8 research outputs found

    On Agent-Based Software Engineering

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    Agent-based computing represents an exciting new synthesis both for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more generally, Computer Science. It has the potential to significantly improve the theory and the practice of modeling, designing, and implementing computer systems. Yet, to date, there has been little systematic analysis of what makes the agent-based approach such an appealing and powerful computational model. Moreover, even less effort has been devoted to discussing the inherent disadvantages that stem from adopting an agent-oriented view. Here both sets of issues are explored. The standpoint of this analysis is the role of agent-based software in solving complex, real-world problems. In particular, it will be argued that the development of robust and scalable software systems requires autonomous agents that can complete their objectives while situated in a dynamic and uncertain environment, that can engage in rich, high-level social interactions, and that can operate within flexible organisational structures

    Tracking reliability and helpfulness in agent interactions

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    A critical aspect of open systems such as the Internet is the interactions amongst the component agents of the system. Often this interaction is organised around social principles, in that one agent may request the help of another, and in turn may make a commitment to assist another when requested. In this paper we investigate two measures of the social responsibility of an agent known as reliability and helpfulness. Intuitively, reliability measures how good an agent is at keeping its commitments, and helpfulness measures how willing an agent is to make a commitment, when requested for help. We discuss these notions in the context of FIPA protocols. It is important to note that these measures are dependent only on the messages exchanged between the agents, and do not make any assumptions about the internal organisation of the agents. This means that these measures are both applicable to any variety of software agent, and externally verifiable, i.e. able to be calculated by anyone with access to the messages exchanged

    State of the art for the systematic construction and analysis of i* models for assessing COTS-based systems development

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    This document presents the state of the art related with the systematic construction and analysis of i* models for assessing COTS-based systems development. The fist section presents an overview of the Component-Based Systems (CBS) development processes. As components are part of the architecture of the system, the second section introduces the evaluation of software architectures. The i* framework has been proved useful on the representation and evaluation of software architectures, including those containing COTS, the third section presents the i* framework and some other requirements engineering techniques. As the i* framework is agent-oriented, and so, the fourth section presents an overview of agent-oriented paradigm. Finally, as CBS development is an activity that seldom takes place from the scratch, we can tackle it as a process reengineering activity, because of that, section 5 outline the main issues in business process reengineering.Postprint (published version

    Towards a Social Level Characterisation of Socially Responsible Agents

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    This paper presents a high-level framework for analysing and designing intelligent agents. The framework’s key abstraction mechanism is a new computer level called the Social Level. The Social Level sits immediately above the Knowledge Level, as defined by Allen Newell, and is concerned with the inherently social aspects of multiple agent systems. To illustrate the working of this framework, an important new class of agent is identified and then specified. Socially responsible agents retain their local autonomy but still draw from, and provide resources to, the larger community. Through empirical evaluation, it is shown that such agents produce both good system-wide performance and good individual performance

    The Social Cognitive Actor

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    Multi-Agent Simulation (MAS) of organisations is a methodology that is adopted in this dissertation in order to study and understand human behaviour in organisations. The aim of the research is to design and implementat a cognitive and social multi-agent simulation model based on a selection of social and cognitive theories to fulfill the need for a complex cognitive and social model. The emphasis of this dissertation is the relationship between behaviour of individuals (micro-level) in an organisation and the behaviour of the organisation as a whole (macro-level)

    Preventing and resolving design conflicts for a collaborative convergence in distributed set-based design

