5 research outputs found

    A Simple Solution to Scale-Free Internet Host Mobility

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    We introduce a simple solution for the support of host mobility in the Internet called DIME (Dynamic Internet Mobility for End-Systems). DIME is based on dynamic address translation between the transport and network layers of end hosts, combined with a new out-of-band protocol that updates host-address bindings between communicating hosts opportunistically. It does not require modifications to the end-host operating systems, end-user applications, existing communication protocols or hardware, or the domain name system and any host-identifier namespace. A number of experiments based on a Linux daemon implementation of DIME are used to show that DIME is deployable on a wide range of hardware, and that it outperforms existing mobility proposals such as MIPv6 and HIP across a wide range of performance metrics

    Tracking the Evolution and Diversity in Network Usage of Smartphones

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    ABSTRACT We analyze the evolution of smartphone usage from a dataset obtained from three, 15-day-long, user-side, measurements with over 1500 recruited smartphone users in the Greater Tokyo area from 2013 to 2015. This dataset shows users across a diverse range of networks; cellular access (3G to LTE), WiFi access (2.4 to 5GHz), deployment of more public WiFi access points (APs), as they use diverse applications such as video, file synchronization, and major software updates. Our analysis shows that smartphone users select appropriate network interfaces taking into account the deployment of emerging technologies, their bandwidth demand, and their economic constraints. Thus, users show diversity in both how much traffic they send, as well as on what networks they send it. We show that users are gradually but steadily adopting WiFi at home, in offices, and public spaces over these three years. The majority of light users have been shifting their traffic to WiFi. Heavy hitters acquire more bandwidth via WiFi, especially at home. The percentage of users explicitly turning off their WiFi interface during the day decreases from 50% to 40%. Our results highlight that the offloading environment has been improved during the three years, with more than 40% of WiFi users connecting to multiple WiFi APs in one day. WiFi offload at offices is still limited in our dataset due to a few accessible APs, but WiFi APs in public spaces have been an alternative to cellular access for users who request not only simple connectivity but also bandwidth-consuming applications such as video streaming and software updates. Categories and Subject Descriptors General Terms Measurement Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]

    PDRM : a proactive data replication mechanism to improve content mobility support in NDN using location awareness

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    The problem of handling user mobility has been around since mobile devices became capable of handling multimedia content and is still one of the most relevant challenges in networking. The conventional Internet architecture is inadequate in dealing with an ever-growing number of mobile devices that are both consuming and producing content. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a network architecture that can potentially overcome this mobility challenge. It supports consumer mobility by design but fails to offer the same level of support for content mobility. Content mobility requires guaranteeing that consumers manage to find and retrieve desired content even when the corresponding producer (or primary host) is not available. In this thesis, we propose PDRM, a Proactive and locality-aware Data Replication Mechanism that increases content availability through data redundancy in the context of the NDN architecture. It explores available resources from end-users in the vicinity to improve content availability even in the case of producer mobility. Throughout the thesis, we discuss the design of PDRM, evaluate the impact of the number of available providers in the vicinity and in-network cache capacity on its operation, and compare its performance to Vanilla NDN and two state-of-the-art proposals. The evaluation indicates that PDRM improves content mobility support due to using object popularity information and spare resources in the vicinity to help the proactive replication. Results show that PDRM can reduce the download times up to 53.55%, producer load up to 71.6%, inter-domain traffic up to 46.5%, and generated overhead up to 25% compared to Vanilla NDN and other evaluated mechanisms.O problema de lidar com a mobilidade dos usuários existe desde que os dispositivos móveis se tornaram capazes de lidar com conteúdo multimídia e ainda é um dos desafios mais relevantes na área de redes de computadores. A arquitetura de Internet convencional é inadequada em lidar com um número cada vez maior de dispositivos móveis que estão tanto consumindo quanto produzindo conteúdo. Named Data Networking (NDN) é uma arquitetura de rede que pode potencialmente superar este desafio de mobilidade. Ela suporta a mobilidade do consumidor nativamente, mas não oferece o mesmo nível de suporte para a mobilidade de conteúdo. A mobilidade de conteúdo exige garantir que os consumidores consigam encontrar e recuperar o conteúdo desejado mesmo quando o produtor correspondente (ou o hospedeiro principal) não estiver disponível. Nesta tese, propomos o PDRM (Proactive Data Replication Mechanism), um mecanismo de replicação de dados proativo e consciente de localização, que aumenta a disponibilidade de conteúdo através da redundância de dados no contexto da arquitetura NDN. Ele explora os recursos disponíveis dos usuários finais na vizinhança para melhorar a disponibilidade de conteúdo, mesmo no caso da mobilidade do produtor. Ao longo da tese, discutimos o projeto do PDRM, avaliamos o impacto do número de provedores disponíveis na vizinhança e a capacidade de cache na rede em sua operação e comparamos seu desempenho com NDN padrão e duas propostas do estado-da-arte. A avaliação indica que o PDRM melhora o suporte à mobilidade de conteúdo devido ao uso de informações de popularidade dos objetos e recursos extras na vizinhança para ajudar a replicação pró-ativa. Os resultados mostram que o PDRM pode reduzir os tempos de download até 53,55%, o carregamento do produtor até 71,6%, o tráfego entre domínios até 46,5% e a sobrecarga gerada até 25% em comparação com NDN padrão e os demais mecanismos avaliados