679 research outputs found

    Towards a Stage Model for GIS and SDI Deployment in Local Government

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    This paper focuses on the deployment of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) within local government in Thai Provinces. GIS has been used extensively within local government and many countries have undertaken SDI initiatives, but these tend to focus at the national level, failing to address the local deployment issues. By their nature as infrastructures, an SDI displays different diffusion patterns to GIS, as they exhibit network externalities and extend an 'installed base'. Having described the GIS and SDI concepts, the authors subsequently turn to the Stage Model literature, which has been applied to generic Information Systems and GIS. An assimilation of this literature is presented and an extended model is proposed, which can be applied in a prescribed manner, aiding in the deployment of GIS and SDI within local government

    The dynamics of a spatial data infrastructure– a national case study

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    It widely cited that 80% of government data is spatial in nature and the accessibility of this data is a critical aspect of E-government. Many countries are developing standardised infrastructures, which will allow sharing and reuse of spatial data. This paper presents the findings of a national level case study of the Spatial Data Infrastructure implementation in Ireland. The study draws on concepts from Corporate Information Infrastructure (CII), most notably the power of the installed base, role of standardisation, multiple actors and top-down versus bottom-up tensions. A significant outcome of this paper is the application of the CII concepts to a national level case study

    A new trajectory for spatial data infrastructure evolution in the developing world

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-113).Spatial Data is a key resource in the development of cities. There is a lot of socio-economic potential that is locked away in spatial data holdings and this potential is unlocked by making the datasets widely available for use. Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) have served this primary purpose; to make data accessible through the use of web based technologies. However, SDIs have not had their anticipated impact at local levels of governance. They have traditionally served as platforms that facilitate access to raw spatial datasets. They have not fully facilitated for the use of these datasets and therefore have attracted minimal attention from decision makers and users. This research suggests a new trajectory for SDI evolution; a trajectory that will allow them to evolve into more relevant platforms for confronting the urban crisis in developing nations and thereby ensuring that they have the societal impact that they are intended to. The research explores the characteristics of the mainstream efforts to counter urban crises in the developing world to determine how the new SDI should be re-conceptualised to more adequately assist in responding to the urban crisis. This leads to the incorporation of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) into SDI through the use of urban indicators and knowledge creation processes to reflect on the pressing societal issues. From the new SDI concept, an architectural design is implemented as a “proof of concept”. At the heart of this new concept is the SDIs ability to provide access to more than just raw spatial datasets but useful information products that are based on these data. This proves that EBP can be incorporated into SDI to make them more efficient in responding to the urban problems in developing nation and consequently more relevant Information Infrastructures for urban decision makers

    Evaluating Local Government Usage of GIS: A New Maturity Model

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    GIS is a technology with the potential to transform government by enhancing business processes and providing a platform to manage spatial and non-spatial data, which is expected to result in better decision-making. However, little is known about how this technology is actually implemented organization-wide and the environment surrounding its use. Current GIS maturity models have not examined usage broadly or in-depth, lack empirical validation, and measurement tools to diagnose maturity are not readily available. Based on GIS, maturity models, and system usage literature this study presents a more comprehensive maturity model for evaluating local government usage of GIS along with a measurement tool. The study followed De Bruin guidelines for developing maturity models. This new model was discussed with practitioners and academics, was pilot-tested, and then widely tested on Southern California local governments through an online questionnaire. Results show support for the validity of the model and demonstrate its utility