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    En conception distribuée, dans la phase du dimensionnement du produit, des incohérences peuvent émerger entre les objectifs de conception et entre les procédures de travail des sous-systèmes hétérogènes. Dans cette phase, les acteurs de conception doivent collaborer d une manière concourante, car leurs tâches sont reliées les unes aux autres par les couplages de dimensionnement entre leurs sous-problèmes. Les incohérences peuvent provoquer des conflits de conception en raison de ces couplages. La question est de savoir comment obtenir une convergence collaborative pour satisfaire les objectifs globaux et individuels des acteurs de conception lorsque ces acteurs prennent des décisions de conception sous incertitude. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle pour empêcher et résoudre les conflits de conception, tout en surmontant le problème de l'incertitude de la conception avec l'approche de conception basée sur les ensembles (SBD). Pour cela, les attitudes de conception sont modélisées avec le paradigme Croyances-Désirs-Intentions afin d'explorer les incohérences et gérer les conflits dans les processus de conception. L'approche ascendante conventionnelle est ainsi étendue grâce à des techniques de modélisation multi-agents. Dans cette approche, les agents de conception peuvent fixer des exigences directement sur leurs indicateurs de bien-être . Ces indicateurs représentent la manière dont leurs objectifs de conception sont susceptibles d'être satisfaits à un moment donné du processus. Des simulations de Monte Carlo sont effectuées pour évaluer la performance de cette approche, offrant une variété d'attitudes de l'agent. Par rapport aux approches classiques de conception ascendante et descendante, les résultats révèlent moins de conflits de conception et une intensité des conflits réduite. Les techniques de problème de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP) et les attitudes de conception sont appliquées pour détecter et justifier des conflits de conception entre les agents hétérogènes. Une nouvelle forme du modèle Cooperative CSP (CoCSP) est ainsi mise au point afin de résoudre les conflits de conception en détectant le compromis entre les contraintes. Le système de résolution des conflits peut être adopté grâce à différentes stratégies proposées qui prennent en compte l'architecture de solidarité des agents. Les résultats des simulations montrent que l'intensité des conflits en conception distribuée est réduite par la promotion de la solidarité qui déclenche une aide aux agents en souffrance.In the product dimensioning phase of a distributed design, inconsistencies can emerge among design objectives as well as among working procedures of heterogeneous subsystems. In this phase, design actors which compose subsystems must collaborate concurrently, since their works are linked to each other through dimensioning couplings among their sub-problems. Inconsistencies through these couplings yield thus to design conflicts. The issue is how to obtain a collaborative convergence to satisfy the global and individual objectives of design actors when making design decisions under uncertainty. The objective of this dissertation is to propose a model for preventing and resolving design conflicts in order to obtain a collaborative convergence, while overcoming the design uncertainty through Set-based Design (SBD). Design attitudes are modeled with Belief-Desire-Intention paradigm to explore inconsistencies and manage conflicts in design processes. The conventional bottom-up approach is thus extended through agent-based attitude modeling techniques. In this approach, design agents can set requirements directly on their wellbeing values that represent how their design targets are likely to be met at a given moment of the design process. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the performance of this approach, providing a variety of agent attitudes. Compared to conventional bottom-up and top-down design approaches, the results reveal a fewer number of design conflicts and a reduced aggregated conflict intensity. Constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) techniques and design attitudes are both applied to detect and justify design conflicts of heterogeneous design agents. A novel cooperative CSP (CoCSP) is developed in order to resolve design conflicts through compromising constraint restriction. The conflict resolution system can be adopted for different proposed strategies which take into account the solidarity architecture of design agents. The simulation results show that while promoting solidarity in distributed design by helping agents that suffer, the conflict intensity is reduced, and better design results are obtained.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Role-based and agent-oriented teamwork modeling

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    Teamwork has become increasingly important in many disciplines. To support teamwork in dynamic and complex domains, a teamwork programming language and a teamwork architecture are important for specifying the knowledge of teamwork and for interpreting the knowledge of teamwork and then driving agents to interact with the domains. Psychological studies on teamwork have also shown that team members in an effective team often maintain shared mental models so that they can have mutual expectation on each other. However, existing agent/teamwork programming languages cannot explicitly express the mental states underlying teamwork, and existing representation of the shared mental models are inefficient and further become an obstacle to support effective teamwork. To address these issues, we have developed a teamwork programming language called Role-Based MALLET (RoB-MALLET) which has rich expressivity to explicitly specify the mental states underlying teamwork. By using roles and role variables, the knowledge of team processes is specified in terms of conceptual notions, instead of specific agents and agent variables, allowing joint intentions to be formed and this knowledge to be reused by different teams of agents. Further, based on roles and role variables, we have developed mechanisms of task decomposition and task delegation, by which the knowledge of a team process is decomposed into the knowledge of a team process for individuals and then delegate it to agents. We have also developed an efficient representation of shared mental models called Role-Based Shared Mental Model (RoB-SMM) by which agents only maintain individual processes complementary with others?? individual process and a low level of overlapping called team organizations. Based on RoB-SMMs, we have developed tworeasoning mechanisms to improve team performance, including Role-Based Proactive Information Exchange (RoB-PIE) and Role-Based Proactive Helping Behaivors (RoBPHB). Through RoB-PIE, agents can anticipate other agents?? information needs and proactively exchange information with them. Through RoB-PHB, agents can identify other agents?? help needs and proactively initialize actions to help them. Our experiments have shown that RoB-MALLET is flexible in specifying reusable plans, RoB-SMMs is efficient in supporting effective teamwork, and RoB-PHB improves team performance


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    У монографії розглянуто теоретичні основи та застосування агентних технологій. Висвітлено сучасні підходи до подання й обробки знань, на яких базуються інтелектуальні програмні агенти. Наведено моделі та технології створення програмних агентів і мультиагентних систем, їх застосування для пошуку інформації та підтримки електронного бізнесу.\ud Для науковців і спеціалістів, які займаються дослідженнями та розробками в галузі інтелектуальних інформаційних систем, бізнес-застосунків інформаційної економіки.\u