263,225 research outputs found

    An Approach for Actions to Prevent Suicides on Commuter and Metro Rail Systems in the United States, MTI Report 12-33

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    The primary goals of this report are to discuss measures to prevent suicides on commuter and metro rail systems, and to outline an approach for suicide prevention on rail systems. Based on existing literature and analysis of data obtained from the Metrolink system in Southern California, it was found that most suicides occur near station platforms and near access points to the track. Suicides occurred most frequently when relatively more trains were in operation and in areas of high population density. There do not appear to be suicide “hot spots” (e.g., linked to mental hospitals in the proximity, etc.), based on data analyzed for U.S. systems. The suicide prevention measures range from relatively inexpensive signs posting call-for-help suicide hotline information to costly platform barriers that physically prevent people from jumping onto tracks in front of trains. Other prevention measures fall within this range, such as hotlines available at high frequency suicide locations, or surveillance systems that can report possible suicide attempts and provide the opportunity for intervention tactics. Because of the relatively low number of suicides on rail systems, as compared to the overall number of suicides in general, a cost-effective strategy for preventing suicides on rail systems should be approached in a very focused manner. The prevention measures executed by the rail authorities should be focused on the suicides occurring on the rail systems themselves, while the broader problem of suicides should be left to community-based prevention efforts. Moreover, prevention measures, such as surveillance and response, could “piggyback” on surveillance and response systems used for other purposes on the rail systems to make such projects economically feasible

    Critical success factors for preventing E-banking fraud

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    E-Banking fraud is an issue being experienced globally and is continuing to prove costly to both banks and customers. Frauds in e-banking services occur as a result of various compromises in security ranging from weak authentication systems to insufficient internal controls. Lack of research in this area is problematic for practitioners so there is need to conduct research to help improve security and prevent stakeholders from losing confidence in the system. The purpose of this paper is to understand factors that could be critical in strengthening fraud prevention systems in electronic banking. The paper reviews relevant literatures to help identify potential critical success factors of frauds prevention in e-banking. Our findings show that beyond technology, there are other factors that need to be considered such as internal controls, customer education and staff education etc. These findings will help assist banks and regulators with information on specific areas that should be addressed to build on their existing fraud prevention systems

    A descriptive review and classification of organizational information security awareness research

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    Information security awareness (ISA) is a vital component of information security in organizations. The purpose of this research is to descriptively review and classify the current body of knowledge on ISA. A sample of 59 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, which were published over the last decade from 2008 to 2018, were analyzed. Articles were classified using coding techniques from the grounded theory literature-review method. The results show that ISA research is evolving with behavioral research studies still being explored. Quantitative empirical research is the dominant methodology and the top three theories used are general deterrence theory, theory of planned behavior, and protection motivation theory. Future research could focus on qualitative approaches to provide greater depth of ISA understanding

    South Asia and societal challenges : a regional perspective

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    This paper is a summary of the South Asian region’s status and interests concerning the seven thematic societal challenges identified under the EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme: Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agricultures, marine and maritime research and the bio-based economy; Clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; A changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; and, Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of the country and its citizens. This paper considers the position of seven countries in South Asia: Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Maldives; Nepal; Pakistan; and, Sri Lanka1. It also identifies national and regional priorities for the seven themes under consideration. This paper is an output of the CASCADE project (Collaborative Action towards Societal Challenges through Awareness, Development, and Education) that aims to provide the foundation for a future International Cooperation Network programme targeting South Asian Countries, which will promote bi-regional coordination of Science & Technology cooperation. The EU recognise a need to strengthen internationalisation through strategic policy action. The need for linkages with Asian countries has been highlighted given the region’s rapidly growing research and innovation capacities and the urgency to address global challenges. The project coincides with the launch of Horizon 2020, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of just over €80 billion, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to tackle global societal challenges, and create new growth and jobs. International cooperation in research and innovation is an essential element for meeting the objectives of Europe 2020. Recognising the global nature of producing and using knowledge, Horizon 2020 builds on the success of international cooperation in previous framework programmes and is fully open to participation from third countries

    Systematic review of interventions for the secondary prevention and treatment of emotional abuse of children by primary carers

