cardiovascular diseases to overcome the drawbacks of the current systems. First, two types of remote POC systems were developed for sleep disorders. One was designed with ZigBee and Wi-Fi network, which provides increase/decrease the number of physiological channels flexibly by using ZigBee star network. It also supports the remote real-time monitoring by extending WPAN to WLAN with combination of two wireless communication topologies, ZigBee and Wi-Fi. The other system was designed with GSM/WCDMA network, which removes the restriction of testing places and provides remote real-time monitoring in the true sense of the word. Second, a fully wearable textile integrated real-time ECG acquisition system for football players was developed to prevent sudden cardiac death. To reduce power consumption, adaptive RF output power control was implemented based on RSSI and the power consumption was reduced up to 20%. Third, as an application of measuring physiological signals, a wireless brain machine interface by using the extracted features of EOG and EEG was implemented to control the movement of a robot. The acceleration/deceleration of the robot is controlled based on the attention level from EEG. The left/right motion of eyeballs of EOG is used to control the direction of the robot. The accuracy rate was about 95%. These kinds of health monitoring systems can reduce the exponentially increasing healthcare costs and cater the most important healthcare needs of the society

    How design for Wellbeing can affect the Vasomotor symptoms of Menopausal Women through the use of Biofeedback Technology

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    Research addressing therapeutic interventions for menopausal vasomotor symptoms has received comparatively less attention than other medical domains, resulting in limited successful outcomes and potential side effects. This study explored the impact of well-being-oriented design, employing biofeedback technology on menopausal vasomotor symptoms. Menopause constitutes a critical phase in a woman's life, often accompanied by vasomotor symptoms that adversely affect well-being. This investigation aimed to assess the viability of utilising biofeedback technology to modulate body temperature, employing a novel framework, thereby enhancing well-being among menopausal women. Through co-creation workshops, an alternative design approach was developed and subsequently tested to ascertain its potential for improving well-being in menopausal women. The outcomes of these tests were comprehensively evaluated to discern the implications and significance of the results. This research culminated in an examination of whether biofeedback technology could effectively mitigate vasomotor symptoms and consequently enhance the well-being of menopausal women. Key investigations revolved around refining the utilisation and triggers of biofeedback to alleviate vasomotor symptoms. A connection was established between increased heart rate and impending hot flushes. A novel wearable design, located on the dorsal side of the wrist, was developed to monitor heart rate and initiate cooling, thereby reducing both heart rate and body temperature. Furthermore, the adaptability of this design for nocturnal symptom alleviation was explored, revealing its efficacy in mitigating vasomotor symptoms during both day and night through localised cooling. This study's contribution to knowledge encompasses the development of a novel methodology that integrates Software Development and Information Design processes to 3 devise an innovative wearable product. The ID-Agile method, born from a rigorous 4-stage design and evaluation process, yielded a refined conceptual framework that demonstrated the feasibility of localised cooling pre-emptively minimising vasomotor symptoms. The outcome manifested as reductions in both perceived and actual body temperatures, supported by empirical evidence in both physiological and cognitive data. Ultimately, this research underscores the pivotal role of biofeedback in diminishing vasomotor symptoms and fostering enhanced well-being during the menopausal transition. The implications of this study extend towards ameliorating the quality of life for women throughout the menopausal and post-menopausal phases. The design approach outlined herein holds the potential to redefine wearable technology development and significantly impact women's health during this crucial life stage

    Personalized data analytics for internet-of-things-based health monitoring

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) has great potential to fundamentally alter the delivery of modern healthcare, enabling healthcare solutions outside the limits of conventional clinical settings. It can offer ubiquitous monitoring to at-risk population groups and allow diagnostic care, preventive care, and early intervention in everyday life. These services can have profound impacts on many aspects of health and well-being. However, this field is still at an infancy stage, and the use of IoT-based systems in real-world healthcare applications introduces new challenges. Healthcare applications necessitate satisfactory quality attributes such as reliability and accuracy due to their mission-critical nature, while at the same time, IoT-based systems mostly operate over constrained shared sensing, communication, and computing resources. There is a need to investigate this synergy between the IoT technologies and healthcare applications from a user-centered perspective. Such a study should examine the role and requirements of IoT-based systems in real-world health monitoring applications. Moreover, conventional computing architecture and data analytic approaches introduced for IoT systems are insufficient when used to target health and well-being purposes, as they are unable to overcome the limitations of IoT systems while fulfilling the needs of healthcare applications. This thesis aims to address these issues by proposing an intelligent use of data and computing resources in IoT-based systems, which can lead to a high-level performance and satisfy the stringent requirements. For this purpose, this thesis first delves into the state-of-the-art IoT-enabled healthcare systems proposed for in-home and in-hospital monitoring. The findings are analyzed and categorized into different domains from a user-centered perspective. The selection of home-based applications is focused on the monitoring of the elderly who require more remote care and support compared to other groups of people. In contrast, the hospital-based applications include the role of existing IoT in patient monitoring and hospital management systems. Then, the objectives and requirements of each domain are investigated and discussed. This thesis proposes personalized data analytic approaches to fulfill the requirements and meet the objectives of IoT-based healthcare systems. In this regard, a new computing architecture is introduced, using computing resources in different layers of IoT to provide a high level of availability and accuracy for healthcare services. This architecture allows the hierarchical partitioning of machine learning algorithms in these systems and enables an adaptive system behavior with respect to the user's condition. In addition, personalized data fusion and modeling techniques are presented, exploiting multivariate and longitudinal data in IoT systems to improve the quality attributes of healthcare applications. First, a real-time missing data resilient decision-making technique is proposed for health monitoring systems. The technique tailors various data resources in IoT systems to accurately estimate health decisions despite missing data in the monitoring. Second, a personalized model is presented, enabling variations and event detection in long-term monitoring systems. The model evaluates the sleep quality of users according to their own historical data. Finally, the performance of the computing architecture and the techniques are evaluated in this thesis using two case studies. The first case study consists of real-time arrhythmia detection in electrocardiography signals collected from patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The second case study is continuous maternal health monitoring during pregnancy and postpartum. It includes a real human subject trial carried out with twenty pregnant women for seven months