    The case of Ferbritas Cadastre Information System

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    The processes of mobilization of land for infrastructures of public and private domain are developed according to proper legal frameworks and systematically confronted with the impoverished national situation as regards the cadastral identification and regularization, which leads to big inefficiencies, sometimes with very negative impact to the overall effectiveness. This project report describes Ferbritas Cadastre Information System (FBSIC) project and tools, which in conjunction with other applications, allow managing the entire life-cycle of Land Acquisition and Cadastre, including support to field activities with the integration of information collected in the field, the development of multi-criteria analysis information, monitoring all information in the exploration stage, and the automated generation of outputs. The benefits are evident at the level of operational efficiency, including tools that enable process integration and standardization of procedures, facilitate analysis and quality control and maximize performance in the acquisition, maintenance and management of registration information and expropriation (expropriation projects). Therefore, the implemented system achieves levels of robustness, comprehensiveness, openness, scalability and reliability suitable for a structural platform. The resultant solution, FBSIC, is a fit-for-purpose cadastre information system rooted in the field of railway infrastructures. FBSIC integrating nature of allows: to accomplish present needs and scale to meet future services; to collect, maintain, manage and share all information in one common platform, and transform it into knowledge; to relate with other platforms; to increase accuracy and productivity of business processes related with land property management

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Data-driven Economies in Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and Perspectives

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    The recently published Communication on “Building a European Data Economy” (COM(2017)9) clearly highlights the increasing importance of data as a driver for growth, innovation and job creation. It is estimated that by year 2020, the value the EU data economy will increase to EUR 643 billion, representing over 3% of the EU GDP. At the same time there is no comparable and quantifiable evidence on the current state and the future perspectives of the data driven economy in the European Union neighbouring countries. It can however safely be assumed that the role of data will be following a similar pattern, and is therefore expected to be contribution to an increasing relative share of GDP. Furthermore, some European neighbouring countries, most notably those in Central and Eastern Europe, are a recognised destination for IT businesses that grow two to three times faster than in their economy of origin. Within this context, a workshop was co-organized by the World Bank, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). The workshop took place on 05 September as part of the annual INSPIRE Conference in 2017 (co-organised in Strasbourg and Kehl by France and Germany). The workshop explored the challenges and possibilities related with Data driven economy in Central and Eastern Europe. All the presentation of attendees are available online. The rapidly emerging spatial data infrastructures (SDI) were used as a use case to have a better insight into the data economy as they address a broad spectrum of topics that relate to the legal, technological and organisational challenges towards the use and reuse of data. Particular emphasis was put on good practices that if re-used and extended, can further foster innovation and intensify growth. This JRC technical report summarises the outcomes of the WB/UNECE/FAO/JRC workshop. It includes (i) overview of relevant processes on the global and European agenda, (ii) good practices from countries in the target region on the value-added from data that provide indications future policy directions and emerging opportunities.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements

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    'How are we progressing towards achieving sustainable development in the EU's desired knowledge society?' Current lists of indicators, indices and assessment tools, which have been developed for measuring and displaying performance at different spatial levels, show that progress has been made. However, there are still a very large number of indicators, perhaps the majority, most specifically those which relate to social and political issues, that are difficult to capture. Issues such as intergenerational equity, aesthetics and governance come into this category. 'How is it possible to measure these and capture their full meaning and represent this back meaningfully to disparate groups of stakeholders in a society?' This paper will discuss these issues, highlighting the need for new methods and an alternative view of how to go about the capture and representation of the types of data with which we need to wor

    Assessment of the Conditions for a European Union Location Framework Report EUR

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    The European Union Location Framework (EULF) is a set of good practices and actions to promote more effective and efficient use of location information in e-government services. The EULF is part of the Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations (ISA) Programme, which supports interoperability solutions, sharing and re-use among European Public Administrations. This report assesses the conditions for an EULF, based on a survey of Member States and an examination of EU policies and work programmes. Five focus areas are being considered initially: policy and strategy alignment, e government integration, standardisation and interoperbility, costs and benefits and committed partnerships. The assessment confirmed their importance in realising and maximising the benefits of location-related information and services. There are various good practices demonstrating that these issues can be addressed and that benefits for governments, citizens and businesses can be delivered. However these good pratices are not universally deployed and there are some significant gaps. The assessment also identified other important issues, including the need for effective leadership and governance, a user-driven approach, an open and balanced data policy, training and awareness raising and appropriately targeted funding. There is, therefore, a need for an EULF, to build on the good practices and interest from Member States and to develop a framework of guidance and actions that will foster interoperable cross-sector and cross-border sharing and use of location information.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat
