114,143 research outputs found

    Towards the Development of an Adaptive Enterprise Service System Model.

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    The continuous adaptation of modern enterprises is largely dependent on their underlying adaptive enterprise architecture capability. However, the establishment of an adaptive enterprise architecture capability requires defining the enterprise context before actually commissioning any enterprise architecture or adaptation work. This paper presents the adaptive enterprise service system (AESS) model based on the “Design Science” research method and “Theory Triangulation” approach. The AESS integrates the enterprise context perspectives from three well-known theories of agility, (agent) system, and service science. The AESS model, as a part of the large adaptive enterprise architecture toolkit, defines a modern enterprise as an adaptive enterprise service system. The adaptive enterprise service system is a multi-agent system of service systems that exhibits agility and focuses on the emerging service-centric view as opposed to a traditional product-centric view. The service-centric view of an enterprise is critical for establishing the adaptive enterprise architecture capability for handling complex enterprise transformations

    Conceiving Adaptability for Business Models: A Literature-based Approach

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    A rapidly changing economy and peer pressure amongst competitors lead business to continuously reconsider and readjust their current business models. Thus, business models must be flexible and adaptive towards external changes and should be controlled and managed dynamically. This paper develops a conceptual framework for adaptive business models, which enables decision makers in strategy and IT management to intertwine business models with strategy and business processes, in order to analyze the complex relationships amongst these different description levels of an enterprise. Based on the core elements of business models, the interplay of these elements with aspects from enterprise strategy and business processes are investigated and potentials for IT innovations are being identified to live up to the vision of adaptive business models. For each of the innovations, key measures are considered and improvement possibilities within an enterprise’s IT infrastructure are being identified. The paper concludes with an outlook on possible implementations and future research

    ADACOR: a holonic architecture for agile and adaptive manufacturing control

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    In the last decades significant changes in the manufacturing environment have been noticed: moving from a local economy towards a global economy, with markets asking for products with higher quality at lower costs, highly customised and with short life cycle. In these circumstances, the challenge is to develop manufacturing control systems with intelligence capabilities, fast adaptation to the environment changes and more robustness against the occurrence of disturbances. This paper presents an agile and adaptive manufacturing control architecture that addresses the need for the fast reaction to disturbances at the shop floor level, increasing the agility and flexibility of the enterprise, when it works in volatile environments. The proposed architecture introduces an adaptive control that balances dynamically between a more centralised structure and a more decentralised one, allowing combining the global production optimisation with agile reaction to unexpected disturbances

    Overview of a media convergence centre (MC2)

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    Organizational alliances are rapidly being formed as a means for effective cooperation with a common goal within a targeted value chain. The combination of such communication, coordination and cooperation leads to new organisational forms and scenarios within the Digital Ecosystem space that require technological support. Convergence refers to the move towards the use of a single united interaction medium and media. Such a solution enables telecommunications services that are concurrently coupled with enterprise and internet data. Due to the versatile nature of today's extended enterprise, a flexible, feature-rich, adaptive and widely accessible converged solution is required.This paper proposes a Media Convergence Centre (MC:) solution that allows users to participate in a converged multimedia collaboration network using a variety of interaction devices in an easy and convenient manner

    BPM News - Folge 3

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    Die BPM-Kolumne des EMISA-Forums berichtet über aktuelle Themen, Projekte und Veranstaltungen aus dem BPM-Umfeld. Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Kolumne bildet das Thema Standardisierung von Prozessbeschreibungssprachen und -notationen im Allgemeinen und BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) im Speziellen. Hierzu liefert Jan Mendling von der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien in aktuelles Schlagwort. Des weiteren erhalten Leser eine Zusammenfassung zweier im ersten Halbjahr 2006 veranstalteten Workshops zu den Themen „Flexibilität prozessorientierter Informationssysteme“ und „Kollaborative Prozesse“ sowie einen BPM Veranstaltungskalender für die 2. Jahreshälfte 2006

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    Adaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its products

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    Insufficient theoretical study of the issues of adapting the resource potential of an enterprise in the context of imperatives of innovative development reinforces the theoretical and practical significance of conducting a study aimed at studying the processes of the essence of adapting the resource potential of an industrial enterprise within a cluster, developing tools for evaluating and managing this process, allowing to model alternative uses of key components their potential within the cluster. Successful implementation of this task implies the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism for managing the potential of industrial enterprises - potential cluster members, including the formation of a capitalization strategy for their resource potential, an important unit that is information-analytical tools integrated into the cluster management system as a whole. This determined the relevance of the allocation of this spectrum of problems in an independent direction of scientific research, had a direct impact on the choice of topics, setting goals and objectives