7 research outputs found

    Towards an Ontological Analysis of Powertypes

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    Abstract In several subject domains, the categorization scheme itself is part of the subject matter. In this case, experts make use of categories of categories in their accounts. This has led to a number of approaches in conceptual modeling and knowledge representation that are called multi-level modeling approaches. An early approach for multi-level modeling is the powertype pattern which introduces "power types" and "base types". More recently, other proposals for multilevel modeling include "clabjects", "m-objects", which admit the existence of entities being somehow, simultaneously, types (classes) and instances (usually associated to objects). Regardless of the choice of approach to perform multi-level modelling, a question remains concerning the ontological status of "base types", "power types" and "clabjects". This paper aims to address this question through an ontological analysis. We use here the general term powertype to generally refer to types whose instances exhibit somehow both type-like and instance-like characteristics. We examine alternative accounts for powertype instances: (i) powertype instances as universals (abstract repeatable entities), (ii) powertype instances as mereological sums of instances of an associated type and (iii) powertype instances as variable embodiments. We conclude that the latter is the most promising account for an ontological interpretation of this phenomenon that meets the modelling desiderata for powertypes present in the literature

    Evidence of large-scale conceptual disarray in multi-level taxonomies in Wikidata

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    The distinction between types and individuals is key to most conceptual modeling techniques and knowledge representation languages. Despite that, there are a number of situations in which modelers navigate this distinction inadequately, leading to problematic models. We show evidence of a large number of representation mistakes associated with the failure to employ this distinction in the Wikidata knowledge graph, which can be identified with the incorrect use of instantiation, which is a relation between an instance and a type, and specialization (or subtyping), which is a relation between two types. The prevalence of the problems in Wikidata’s taxonomies suggests that methodological and computational tools are required to mitigate the issues identified, which occur in many settings when individuals, types, and their metatypes are included in the domain of interest. We conduct a conceptual analysis of entities involved in recurrent erroneous cases identified in this empirical data, and present a tool that supports users in identifying some of these mistakes

    Answering metaqueries over Hi(OWL 2 QL) ontologies

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    Hi(OWL 2 QL) is a new ontology language with the OWL2QL syntax and a specific semantics designed to support metamodeling and metaquerying. In this paper we investigate the problem of answering metaqueries in Hi(OWL 2 QL), which are unions of conjunctive queries with both ABox and TBox atoms. We first focus on a specific class of ontologies, called TBox-complete, where there is no uncertainty about TBox axioms, and show that query answering in this case has the same complexity (both data and combined) as in OWL 2 QL. We then move to general ontologies and show that answering metaqueries is coNP-complete with respect to ontology complexity, Π2p-complete with respect to combined complexity, and remains AC0 with respect to ABox complexity. Finally, we present an optimized query answering algorithm that can be used for TBox-complete ontologies

    Semantic interoperability: ontological unpacking of a viral conceptual model

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    Background. Genomics and virology are unquestionably important, but complex, domains being investigated by a large number of scientists. The need to facilitate and support work within these domains requires sharing of databases, although it is often difficult to do so because of the different ways in which data is represented across the databases. To foster semantic interoperability, models are needed that provide a deep understanding and interpretation of the concepts in a domain, so that the data can be consistently interpreted among researchers. Results. In this research, we propose the use of conceptual models to support semantic interoperability among databases and assess their ontological clarity to support their effective use. This modeling effort is illustrated by its application to the Viral Conceptual Model (VCM) that captures and represents the sequencing of viruses, inspired by the need to understand the genomic aspects of the virus responsible for COVID-19. For achieving semantic clarity on the VCM, we leverage the “ontological unpacking” method, a process of ontological analysis that reveals the ontological foundation of the information that is represented in a conceptual model. This is accomplished by applying the stereotypes of the OntoUML ontology-driven conceptual modeling language.As a result, we propose a new OntoVCM, an ontologically grounded model, based on the initial VCM, but with guaranteed interoperability among the data sources that employ it. Conclusions. We propose and illustrate how the unpacking of the Viral Conceptual Model resolves several issues related to semantic interoperability, the importance of which is recognized by the “I” in FAIR principles. The research addresses conceptual uncertainty within the domain of SARS-CoV-2 data and knowledge.The method employed provides the basis for further analyses of complex models currently used in life science applications, but lacking ontological grounding, subsequently hindering the interoperability needed for scientists to progress their research