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    Background Emotional abuse (or psychological maltreatment, as it is more commonly called in the US) is an inadequately researched and poorly understood concept, despite increasing awareness about the harm it can cause to children‟s lives. Although it unifies and underpins all types of maltreatment it also occurs alone and when it does, tends to elude detection and intervention. There have to date been no systematic reviews of the literature on the secondary prevention and treatment involving the parents or primary carers of emotionally abused children. Objective The objective of the review was to identify studies that evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in the secondary prevention and treatment of child emotional abuse involving the parents or primary carers of children aged 0 – 19 years. Methods Studies were included if they involved any intervention which was directed at emotionally abusive parenting and that measured change in (i) emotional unavailability (ii) negative attributions (i.e. that involve the parent attributing negative intentions, beliefs or attitudes toward the child); (iii) developmentally inappropriate interactions; (iv) lack of recognition of children‟s boundaries; (v) inconsistency of parenting role; (vi) missocialisation or consistent failure to promote the child‟s social adaptation. The primary outcomes evaluated involved proxy measures of a range of parent, family and child outcomes including parental psychopathology, parenting attitudes and practices, family functioning and/or child behaviour and the child‟s development and adaptation. . A broad search strategy was developed in order to identify as many relevant studies as possible. An electronic search of a wide range of databases was carried about. No study type was excluded. The search was augmented by direct contact with academics and practitioners known in this field. The search included studies written in English, Spanish, French and German. Studies were included if the intervention was described, and the impact on at least one indicator of emotional abuse was assessed. Included studies were critically appraised by two reviewers using standard criteria. Data were extracted using a standard proforma, and a qualitative synthesis of results was carried out. Results The initial search yielded 4248 publications of potential interest. Of these, 175 were obtained for possible inclusion or as background material. A total of 21 studies of 18 interventions, met all the inclusion criteria. A further 43 studies were relevant, but did not meet all of the inclusion criteria. Studies were organised according to the type of emotional abuse targeted: emotionally abusive parenting; parents of infants with faltering growth; missocialisation: parenting interventions with substance-abusing mothers. Twelve included studies had quantitative designs. Of these, 6 comprised randomised controlled trials; 1 comprised a follow-up of a randomised controlled trial; 2 were controlled studies; and 3 had one-group pre- and post-designs. The remaining 9 were case studies. Included studies involved a wide range of interventions. The 8 studies for parents which address emotionally abusive parenting (rejection, misattribution, parent-child role reversal and anger management) involved evaluations of cognitive-behavioural training (CBT), behavioural training and parent-infant psychotherapy. Two further case studies involved cognitive-behavioural training, mentalisation and family-based therapy. The 9 interventions with parents of infants with faltering growth evaluated CBT, behavioural training, parent infant psychotherapy and interaction guidance; lay home visitors, and a range of therapeutic options based on the diagnostic condition of the parents. The 3 studies of interventions for substance abusing mothers evaluated a relational psychotherapy group for mothers, and a residential treatment for substance abuse with a parenting component. The sample sizes for quantitative studies were small and ranged from 17 to 98 participants. Ten interventions involved mothers alone, while a further 11 included fathers, either at the outset or at a later stage, and in 3 cases extended family members. Interventions for emotionally abusing parents The findings from the 8 included studies evaluating CBT, psychotherapy, and behavioural approaches suggest that group-based CBT may be an effective means of intervening with this group of parents, although it cannot currently be recommended with parents experiencing symptoms of severe psychopathology. While one comparative study showed a psychotherapeutic intervention to be more effective than a CBT focused intervention, the outcomes measured in this study (i.e. parent and child representations) favoured the former. Behavioural case work involving the use of problem-solving techniques may also have a role to play with some parents, although further research is still needed. Interventions to enhance parental sensitivity The findings from a systematic review of 81 interventions that aimed at enhancing parental sensitivity and / or infant attachment found strong evidence that short term (less than 16 sessions) interventions, with a behavioural focus and aimed exclusively at enhancing maternal sensitivity were also most effective in enhancing infant attachment security. This supports the notion of a causal role of sensitivity in shaping attachment. Interventions that included fathers as well as mothers showed higher effect sizes but results are tentative since they are based on a small number of small scale trials. Parental behaviours associated with faltering growth Nine studies evaluated a range of interventions with parents of babies with faltering growth including interaction guidance, home visiting; parent-child psychotherapy, behavioural casework and multi-component interventions. The findings show that interaction guidance and parent-infant psychotherapy may be potentially effective means of working with this group of clients along with behavioural casework, but that further research is needed before these can be recommended. Missocialisation: Parenting interventions for substance-abusing parents 5 studies (one of which was a 6-month follow-up) evaluated interventions for substance abusing mothers, including a relational psychotherapy group and a residential treatment for substance abusing adults with a parenting component. The findings show that initial gains made in the former were not sustained at 6-months and few benefits from residential intervention. Conclusions Emotional abuse is a complex issue resulting in part from learned behaviours, psychopathology and/or unmet emotional needs in the parents, and often compounded by factors in the families‟ immediate and wider social environment. As such, a „one-approach-fits-all‟ is unlikely to lead to sustained change. The evidence base is weak, but suggests that some caregivers respond well to cognitive behavioural therapy. However, the characteristics that define these parents are not clear. There is currently no evidence to support the use of this intervention alone in the treatment of severely emotionally abusive parents. Some of the evidence suggests that a certain form of emotional abuse (for example, highly negative parent affect, which may be expressed as frightened and frightening behaviours in the parent) stemming from unresolved trauma and loss, is less amenable to CBT. There is some evidence that interaction guidance and psychotherapeutic approaches can generate change in parents with more severe psychopathology. Further research is urgently needed to evaluate the benefits of both psychotherapeutic and cognitive behavioural interventions, including those which take the form of family therapy, with parents at the more severe end of the spectrum, with fathers, and with older children. There is also a need to gain further understanding about which forms of emotional abuse respond best to different treatments

    Fisheries and Aquaculture and Their Potential Roles in Development: An Assessment of the Current Evidence

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    Commissioned by the International Sustainability Unity, this report investigates a number of innovative solutions that have been developed to deal with five key challenges that are impeding progress in achieving sustainable fisheries: overcapacity; perverse subsidies; poor governance; lack of data; and by-catch and discards. These key challenges are interlinked and affect the sustainability of fisheries both directly as well as indirectly by undermining instances of good management. Through 22 case studies demonstrating good practice, we explore how these challenges have been addressed around the world and how these approaches might be scaled up and applied in other fisheries. Each case study draws on published material and interviews with key people involved in the fishery. The main report draws lessons from these case studies
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