15,057 research outputs found

    Enc0d1ng poetry

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    So-called “poetry in code” mounts a doubled claim to electronic-ness and literariness, and can be dubbed “literary” precisely due to its coded nature. It would seem, then, that code requires at least as much critical consideration as the linguistic and rhetorical devices normally employed in print literature. Insofar as a legitimate codework employs code at the scripting level as a language-generator and –animator, and at the surface level as either executable or non-executable programming, to what extent can E. E. Cummings’s I Will Be (1925) be considered a poem in code? What can be inferred from a comparison between this would-be proto-codework and a canonical digital poem such as Brian Kim Stefans’s The Dreamlife of Letters (2000)? What is it that makes Cummings’ poem a potentially more remarkable codework than Stefans’s? Is it the precociousness of his coded address, or is it the fact that he anticipates the links which N. Katherine Hayles makes between code and liminal somatic states in her essay 'Traumas of Code' (2006)?peer-reviewe

    La ironía crítica o los amantes de las ruinas: el esteta, el dandy y el flâneur

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    El ensayo examina el carácter crítico de la ironía romántica de Friedrich Schlegel siguiendo las consideraciones y apropiaciones de Walter Benjamin, Harold Bloom y Paul de Man. También, el ensayo pretende mostrar el paralelismo de la actitud crítica de la ironía con tres figuras literarias románticas: el esteta, el dandy y el flâneur. Estas criaturas, unidas por una fe profética en el arte, hacen de la ironía una profesión que se mueve entre la creación y la destrucción. La apropiación en el contexto post-estructuralista nos permite percibir a la ironía en una incomprensión radical, desarrollando un patrón estético que opera entre la creación y la aniquilación.This essay examines the critical character of FriedrichSchlegel?s Romantic irony, following its considerations and appropriationsby Walter Benjamin, Harold Bloom and Paul deMan. Likewise, it shows a parallelism of this critical attitude ofirony with three Romantic literary figures: the aesthete, the dandyand the flâneur. These figures, joined by a prophetic faith inart, make of irony a profession which moves between creationand destruction. Appropriation in the poststructuralist contextallows us to perceive irony in such a radical incomprehension,developing an aesthetic pattern that operates between creationand annihilation.Fil: Garnica, Naím. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentin

    Generating explanatory discourse: a plan-based, interactive approach

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D91660 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Can Intellectual Processes in the Sciences Also Be Simulated? The Anticipation and Visualization of Possible Future States

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    Socio-cognitive action reproduces and changes both social and cognitive structures. The analytical distinction between these dimensions of structure provides us with richer models of scientific development. In this study, I assume that (i) social structures organize expectations into belief structures that can be attributed to individuals and communities; (ii) expectations are specified in scholarly literature; and (iii) intellectually the sciences (disciplines, specialties) tend to self-organize as systems of rationalized expectations. Whereas social organizations remain localized, academic writings can circulate, and expectations can be stabilized and globalized using symbolically generalized codes of communication. The intellectual restructuring, however, remains latent as a second-order dynamics that can be accessed by participants only reflexively. Yet, the emerging "horizons of meaning" provide feedback to the historically developing organizations by constraining the possible future states as boundary conditions. I propose to model these possible future states using incursive and hyper-incursive equations from the computation of anticipatory systems. Simulations of these equations enable us to visualize the couplings among the historical--i.e., recursive--progression of social structures along trajectories, the evolutionary--i.e., hyper-incursive--development of systems of expectations at the regime level, and the incursive instantiations of expectations in actions, organizations, and texts.Comment: accepted for publication in Scientometrics (June 2015

    Inventing the “Virgo Angla”: Power, Patronage, and Self-Representation in the Poetry of Elizabeth Jane Weston

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    An individual’s self-presentation can leverage their place in the economy of social power: so suggest the patronage letters of Elizabeth Jane Weston (1582-1612), a young Neo-Latin poet in the court of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. This paper examines how Weston adopted the persona of “Virgo Angla” (“The British Maiden”) and used conventionalized rhetorical techniques to navigate the power dynamics of patronage in the Neo-Latin Republic of Letters. Close readings of Weston’s letters explore how her self portrayal was a critical ingredient in her appeals to patronage: Weston portrayed herself in terms that emphasized her youth and gender, which she deployed in strategic modesty tropes and doubled discourses throughout her oeuvre. Ultimately, these close readings examine how Weston used her literary self-presentation to successfully play the patronage game, underscoring the notion that personal branding has currency in social power dynamics

    An Outlaw Ethics for the Study of Religions: Maternality and the Dialogic Subject in Julia Kristeva’s 'Stabat Mater'