    Multi-level conceptual modeling:Theory, language and application

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    In many important subject domains, there are central real-world phenomena that span across multiple classification levels. In these subject domains, besides having the traditional type-level domain regularities (classes) that classify multiple concrete instances, we also have higher-order type-level regularities (metaclasses) that classify multiple instances that are themselves types. Multi-Level Modeling aims to address this technical challenge. Despite the advances in this area in the last decade, a number of requirements arising from representation needs in subject domains have not yet been addressed in current modeling approaches. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing an expressive multi-level conceptual modeling language (dubbed ML2). We follow a principled language engineering approach in the design of ML2, constructing its abstract syntax as to reflect a fully axiomatized theory for multi-level modeling (termed MLT*). We show that ML2 enables the expression of a number of multi-level modeling scenarios that cannot be currently expressed in the existing multi-level modeling languages. A textual syntax for ML2 is provided with an implementation in Xtext. We discuss how the formal theory influences the language in two aspects: (i) by providing rigorous justification for the language's syntactic rules, which follow MLT* theorems and (ii) by forming the basis for model simulation and verification. We show that the language can reveal problems in multi-level taxonomic structures, using Wikidata fragments to demonstrate the language's practical relevance.</p

    UFO: Unified Foundational Ontology

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    The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) was developed over the last two decades by consistently putting together theories from areas such as formal ontology in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophical logics. It comprises a number of micro-theories addressing fundamental conceptual modeling notions, including entity types and relationship types. The aim of this paper is to summarize the current state of UFO, presenting a formalization of the ontology, along with the analysis of a number of cases to illustrate the application of UFO and facilitate its comparison with other foundational ontologies in this special issue. (The cases originate from the First FOUST Workshop – the Foundational Stance, an international forum dedicated to Foundational Ontology research.

    Representation of Multi-Level Domains on The Web

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    Estratégias de modelagem conceitual e representação de conhecimento frequentemente tratam entidades em dois níveis: um nível de classes e um nível de indivíduos que instanciam essas classes. Em vários domínios, porém, as próprias classes podem estar sujeitas a categorização, resultando em classes de classes (ou metaclasses). Ao representar estes domínios, é preciso capturar não apenas as entidades de diferentes níveis de classificação, mas também as suas relações (possivelmente complexas). No domínio de taxonomias biológicas, por exemplo, um dado organismo (por exemplo, o leão Cecil morto em 2015 no Parque Nacional Hwange no Zimbábue) é classificado em diversos táxons (como, por exemplo, Animal, Mamífero, Carnívoro, Leão), e cada um desses táxons é classificado por um ranking taxonômico (por exemplo, Reino, Classe, Ordem, Espécie). Assim, para representar o conhecimento referente a esse domínio, é necessário representar entidades em níveis diferentes de classificação. Por exemplo, Cecil é uma instância de Leão, que é uma instância de Espécie. Espécie, por sua vez, é uma instância de Ranking Taxonômico. Além disso, quando representamos esses domínios, é preciso capturar não somente as entidades diferentes níveis de classificação, mas também suas (possivelmente complicadas) relações. Por exemplo, nós gostaríamos de afirmar que instâncias do gênero Panthera também devem ser instâncias de exatamente uma instância de Espécie (por exemplo, Leão). A necessidade de suporte à representação de domínios que lidam com múltiplos níveis de classificação deu origem a uma área de investigação chamada modelagem multi-nível. Observa-se que a representação de modelos com múltiplos níveis é um desafio em linguagens atuais da Web Semântica, como há pouco apoio para orientar o modelador na produção correta de ontologias multi-nível, especialmente por causa das nuanças de restrições que se aplicam a entidades de diferentes níveis de classificação e suas relações. A fim de lidar com esses desafios de representação, definimos um vocabulário que pode ser usado como base para a definição de ontologias multi-nível em OWL, juntamente com restrições de integridade e regras de derivação. É oferecida uma ferramenta que recebe como entrada um modelo de domínio, verifica conformidade com as restrições de integridade propostas e produz como saída um modelo enriquecido com informações derivadas. Neste processo, é empregada uma teoria axiomática chamada MLT (uma Teoria de Modelagem Multi-Nível). O conteúdo da plataforma Wikidata foi utilizado para demonstrar que o vocabulário poderia evitar inconsistências na representação multi-nível em um cenário real