544 research outputs found

    Towards transparent computing: Content authoring using open standards

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    Mobile Learning Application with Cloud Computing

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    This project focuses on the development of M-Learning and Performance Tracking System at university level. The system provides mobility for the University students to do revision through the exercises and perform immediate tracking and analysis on the results. The project also served as a channel for students to access the latest information and news in the industry. The core problems that I had identified before I initiate this project are the immobility and limited features of current learning system which might causing the ineffective of learning among the university student. The inconvenience of the current system also included the trouble in checking their academic performance constantly from time to time. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the acceptability of the university students of m-learning, designing m-learning features that would help students to improve their academic performance, and develop the system which is able to cater the needs and meet the expectation of the students and lecturers. The methodology adapted in this project is phased development methodology that breaks the projects into 3 stages which are development of quizzes, development of performance tracking and last stage is the library function. The process involved planning, analysis, design, and last but not least implementation. As the result at the end of the project, the result found that the project is feasible with high acceptance level from the university students who believe that mobile learning is useful in learning. However more improvement has to be made on the project especially on the performance tracking method. For future development suggestions, we can adopt several methods in knowledge management in performance tracking to provide more accurate suggestions for the students. Cross platform can be achieved by adapting the HTML5 technology into the development. Cloud computing is important for the development of smartphone program with limited memory and capacity ability

    An Investigation into the cost justification of computer-to-plate systems

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    In the history of technological development, it is usually the case that the technology is available before mankind understands the full potential of its use. Thus it should come as no surprise that CTP (Computer-to Plate) technology is currently waiting for its advantages to be exploited by the graphic arts\u27 market. This was evidenced by the heavy saturation of platesetters presented at DRUPA 1995 (the largest printing trade show in the world), which demonstrated that CTP is no longer a research and development experiment but a marketplace reality and the topic of considerable discussion. Surprisingly, the response of the printing industry to this new age of digital prepress which CTP systems were designed to facilitate has been rather restrained. Although most printers agree that digital formatting and output are the way of the future; printers are still uneasy at the prospect of investing in CTP systems. This reluctance is certainly understandable, since anyone considering buying a platesetter (computer-to-plate system) will potentially have to reorganize and update their front end computer system and its accompanying workflow. To compound the issue, buyers need a pay back period three years or less to recoup their investment, due to the accelerated rate of computer obsolescence. And, as if this isn\u27t enough to think about, probably the biggest deterrent is coming from the manufacturers themselves. As platesetters begin to carve out market share from conventional imagesetter territory, the manufacturers have now modified the existing technology to work with thermal plates while increasing their efforts to produce Direct-to Press technology. In such a climate of change, most printers would prefer to invest in a system that can prove its profitability along with its potential to upgrade rather than a system destined to be marked as a piece of transitional technology. In an effort to understand and evaluate the aforementioned problems CTP systems are creating in the marketplace, this paper has analyzed a platesetter being used in pro duction to determine the viability of cost justification proposals developed by the CTP manufacturers in order to maximize profits. Several printing companies, who specialize in different market segments, have been interviewed in the data collection process. A comparison of these organizations has demonstrated under which circumstances the investment in a CTP system is justified and which environmental factors have to be considered for an ROI calculation. Among the local participants is the Webster Division of Thomson Professional Publishing a parent company to five different publishing branches that specialize in legal publishing and book production. The Webster location has just recently installed its second CTP system. The other cooperating company is Canfield and Tack, of Rochester, New York a high quality commercial printing company that recently signed a letter of intent to purchase a CTP system. Additional interview sources will be industry consultants, printers, manufacturers and suppliers. By doing a comparison of the considerations upon which each system was evaluated by the different firms, conclusions may be drawn as to the future of CTP in the marketplace, and more significantly, where cost justification fits into this picture of fast moving technology. This thesis strives to secure the answers to three key issues: 1 ) Can cost justification, using the manufacturer\u27s suggested model, provide potential buyers with enough infor mation to prove that CTP systems are a good capital investment; 2) Are the cost benefits achievable with a CTP system enough to warrant such a radical restructuring of work flow; and 3) Does the issue of equipment obsolescence and its economic impact have a determining factor in the decision to install such a system

    Mobile Learning Application with Cloud Computing

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    This project focuses on the development of M-Learning and Performance Tracking System at university level. The system provides mobility for the University students to do revision through the exercises and perform immediate tracking and analysis on the results. The project also served as a channel for students to access the latest information and news in the industry. The core problems that I had identified before I initiate this project are the immobility and limited features of current learning system which might causing the ineffective of learning among the university student. The inconvenience of the current system also included the trouble in checking their academic performance constantly from time to time. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the acceptability of the university students of m-learning, designing m-learning features that would help students to improve their academic performance, and develop the system which is able to cater the needs and meet the expectation of the students and lecturers. The methodology adapted in this project is phased development methodology that breaks the projects into 3 stages which are development of quizzes, development of performance tracking and last stage is the library function. The process involved planning, analysis, design, and last but not least implementation. As the result at the end of the project, the result found that the project is feasible with high acceptance level from the university students who believe that mobile learning is useful in learning. However more improvement has to be made on the project especially on the performance tracking method. For future development suggestions, we can adopt several methods in knowledge management in performance tracking to provide more accurate suggestions for the students. Cross platform can be achieved by adapting the HTML5 technology into the development. Cloud computing is important for the development of smartphone program with limited memory and capacity ability

