10 research outputs found

    Integrating Physiological Indicators with a Competency Model for Enhanced Collaborative Problem Solving in Small Groups

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    Improving the collaboration process has long been a subject of inquiry. Yet, evaluating collaboration quality is a significant challenge for researchers and practitioners. Recently, the generalized competency model of collaborative problem solving (CPS) has been suggested, encompassing facets, sub-facets, and indicators (verbal and nonverbal) that directly align with CPS skills. Here we discuss the integration of physiological data to potentially further improve the detection of cognitive and affective aspects of CPS. This paper aims to bridge the gap between physiological data features or characteristics and collaboration quality. More specifically, we present our attempts to integrate physiological data with verbal and nonverbal indicators of a generalized competence model of CPS in small groups comprising four individuals. Moreover, this integration can be further developed into interventions such as reflective exercises or real-time feedback provided by AI agents, with the goal of enhancing collaborative skills

    From computational neuroscience to computational learning science: modeling the brain of the learner and the context of the learning activity

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    International audienceWe share a new exploratory action known as Artificial Intelligence Devoted to Education (AIDE) launched with the support of Inria (Mnemosyne Team) and Nice INSPÉ from Côte d´Azur University (LINE laboratory) in connection with the Bordeaux NeuroCampus. It positions artificial intelligence in a somewhat original way ... not [only] as a disruptive tool, but as a formalism allowing to model learning human in problem-solving activities


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    ABSTRAK Helmi Asy’ari, Tesis, 2021, Analisis Hubungan Pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving Dengan Kemampuan Adaptasi Dan Kerja Sama Siswa. Kemampuan kerjasama dan adaptasi telah menjadi perhatian para ahli sebagai kemampuan yang perlu dimiliki di abad 21 untuk menghadapi masalah yang rumit dan selalu mengalami perubahan. Namun kemampuan ini tidak dimiliki oleh siswa secara optimal. Berdasarkan data Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), tingkat permasalahan siswa yang diakibatkan kurang optimalnya kemampuan adaptasi dan kerja sama pada siswa terus meningkat semenjak Tahun 2011. Hasil ini bukan hanya menggarisbawahi kebutuhan yang signifikan dari kemampuan adaptasi dan kerja sama tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan kepada peneliti untuk membahas pengaruh kedua kemampuan tersebut melalui kegiatan Collaborative Problem Solving. Berdasarkan literatur, proses Collaborative Problem Solving merupakan proses yang sangat memungkinkan dalam membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan adaptasi dan kerja sama, sehingga melalui penelitian ini dapat diketahui mengenai hubungan kegiatan Collaborative Problem Solving dengan kemampuan adaptasi dan kerja sama. Melalui metode studi kepustakaan dengan review artikel-artikel penelitian yang berhubungan dengan Collaborative Problem Solving serta pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan adaptasi dan kerja sama, didapatkan hasil bahwa kegiatan Collaborative Problem Solving berhubungan erat secara positif dengan kemampuan adaptasi melalui pengaktifan emosi dan konstruksi kognisi dengan terjadinya proses makrokognisi dan sosiokognisi. Selain itu, Collaborative Problem Solving berhubungan erat secara positif dengan kemampuan kerja sama melalui interaksi sosial dan komunikasi. Dalam penelitian ini juga diberikan rekomendasi dari peneliti kepada pembaca mengenai penilaian yang dapat digunakan selama proses Collaborative Problem Solving dan penggunaan teknologi baik selama proses kegiatannya maupun penilaiannya. Kata Kunci: Collaborative Problem Solving, Kemampuan adaptasi, kemampuan kerja sama ABSTRACT Helmi Asy’ari, Tesis, 2021, Analysis of the Relation between Collaborative Problem Solving Learning on the Adaptability and Colaboration Ability of Students. The ability of collaboration and adaptability has become the attention of experts as the ability that needs to be owned in the 21st century to face the complex and constantly changing problems. However, this ability is not possessed by students optimally. Based on data from Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), the level of student problems caused by less than optimal adaptatability and collaboration skills among students has continued to increase since 2011. These results do not only underline the significant need of adaptation and collaboration abilities but also provide opportunities for researchers to discuss both abilities through Collaborative Problem Solving activities. Based on the literature, the Collaborative Problem Solving process is a very possible process to help students to develop adaptability and collaboration abilities, so that through this research it can be seen about the relationship of Collaborative Problem Solving activities with adaptation and collaboration capabilities. Through the literature study method with a review of research articles related to Collaborative Problem Solving and its effect on adaptability and collaboration, it was found that Collaborative Problem Solving activities were positively related to adaptability through emotional activation and cognitive construction with the occurrence of macrocognition and sociocognition processes. In addition, Collaborative Problem Solving is positively related to the ability to work together through social interaction and communication. In this study, also given recommendations from researchers to readers about assessments that can be used during the Collaborative Problem Solving process and the use of technology both during the process of its activities and assessment. Keywords: Collaborative Problem Solving, Adaptability, Collaboratio

    Learning to diagnose collaboratively – Effects of adaptive collaboration scripts in agent-based medical simulations

