4,437 research outputs found

    Microbiota composition of the dorsal patch of reproductive male Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.

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    Bacteria and other types of microbes interact with their hosts in several ways, including metabolic pathways, development, and complex behavioral processes such as mate recognition. During the mating season, adult males of the lesser long-nosed agave pollinator bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) develop a structure called the dorsal patch, which is located in the interscapular region and may play a role in kin recognition and mate selection. Using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we identified a total of 2,847 microbial phylotypes in the dorsal patches of eleven specimens. Twenty-six phylotypes were shared among all the patches, accounting for 30 to 75% of their relative abundance. These shared bacteria are distributed among 13 families, 10 orders, 6 classes and 3 phyla. Two of these common bacterial components of the dorsal patch are Lactococcus and Streptococcus. Some of them-Helcococcus, Aggregatibacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacteriaceae-include bacteria with pathogenic potential. Half of the shared phylotypes belong to Gallicola, Anaerococcus, Peptoniphilus, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Peptostreptococcus and specialize in fatty acid production through fermentative processes. This work lays the basis for future symbiotic microbe studies focused on communication and reproduction strategies in wildlife

    Host microbiota and infection outcomes in thermally extreme environments

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    Hosts, their collection of commensal and pathogenic microbes, and the environment are all interlinked in a disease pyramid. Their interactions contribute to host fitness, particularly relevant in the context of a changing world. Climate change is leading to higher average temperatures as well as shifting the global distribution of infectious diseases, posing great risk to wildlife, ecosystem biodiversity, and human health. Host microbiomes are increasingly regarded as conferring extended phenotypes, potentially buffering host organisms against abiotic and biotic stressors. In this thesis, I combine meta-analytical and experimental approaches to explore the impact of warming temperatures and infection on ecological dynamics (i.e., microbiomes, infection disease outcomes) and evolutionary dynamics (i.e., host gene-based resistance). Firstly, I used a meta-analytic approach to investigate whether and how experimental temperatures altered host microbiome structures, across a wide range of host species. I found that experimental warming and cooling drove microbiome diversity loss, with the magnitude affected more by host habitat and experimental protocols, rather than host biological traits. I then extended this work to empirically include a biotic factor – pathogen infection – to investigate changes in Caenorhabditis elegans microbiome composition. I revealed that warming and infection could destabilize microbiome communities within hosts, but their effects were not additive. Focusing more on the impact of warming to host-pathogen interactions, I subsequently used a meta-analytic approach to tackle the relationship between warming and disease outcomes across ectothermic animals. I found that experimental warming drove higher mortality of infected hosts, with larger temperature increases associated with more host deaths. The magnitude of these effects varied by pathogen taxonomy and their evolutionary history within the host. Lastly, I zoomed out to empirically capture the possible host evolutionary paths for resistance to pathogens due to warming. I competed two C. elegans genotypes (susceptible wild-type vs. resistant mutant) across 10 host generations, varying in pathogen presence and the timing of warming during their development. I detected a loss of genetic-based resistance under periodic warming despite infection. I revealed that such host evolutionary trajectories could be driven by the combination of fitness constraints on genetic-based resistance, temperature-mediated host protection, infection severity, as well as the dilution of pathogen cells by resistant hosts. Work in this thesis is a timely contribution to our understanding of the diversity of consequences of warming to host-microbe interactions across the mutualist-parasite continuum. Biologists seeking to refine predictions of biodiversity amidst climate change should strongly consider the relationships of animals with their resident and attacking microbes

    Taxonomic Features and Comparison of the Gut Microbiome from Two Edible Fungus-Farming Termites (Macrotermes falciger, M. natalensis) Harvested in the Vhembe District of Limpopo, South Africa

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    Background Termites are an important food resource for many human populations around the world, and are a good supply of nutrients. The fungus-farming ‘higher’ termite members of Macrotermitinae are also consumed by modern great apes and are implicated as critical dietary resources for early hominins. While the chemical nutritional composition of edible termites is well known, their microbiomes are unexplored in the context of human health. Here we sequenced the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene of gut microbiota extracted from the whole intestinal tract of two Macrotermes sp. soldiers collected from the Limpopo region of South Africa. Results Major and minor soldier subcastes of M. falciger exhibit consistent differences in taxonomic representation, and are variable in microbial presence and abundance patterns when compared to another edible but less preferred species, M. natalensis. Subcaste differences include alternate patterns in sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic Euryarchaeota abundance, and differences in abundance between Alistipes and Ruminococcaceae. M. falciger minor soldiers and M. natalensissoldiers have similar microbial profiles, likely from close proximity to the termite worker castes, particularly during foraging and fungus garden cultivation. Compared with previously published termite and cockroach gut microbiome data, the taxonomic representation was generally split between termites that directly digest lignocellulose and humic substrates and those that consume a more distilled form of nutrition as with the omnivorous cockroaches and fungus-farming termites. Lastly, to determine if edible termites may point to a shared reservoir for rare bacterial taxa found in the gut microbiome of humans, we focused on the genus Treponema. The majority of Treponemasequences from edible termite gut microbiota most closely relate to species recovered from other termites or from environmental samples, except for one novel OTU strain, which clustered separately with Treponema found in hunter-gatherer human groups. Conclusions Macrotermes consumed by humans display special gut microbial arrangements that are atypical for a lignocellulose digesting invertebrate, but are instead suited to the simplified nutrition in the fungus-farmer diet. Our work brings to light the particular termite microbiome features that should be explored further as avenues in human health, agricultural sustainability, and evolutionary research