    Using SWISH to realise interactive web based tutorials for logic based languages

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    Programming environments have evolved from purely text based to using graphical user interfaces, and now we see a move towards web based interfaces, such as Jupyter. Web based interfaces allow for the creation of interactive documents that consist of text and programs, as well as their output. The output can be rendered using web technology as, e.g., text, tables, charts or graphs. This approach is particularly suitable for capturing data analysis workflows and creating interactive educational material. This article describes SWISH, a web front-end for Prolog that consists of a web server implemented in SWI-Prolog and a client web application written in JavaScript. SWISH provides a web server where multiple users can manipulate and run the same material, and it can be adapted to support Prolog extensions. In this paper we describe the architecture of SWISH, and describe two case studies of extensions of Prolog, namely Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) and Logic Production System (LPS), which have used SWISH to provide tutorial sites

    Data Management Recommendations for Research Centres and Programmes

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    The Data Management Planning for ESRC Research Data-Rich Investments project (DMP-ESRC) is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) under the Managing Research Data Programme. It aims to: -evaluate existing data management practices amongst researchers in the social sciences community, in particular in large research investments -help develop and integrate effective data management planning procedures and tools into the research lifecycle -increase the data management and sharing capability of research hubs within the social sciences through support and training The project is coordinated by the Research Data Management Support Service at the UK Data Archive in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Policy and Resources Directorate. The project has been working closely with the following ESRC research investments: -New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) Programme -Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) -Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics (Innogen) -Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) Research Centres and Programmes were selected based on the stage of research, research domains and re-use potential of resulting data. Presented in this report are generic data management planning recommendations for research centres, based on information gathered on current data management practices and needs from researchers, centre managers and directors in the four collaborating research centres and programme

    A Software Reuse Paradigm for the Next Generation Network (NGN)

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    MSc thesis - Faculty of EngineeringService creation in the Next Generation Network (NGN) is focused around software creation and borrows heavily from the Software Engineering community. In the NGN, telecommunication companies demand simple, rapid and economical service creation. The key to this type of service creation is software re-use. Software re-use is a conundrum where limited, dedicated solutions exists. These solutions include amongst others Enterprise JavaBeansTM (EJBs), design patterns and object-oriented programming. The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture- Conformance And Testing (TINA-CAT) workgroup has done work on a functionality centric concept called RP-facets. This report proposes a redefinition of RP-facets, as Facets, for software re-use across the design and code level. We redefine Facets as functionality centric reusable components. A Facet is independent of the implementation language and the execution platform. Facets allow containment in a structured manner via a user defined Facet Hierarchy. Facets are resource, context and data agnostic. They also introduce a structured way to allow source code to be changed based on design level decisions. Also, possessing the ability to allow the simultaneous use of other reuse solutions and programming paradigms. Abstraction of detail from developers and platform migration can be achieved by using Facets. Facets are composed of a Generic definition and any number of Implementation definitions. The definitions are supported by an underlying informational model called meta-¼. Meta- ¼ is a model at the M3 meta-level that focuses on describing entities. Most of the Facet’s capabilities are enabled by the meta-¼ model. An environment for developing Facets is created, called the Facet Development Environment (FDE). The Facet Developer (FD) role is introduced to develop and maintain Facets. The FD verifies programmes from programmers to be included into the catalogue of Facets via the FDE. The FD interacts with service creation teams to determine which Facets can be used in the service they wish to develop. Facets prove their capability in targeted areas, yet lack in other categories. It is recommended that the underlying informational model should be revised to form a more robust and flexible entity describing model. In addition, a cataloging capability to easily find Facets with particular functionality should be appended to the capabilities of the facet. It is proposed, for future work, that a development environment be created that encompasses a process for using Facets to create services

    Towards a definition of Web 2.0 - a comparative study of the 'wiki', 'blog' and 'social network' as instances of Web 2.0

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    Web 2.0 was a phrase coined in 2004 to describe the characteristics of web sites which survived the original Dot-com crash. Despite the discussion of this phenomenon in a wide variety of both academic and mass media sources, itʼs exact definition remains unclear. The relative contributions of technology and social participation to this phenomenon are particularly confused. The primary aim of this research report is to provide a clear and comprehensive definition of Web 2.0. This definition is determined through a combined social and technological analysis of blogs, wikis and social network sites, through their particular manifestations in Boing Boing, Wikipedia and Facebook respectively. It is the finding of this research that Web 2.0 is primarily the result of a natural evolution from Web 1.0 technologies and attitudes, and that Web 2.0 is essentially a social phenomenon. This research provides separate definitions for Web 2.0 technologies and Web 2.0 platforms. A Web 2.0 technology is any technology that aids and encourages simple intuitive user interaction through an architecture of participation. These technologies enable user feedback, and are thus constantly improved and exist within the ethos of a perpetual beta. Web 2.0 technologies embrace re-mix and mash-up philosophies. A Web 2.0 platform is a read-write Web platform designed to enable and encourage User Generated Content and interaction. These platforms can be built with any set of technologies, and their primary characteristics are social in nature, but the platforms must allow users to interact with the technology at either an open-source, network or appropriation level. These platforms become more powerful and richer the greater the number of people using the platform, and ultimately result in the formation of Web 2.0 communities