182 research outputs found

    A Possibilistic Query Translation Approach for Cross-Language Information Retrieval

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    International audienceIn this paper, we explore several statistical methods to find solutions to the problem of query translation ambiguity. Indeed, we propose and compare a new possibilistic approach for query translation derived from a probabilistic one, by applying a classical probability-possibility transformation of probability distributions, which introduces a certain tolerance in the selection of word translations. Finally, the best words are selected based on a similarity measure. The experiments are performed on CLEF-2003 French-English CLIR collection, which allowed us to test the effectiveness of the possibilistic approach

    Towards a belief revision based adaptive and context sensitive information retrieval system

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    In an adaptive information retrieval (IR) setting, the information seekers' beliefs about which terms are relevant or nonrelevant will naturally fluctuate. This article investigates how the theory of belief revision can be used to model adaptive IR. More specifically, belief revision logic provides a rich representation scheme to formalize retrieval contexts so as to disambiguate vague user queries. In addition, belief revision theory underpins the development of an effective mechanism to revise user profiles in accordance with information seekers' changing information needs. It is argued that information retrieval contexts can be extracted by means of the information-flow text mining method so as to realize a highly autonomous adaptive IR system. The extra bonus of a belief-based IR model is that its retrieval behavior is more predictable and explanatory. Our initial experiments show that the belief-based adaptive IR system is as effective as a classical adaptive IR system. To our best knowledge, this is the first successful implementation and evaluation of a logic-based adaptive IR model which can efficiently process large IR collections

    Towards an intelligent possibilistic web information retrieval using multiagent system.

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    PURPOSE - The purpose of this paper is to make a scientific contribution to web information retrieval (IR). Design/methodolog y/approach – A multiagent system for web IR is proposed based on new technologies: Hierarchical Small-Worlds (HSW) and Possibilistic Networks (PN). This system is based on a possibilistic qualitative approach which extends the quantitative one. FINDINGS – The paper finds that the relevance of the order of documents changes while passing from a profile to another. Even if the selected terms tend to select the relevant document, these terms are not the most frequent of the document. This criterion shows the asset of the qualitative approach of the SARIPOD system in the selection of relevant documents. The insertion of the factors of preference between query terms in the calculations of the possibility and the necessity consists in increasing the scores of possibilistic relevance of the documents containing these terms with an aim of penalizing the scores of relevance of the documents not containing them. The penalization and the increase in the scores are proportional to the capacity of the terms to discriminate between the documents of the collection. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS – It is planned to extend the tests of the SARIPOD system to other grammatical categories, like refining the approach for the substantives by considering for example, the verbal occurrences in names definitions, etc. Also, it is planned to carry out finer measurements of the performances of SARIPOD system by extending the tests with other types of web documents. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS – The system can be useful to help research students find their relevant scientific papers. It must be located in the document server of any research laboratory. ORIGINALITY/VALUE – The paper presents SARIPOD, a new qualitative possibilistic model for web IR using multiagent syste

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic

    Organizing Contextual Knowledge for Arabic Text Disambiguation and Terminology Extraction.

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    Ontologies have an important role in knowledge organization and information retrieval. Domain ontologies are composed of concepts represented by domain relevant terms. Existing approaches of ontology construction make use of statistical and linguistic information to extract domain relevant terms. The quality and the quantity of this information influence the accuracy of terminologyextraction approaches and other steps in knowledge extraction and information retrieval. This paper proposes an approach forhandling domain relevant terms from Arabic non-diacriticised semi-structured corpora. In input, the structure of documentsis exploited to organize knowledge in a contextual graph, which is exploitedto extract relevant terms. This network contains simple and compound nouns handled by a morphosyntactic shallow parser. The noun phrases are evaluated in terms of termhood and unithood by means of possibilistic measures. We apply a qualitative approach, which weighs terms according to their positions in the structure of the document. In output, the extracted knowledge is organized as network modeling dependencies between terms, which can be exploited to infer semantic relations.We test our approach on three specific domain corpora. The goal of this evaluation is to check if our model for organizing and exploiting contextual knowledge will improve the accuracy of extraction of simple and compound nouns. We also investigate the role of compound nouns in improving information retrieval results

    Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain

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    Many users’ queries contain references to named entities, and this is particularly true in the medical field. Doctors express their information needs using medical entities as they are elements rich with information that helps to better target the relevant documents. At the same time, many resources have been recognized as a large container of medical entities and relationships between them such as clinical reports; which are medical texts written by doctors. In this paper, we present a query expansion method that uses medical entities and their semantic relations in the query context based on an external resource in OWL. The goal of this method is to evaluate the effectiveness of an information retrieval system to support doctors in accessing easily relevant information. Experiments on a collection of real clinical reports show that our approach reveals interesting improvements in precision, recall and MAP in medical information retrieval

    Arabic Query Expansion Using WordNet and Association Rules

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    Query expansion is the process of adding additional relevant terms to the original queries to improve the performance of information retrieval systems. However, previous studies showed that automatic query expansion using WordNet do not lead to an improvement in the performance. One of the main challenges of query expansion is the selection of appropriate terms. In this paper, we review this problem using Arabic WordNet and Association Rules within the context of Arabic Language. The results obtained confirmed that with an appropriate selection method, we are able to exploit Arabic WordNet to improve the retrieval performance. Our empirical results on a sub-corpus from the Xinhua collection showed that our automatic selection method has achieved a significant performance improvement in terms of MAP and recall and a better precision with the first top retrieved documents

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic

    An Intelligent Knowledge Management System from a Semantic Perspective

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    Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are important tools by which organizations can better use information and, more importantly, manage knowledge. Unlike other strategies, knowledge management (KM) is difficult to define because it encompasses a range of concepts, management tasks, technologies, and organizational practices, all of which come under the umbrella of the information management. Semantic approaches allow easier and more efficient training, maintenance, and support knowledge. Current ICT markets are dominated by relational databases and document-centric information technologies, procedural algorithmic programming paradigms, and stack architecture. A key driver of global economic expansion in the coming decade is the build-out of broadband telecommunications and the deployment of intelligent services bundling. This paper introduces the main characteristics of an Intelligent Knowledge Management System as a multiagent system used in a Learning Control Problem (IKMSLCP), from a semantic perspective. We describe an intelligent KM framework, allowing the observer (a human agent) to learn from experience. This framework makes the system dynamic (flexible and adaptable) so it evolves, guaranteeing high levels of stability when performing his domain problem P. To capture by the agent who learn the control knowledge for solving a task-allocation problem, the control expert system uses at any time, an internal fuzzy knowledge model of the (business) process based on the last knowledge model.knowledge management, fuzzy control, semantic technologies, computational intelligence
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