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    We investigated how medical students' collaborative diagnostic reasoning, particularly evidence elicitation and sharing, can be facilitated effectively using agent-based simulations. Providing adaptive collaboration scripts has been suggested to increase effectiveness, but existing evidence is diverse and could be affected by unsystematic group constellations. Collaboration scripts have been criticized for undermining learners' agency. We investigate the effect of adaptive and static scripts on collaborative diagnostic reasoning and basic psychological needs. We randomly allocated 160 medical students to one of three groups: adaptive, static, or no collaboration script. We found that learning with adaptive collaboration scripts enhanced evidence sharing performance and transfer performance. Scripting did not affect learners’ perceived autonomy and social relatedness. Yet, compared to static scripts, adaptive scripts had positive effects on perceived competence. We conclude that for complex skills complementing agent-based simulations with adaptive scripts seems beneficial to help learners internalize collaboration scripts without negatively affecting basic psychological needs

    As competĂŞncias na era digital no setor do turismo e hotelaria

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    Atualmente, graças à Quarta Revolução Industrial, o mundo assistiu a várias alterações ao nível tecnológico, que se refletiram na forma como a sociedade deve atuar, nomeadamente as organizações do setor do Turismo e Hotelaria. Assim, as organizações deste setor enfrentaram desafios, quer ao nível das competências dos seus profissionais, quer ao nível dos produtos/serviços oferecidos. O estudo desenvolvido tem como objetivo principal apresentar as alterações ao nível das competências atuais necessárias ao setor do Turismo e Hotelaria. Deste modo, pretende-se perceber de que forma se alterou o paradigma dos sistemas de ensino das instituições de Turismo e Hotelaria. Os objetivos específicos pretendem caracterizar as estratégias e os desafios técnicos e relacionais que as organizações enfrentam nesta nova Era. Neste estudo foi adotada a metodologia qualitativa, através da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, a doze profissionais de unidades hoteleiras do Grande Porto. Os dados das entrevistas foram tratados à luz dos princípios da Grounded Theory. Os resultados do estudo indiciam que esta Era Digital trouxe mudanças nas competências necessárias aos profissionais que atuam neste setor. Para além de competências técnicas, necessárias ao desempenho de cada função, as competências pessoais e interpessoais são cada vez mais importantes. Estas constituem valor acrescentado face à tecnologia e assim diferenciam as unidades hoteleiras entre si. Por fim, são apresentadas algumas sugestões para futuras investigações no âmbito deste tema.Currently, due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the world has witnessed several changes at the technological level, which have been reflected in the way a society should operate, namely organizations in the Tourism and Hospitality sector. Thus, these organizations faced challenges, both in terms of their professionals’ skills and in terms of the products / services offered. The main objective of this study is to present changes in the required competencies’ level by the Tourism and Hospitality sector. In this way, it intends to understand how the paradigm of the education systems of Tourism and Hospitality institutions changed. The specific objectives are intended to characterize the goals and technical and relational challenges that organizations face in this new Era. In this study, the qualitative methodology was assumed, through the realization of a semi-structured interviews to twelve professionals of hotels in Grande Porto. The source data were in the light of the Grounded Theory principles. The results of the study indicate that this Digital Era brought changes in the skills needed by professionals in this sector. In addition to the necessary technical skills to performance each function, personal and interpersonal skills are becoming increasingly important. These skills compared to technology added value that could differentiate the hotel units from each other. Finally, there are some suggestions for future research regarding this topic

    Improving Hybrid Brainstorming Outcomes with Scripting and Group Awareness Support

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    Previous research has shown that hybrid brainstorming, which combines individual and group methods, generates more ideas than either approach alone. However, the quality of these ideas remains similar across different methods. This study, guided by the dual-pathway to creativity model, tested two computer-supported scaffolds – scripting and group awareness support – for enhancing idea quality in hybrid brainstorming. 94 higher education students,grouped into triads, were tasked with generating ideas in three conditions. The Control condition used standard hybrid brainstorming without extra support. In the Experimental 1 condition, students received scripting support during individual brainstorming, and students in the Experimental 2 condition were provided with group awareness support during the group phase in addition. While the quantity of ideas was similar across all conditions, the Experimental 2 condition produced ideas of higher quality, and the Experimental 1 condition also showed improved idea quality in the individual phase compared to the Control condition

    Collaborative Learning with a Geometry Video Game: The Role of Elaboration and Game Design in Motivation and Learning

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    The study examined the effects of a new game mechanic on collaborative learning and mathematical discourse when playing a digital geometry puzzle game. For this study, two new versions of the game “Noobs vs. Leets” were developed. Both versions of the game teach the concepts of complementary and supplementary angles and the angle sum theorem of triangles. It was hypothesized that the version of the game that included a game mechanic that allow players to manipulate the angles, thus creating a more open-ended task, would be more intrinsically motivating, promote elaboration of the geometric concepts, and lead to greater learning gains. However, no differences were found between the two versions of the game in individual learning outcomes, the degree of mathematical elaboration by the pairs, or individual interest, effort or competence. Elaboration of the mathematical concepts in the pairs’ discourse in the procedural game levels did predict individual procedural learning outcomes. Elaboration of reasoning did not, however, predict conceptual learning. To understand why no differences were found between the two versions of the game and why there was not a stronger link between elaborative reasoning and conceptual learning, eight representative pairs were chosen for more in-depth analysis. This analysis revealed that the pairs varied tremendously not only in their level of cognitive engagement but also in the quality of their social interactions. I conclude that successful collaborative learning with serious games requires not only careful consideration of how to align the game mechanics with the learning goals but also how to promote positive social rapport between players, as without this rapport, students will be unlikely to learn from one another or from the game. Future research on collaborative learning with digital games should examine not only the role of cognitive engagement in learning but also the role of social rapport