9 research outputs found

    Towards a framework for computational persuasion with applications in behaviour change

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    Persuasion is an activity that involves one party trying to induce another party to believe something or to do something. It is an important and multifaceted human facility. Obviously, sales and marketing is heavily dependent on persuasion. But many other activities involve persuasion such as a doctor persuading a patient to drink less alcohol, a road safety expert persuading drivers to not text while driving, or an online safety expert persuading users of social media sites to not reveal too much personal information online. As computing becomes involved in every sphere of life, so too is persuasion a target for applying computer-based solutions. An automated persuasion system (APS) is a system that can engage in a dialogue with a user (the persuadee) in order to persuade the persuadee to do (or not do) some action or to believe (or not believe) something. To do this, an APS aims to use convincing arguments in order to persuade the persuadee. Computational persuasion is the study of formal models of dialogues involving arguments and counterarguments, of user models, and strategies, for APSs. A promising application area for computational persuasion is in behaviour change. Within healthcare organizations, government agencies, and non-governmental agencies, there is much interest in changing behaviour of particular groups of people away from actions that are harmful to themselves and/or to others around them

    A dialogue game for multi-party goal-setting in health coaching

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    Goal-setting is a frequently adopted strategy in behaviour change coaching. When setting a goal, it is important that it is understood and agreed upon by all parties, and not simply accepted as-is. We present here a dialogue game for multi-party goal-setting, in which multiple health coaches can contribute in order to find a goal that is acceptable to both the patient, and the coaches themselves. Our proposed game incorporates three important aspects of goal-setting and health coaching, (1) coaches can query each other's proposed goals, (2) the patient takes ownership of the goal, and (3) the patient themselves can propose goals

    Rethinking Health Recommender Systems for Active Aging: An Autonomy-Based Ethical Analysis

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    Health Recommender Systems are promising Articial-Intelligence-based tools endowing healthy lifestyles and therapy adherence in healthcare and medicine. Among the most supported areas, it is worth mentioning active aging. However, current HRS supporting AA raise ethical challenges that still need to be properly formalized and explored. This study proposes to rethink HRS for AA through an autonomy-based ethical analysis. In particular, a brief overview of the HRS' technical aspects allows us to shed light on the ethical risks and challenges they might raise on individuals' well-being as they age. Moreover, the study proposes a categorization, understanding, and possible preventive/mitigation actions for the elicited risks and challenges through rethinking the AI ethics core principle of autonomy. Finally, elaborating on autonomy-related ethical theories, the paper proposes an autonomy-based ethical framework and how it can foster the development of autonomy-enabling HRS for AA

    Associações entre exposição à mídia eletrônica e comunicação na primeira infância: uma revisão integrativa

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    Purpose: to evaluate the amount of average use that infants make of electronic media, and to observe how it is associated with early childhood communication through an integrative review of the last 10 years (2010-2020). Topic: screen use during early childhood and its associations with verbal and pre-verbal communication skills. Development: verbal and non-verbal communication in the early years are essential skills, since they predict the later development of other cognitive skills and academic performance. Given that exposure to technological devices has increased in recent years, both in adults and in early childhood, it becomes important to review studies on this subject. We found 15 studies that met the inclusion criteria. In the first three years of life, on average the use of technological devices was 1 to 3 hours a day, they were negatively associated with the development of communication. However, it is necessary to take into account whether the activity is accompanied by an adult, the educational level, and the type of content that is consumed. Conclusions: it is necessary to carry out more research in the Latin American context, taking into account the diversity of electronic devices and content that we currently have.Propósito: evaluar la cantidad de uso promedio que los infantes realizan de los medios electrónicos, y observar cómo se asocian con la comunicación infantil temprana a través de una revisión integrativa de los últimos 10 años (2010-2020). Tema: el uso de pantallas durante la infancia temprana y sus asociaciones con habilidades de comunicación verbales y preverbales. Desarrollo: la comunicación verbal y no verbal en los primeros años son habilidades fundamentales, ya que predicen el desarrollo posterior de otras habilidades cognitivas y del rendimiento académico. Siendo que la exposición a dispositivos tecnológicos ha aumentado en los últimos años, tanto en adultos como en la infancia temprana, se vuelve importante revisar estudios sobre esta temática. Se encontraron 15 estudios que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. En los primeros tres años de vida, en promedio el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos fue de 1 a 3 horas diarias, y los mismos se asociaron de forma negativa con el desarrollo de la comunicación. Sin embargo, es necesario tener en cuenta si la actividad está acompañada por un adulto, el nivel educativo, y el tipo de contenido que se consume. Conclusiones: es necesario realizar más investigaciones en el contexto latinoamericano, teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de dispositivos electrónicos y contenidos con los que contamos en la actualidad.Objetivo: avaliar o uso médio que os bebês fazem da mídia eletrônica e observar como ela está associada à comunicação na primeira infância por meio de uma revisão integrativa dos últimos 10 anos (2010-2020). Tema: uso da tela na primeira infância e suas associações com habilidades de comunicação verbal e pré-verbal. Desenvolvimento: a comunicação verbal e não verbal nos primeiros anos são habilidades essenciais, pois predizem o desenvolvimento posterior de outras habilidades cognitivas e desempenho acadêmico. Tendo em vista que a exposição a dispositivos tecnológicos tem aumentado nos últimos anos, tanto em adultos quanto na primeira infância, torna-se importante revisar estudos sobre esse assunto. Encontramos 15 estudos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Nos primeiros três anos de vida, em média, o uso de dispositivos tecnológicos era de 1 a 3 horas por dia, eles se associaram negativamente ao desenvolvimento da comunicação. No entanto, é necessário levar em consideração se a atividade é acompanhada por um adulto, o nível de escolaridade e o tipo de conteúdo que é consumido. Conclusões: é necessário realizar mais pesquisas no contexto latino-americano, levando em consideração a diversidade de dispositivos eletrônicos e conteúdos que temos atualmente