    Gut microbiota as a trigger of accelerated directional adaptive evolution. Acquisition of herbivory in the context of extracellular vesicles, microRNAs and inter-kingdom crosstalk

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    According to a traditional view, the specific diet in vertebrates is one of the key factors structuring the composition of the gut microbiota. In this interpretation, the microbiota assumes a subordinate position, where the larger host shapes, through evolution and its fitness, the taxonomical composition of the hosted microbiota. The present contribution shows how the evolution of herbivory, framed within the new concept of holobiont, the possibility of inter-kingdom crosstalk and its epigenetic effects, could pave the way to a completely reversed interpretation: instead of being passively shaped, the microbiota can mold and shape the general host body structure to increase its fitness. Central elements to consider in this context are the inter-kingdom crosstalk, the possibility of transporting RNAs through nanovesicles in feces from parents to offspring, and the activation of epigenetic processes passed on vertically from generation to generation. The new hypothesis is that the gut microbiota could play a great role in the macroevolutionary dynamics of herbivorous vertebrates, causing directly through host-microbiota dialog of epigenetic nature (i.e., methylation, histone acetylation, etc.), major changes in the organisms phenotype. The vertical exchange of the same microbial communities from parents to offspring, the interaction of these microbes with fairly uniform genotypes, and the socially restricted groups where these processes take place, could all explain the reasons why herbivory has appeared several time (and independently) during the evolution of vertebrates. The new interpretation could also represent a key factor in understanding the convergent evolution of analogous body structures in very distant lineages

    Diet contributes to urban-induced alterations in gut microbiota : experimental evidence from a wild passerine

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    Urban sprawl increasingly affects the ecology of natural populations, including host-microbiota interactions, with observed differences in the gut microbiota between urban and rural hosts. While different mechanisms could explain this pattern, dietary uptake constitutes a likely candidate. To assess the contribution of diet in explaining urban-rural variation in gut microbiota, we performed an aviary experiment in which urban and rural house sparrows were fed with mimics of urban or rural diets. Before the experiment, rural sparrows hosted more diverse gut communities, with a higher relative abundance of Enterococcaceae and Staphylococcaceae and lower abundance of genes involved in xenobiotic degradation and lipid metabolism than their urban counterparts. The experimental diets significantly altered gut microbiota alpha- and beta-diversity and taxonomic composition, with the strongest shifts occurring in individuals exposed to contrasting diets. Overall, diet-induced shifts resembled initial differences between free-ranging urban and rural hosts. Furthermore, rural diet had a positive impact on urban host body mass but only in hosts with the highest initial gut diversity. Overall, our results indicate that diet constitutes an important factor contributing to differences in gut microbiota along the urbanization gradient and provide new insights on possible fitness consequences of a reduced gut diversity in urban settings

    Ecology impacts the decrease of Spirochaetes and Prevotella in the fecal gut microbiota of urban humans

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    Compared to the huge microbial diversity in most mammals, human gut microbiomes have lost diversity while becoming specialized for animal-based diets - especially compared to chimps, their genetically closest ancestors. The lowered microbial diversity within the gut of westernized populations has also been associated with different kinds of chronic inflammatory diseases in humans. To further deepen our knowledge on phylogenetic and ecologic impacts on human health and fitness, we established the herein presented biobank as well as its comprehensive microbiota analysis. In total, 368 stool samples from 38 different animal species, including Homo sapiens, belonging to four diverse mammalian orders were collected at seven different locations and analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Comprehensive data analysis was performed to (i) determine the overall impact of host phylogeny vs. diet, location, and ecology and to (ii) examine the general pattern of fecal bacterial diversity across captive mammals and humans.By using a controlled study design with captive mammals we could verify that host phylogeny is the most dominant driver of mammalian gut microbiota composition. However, the effect of ecology appears to be able to overcome host phylogeny and should therefore be studied in more detail in future studies. Most importantly, our study could observe a remarkable decrease of Spirochaetes and Prevotella in westernized humans and platyrrhines, which is probably not only due to diet, but also to the social behavior and structure in these communities.Our study highlights the importance of phylogenetic relationship and ecology within the evolution of mammalian fecal microbiota composition. Particularly, the observed decrease of Spirochaetes and Prevotella in westernized communities might be associated to lifestyle dependent rapid evolutionary changes, potentially involved in the establishment of dysbiotic microbiomes, which promote the etiology of chronic diseases

    How Microbiomes Can Feed the World: A Look into Bovine Reproduction

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