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    In this essay I examine Julia Kristeva’s transgressive body of work as a strategic embodiment of, and argument for, an ethical orientation towards otherness predicated on the image of divided subjectivity identified by Jacques Lacan but powerfully re-theorised as dialogic by Kristeva. I focus on what is, for Kristeva, a stylistically unique essay – 'Stabat Mater' – which examines a number of institutional discourses about motherhood from the western philosophical, religious, and psychoanalytical traditions, and simultaneously subverts them with a parallel discourse (and enactment) ostensibly by an actual mother. The text itself, I argue, can be read as a performance of dialogic subjectivity and of Kristeva’s conception of maternality, which implies a radical ethical imperative – termed 'herethics' – towards alterity. I propose that this herethical model might heuristically inform current debates regarding the ethical orientations of the study of religions as an academic field

    Diplomatic Metonymy and Antithesis in 3 Henry VI

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    This essay takes as its starting point the resemblance between the historical practice of diplomatic representation and the rhetorical practice of metonymy. The early modern ambassador acted as a substitute abroad for the sovereign who sent him and metonymy describes a comparable replacement – in words – of one thing by another associated thing. Yet metonyms can all too easily become confused with their referents or even come to replace them, as the sign is taken too literally for its signified, creating a kind of rivalry between representative and represented, as competing sources of authority, in a shift from relations of likeness to opposition. As 3 Henry VI points out – and as this essay argues – the metonymic characteristics of early modern ambassadorial representation made it vulnerable to this drift towards antithesis. Antithesis, the figure of opposition, governs the contentious disorder of 3 Henry VI, from the rhetorical patterning of its speeches to its structure and subject matter and politics. The Earl of Warwick’s embassy in Act 3 is no exception: it is the pivotal point around which the play’s oppositions turn. As Warwick moves from representing to replacing Edward IV, the figures that express his migration from substitution to subversion reflect on a comparable instability in European diplomatic culture. Diplomats could easily misrepresent.I would like to thank Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, St John’s College, Cambridge and the Arts Humanities Research Council for enabling me to undertake this researchThis is the advanced access article published online distributed under a CC BY license, which can also be found on the publisher's website at: http://res.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/06/19/res.hgu043.full.pdf+htm

    Diplomatic metonymy and antithesis in 3 Henry VI

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    This essay takes as its starting point the resemblance between the historical practice of diplomatic representation and the rhetorical practice of metonymy. The early modern ambassador acted as a substitute abroad for the sovereign who sent him and metonymy describes a comparable replacement – in words – of one thing by another associated thing. Yet metonyms can all too easily become confused with their referents or even come to replace them, as the sign is taken too literally for its signified, creating a kind of rivalry between representative and represented, as competing sources of authority, in a shift from relations of likeness to opposition. As 3 Henry VI points out – and as this essay argues – the metonymic characteristics of early modern ambassadorial representation made it vulnerable to this drift towards antithesis. Antithesis, the figure of opposition, governs the contentious disorder of 3 Henry VI, from the rhetorical patterning of its speeches to its structure and subject matter and politics. The Earl of Warwick’s embassy in Act 3 is no exception: it is the pivotal point around which the play’s oppositions turn. As Warwick moves from representing to replacing Edward IV, the figures that express his migration from substitution to subversion reflect on a comparable instability in European diplomatic culture. Diplomats could easily misrepresent.I would like to thank Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, St John’s College, Cambridge and the Arts Humanities Research Council for enabling me to undertake this researchThis is the advanced access article published online distributed under a CC BY license, which can also be found on the publisher's website at: http://res.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/06/19/res.hgu043.full.pdf+htm

    Prekidi kao odraz identiteta govornika u predsjedničkim debatama u SAD–u 2020. godine

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    The article establishes the role of interruption as a key communicative strategy which defined the character of the 2020 US presidential debates. It is posited that the participants of the debates, namely Donald Trump and Joseph Biden, realized how effective certain types of linguistic behavior could be and deliberately used specifi c communicative tactics to achieve better results and win the voters’ support. Some of the strategies that the participants resorted to were merely situational; however, most of the strategies identifi ed in the research had a recurrent nature representing the debating styles of the politicians. It is also assumed in the study that repeated breaches of a normal turn–taking process such as systemic interruptions have the potential to modify the public perception of the politician’s communicative styles, which are seen in the paper as inherent components of the politicians’ identities.U radu se utvrđuje uloga prekida kao ključne komunikacijske strategije koja je obilježila predsjedničke debate u SAD–u 2020. godine. Pretpostavlja se da sudionici debata Donald Trump i Joseph Biden razumiju koliko bi se određeni tipovi jezičnog ponašanja mogli pokazati učinkovitima te namjerno koriste specifi čnu komunikacijsku taktiku kako bi postigli bolje rezultate i pridobili podršku birača. Neke od strategija kojima su sudionici pribjegli bile su samo situacijske. Ipak, većina strategija identifi ciranih u ovom istraživanju podosta se ponavlja, što samo po sebi predstavlja stil debatiranja spomenutih sudionika. U istraživanju se također pretpostavlja da ponovljena kršenja ustaljenog procesa izmjene govornika, kao što su sustavni prekidi, mogu promijeniti javnu percepciju političareva komunikacijskog stila, koji se u radu promatra kao inherentnu komponentu političareva identiteta