    Associações entre exposição à mídia eletrônica e comunicação na primeira infância: Uma revisão integrativa

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    Propósito: evaluar la cantidad de uso promedio que los infantes realizan de los medios electrónicos, y observar cómo se asocian con la comunicación infantil temprana a través de una revisión integrativa de los últimos 10 años (2010-2020). Tema: el uso de pantallas durante la infancia temprana y sus asociaciones con habilidades de comunicación verbales y preverbales. Desarrollo: la comunicación verbal y no verbal en los primeros años son habilidades fundamentales, ya que predicen el desarrollo posterior de otras habilidades cognitivas y del rendimiento académico. Siendo que la exposición a dispositivos tecnológicos ha aumentado en los últimos años, tanto en adultos como en la infancia temprana, se vuelve importante revisar estudios sobre esta temática. Se encontraron 15 estudios que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. En los primeros tres años de vida, en promedio el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos fue de 1 a 3 horas diarias, y los mismos se asociaron de forma negativa con el desarrollo de la comunicación. Sin embargo, es necesario tener en cuenta si la actividad está acompañada por un adulto, el nivel educativo, y el tipo de contenido que se consume. Conclusiones: es necesario realizar más investigaciones en el contexto latinoamericano, teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de dispositivos electrónicos y contenidos con los que contamos en la actualidad.Purpose: to evaluate the amount of average use that infants make of electronic media, and to observe how it is associated with early childhood communication through an integrative review of the last 10 years (2010-2020). Topic: screen use during early childhood and its associations with verbal and pre-verbal communication skills. Development: verbal and non-verbal communication in the early years are essential skills, since they predict the later development of other cognitive skills and academic performance. Given that exposure to technological devices has increased in recent years, both in adults and in early childhood, it becomes important to review studies on this subject. We found 15 studies that met the inclusion criteria. In the first three years of life, on average the use of technological devices was 1 to 3 hours a day, they were negatively associated with the development of communication. However, it is necessary to take into account whether the activity is accompanied by an adult, the educational level, and the type of content that is consumed. Conclusions: it is necessary to carry out more research in the Latin American context, taking into account the diversity of electronic devices and content that we currently have.Objetivo: avaliar o uso médio que os bebês fazem da mídia eletrônica e observar como ela está associada à comunicação na primeira infância por meio de uma revisão integrativa dos últimos 10 anos (2010-2020). Tema: uso da tela na primeira infância e suas associações com habilidades de comunicação verbal e pré-verbal. Desenvolvimento: a comunicação verbal e não verbal nos primeiros anos são habilidades essenciais, pois predizem o desenvolvimento posterior de outras habilidades cognitivas e desempenho acadêmico. Tendo em vista que a exposição a dispositivos tecnológicos tem aumentado nos últimos anos, tanto em adultos quanto na primeira infância, torna-se importante revisar estudos sobre esse assunto. Encontramos 15 estudos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Nos primeiros três anos de vida, em média, o uso de dispositivos tecno-lógicos era de 1 a 3 horas por dia, eles se associaram negativamente ao desenvolvimento da comunicação. No entanto, é necessário levar em consideração se a atividade é acompanhada por um adulto, o nível de escolaridade e o tipo de conteúdo que é consumido. Conclusões: é necessário realizar mais pesquisas no contexto latino-americano, levando em consideração a diversidade de dispositivos eletrônicos e conteúdos que temos atualmente.Fil: Gago Galvagno, Lucas Gustavo. Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Azzollini, Susana Celeste. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Elgier, Angel Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Facultad de Psicología; Argentin

    Theme Aspect Argumentation Model for Handling Fallacies

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    From daily discussions to marketing ads to political statements, information manipulation is rife. It is increasingly more important that we have the right set of tools to defend ourselves from manipulative rhetoric, or fallacies. Suitable techniques to automatically identify fallacies are being investigated in natural language processing research. However, a fallacy in one context may not be a fallacy in another context, so there is also a need to explain how and why it has come to be judged a fallacy. For the explainable fallacy identification, we present a novel approach to characterising fallacies through formal constraints, as a viable alternative to more traditional fallacy classifications by informal criteria. To achieve this objective, we introduce a novel context-aware argumentation model, the theme aspect argumentation model, which can do both: the modelling of a given argumentation as it is expressed (rhetorical modelling); and a deeper semantic analysis of the rhetorical argumentation model. By identifying fallacies with formal constraints, it becomes possible to tell whether a fallacy lurks in the modelled rhetoric with a formal rigour. We present core formal constraints for the theme aspect argumentation model and then more formal constraints that improve its fallacy identification capability. We show and prove the consequences of these formal constraints. We then analyse the computational complexities of deciding the satisfiability of the constraints

    The application of social media for marketing strategies in pharma healthcare

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    Digital is transforming the way the world does business, and healthcare is no exception. The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on internet use and accelerated the digital transition worldwide as well as in Portugal. Social media is the fastest communication network among worldwide people. During the outbreak, the usage of social media platforms increased two times more compared with normal days. With increasing health literacy and access to technology, consumers are becoming more informed and proactive towards health issues and selfmedication, 67% of them are researching health problems and symptoms tracking and 81% conduct online research before making a purchase. This change has expanded communication from offline to the internet. Electronic word-of-mouth communication (eWOM), based on social media, brought more variables to marketing communication and became an interesting field for research considering its communication potential. Indeed, several studies have shown the ability to influence interpersonal communications on products or services in the purchase intention of consumers. As so, in recent years, some authors discussed the impact of eWOM on consumer online purchasing decisions; however, the literature is still relatively nascent regarding the Pharmaceutical Industry and the self-medication segment market of Over-the-Counter medicines (OTC). Pharmaceutical companies must be aware of this paradigm change: the patient is an indispensable and active stakeholder in the present and future of healthcare, besides the physician and the payer. Pharma marketing may be moving into a more digitalized space, but there is still room for improvement, especially when it comes to social media there is an unexploited territory for pharma marketers as most pharmaceutical companies are not yet to answer these consumers habits with an effective digital presence. The current research aims to study the application of Social Media platforms for marketing or communication purposes in pharma healthcare in Portugal.digital está a transformar a forma como os negócios se fazem no mundo, e a saúde não é exceção. A pandemia de COVID-19 teve um impacto significativo na utilização da Internet e acelerou a transição digital a nível mundial, incluindo Portugal. Com o aumento da literacia em saúde e o acesso à tecnologia, os consumidores estão a tornar-se mais informados e proativos em relação aos seus cuidados com a saúde e à automedicação, 67% destes pesquisam problemas de saúde e sintomas e 81% realizam pesquisas online antes de fazer uma compra. Esta mudança de comportamento expandiu a comunicação do offline para a Internet. A comunicação electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), baseada nos media sociais, envolve mais variáveis para a comunicação de marketing; nos últimos anos, alguns autores discutiram o impacto do eWOM nas decisões de compra do consumidor online; entretanto, a literatura ainda é relativamente incipiente no que diz respeito à Indústria Farmacêutica e ao segmento de automedicação do mercado de medicamentos de venda livre (OTC). As empresas farmacêuticas devem estar atentas a esta mudança de paradigma: o paciente é uma parte indispensável e ativa no presente e no futuro da área da saúde, além do médico e do pagador. O marketing farmacêutico está a evoluir para a digitalização, mas ainda há espaço para melhorias, especialmente no âmbito das redes sociais que ainda são um território pouco explorado pelos profissionais de marketing farmacêutico. A maioria das empresas farmacêuticas ainda não se adaptou a estes hábitos de consumo com uma presença digital eficaz. A presente investigação pretende identificar a aplicação de plataformas de redes sociais para efeitos de marketing ou comunicação na área da indústria farmacêutica em Portugal