376 research outputs found

    Hunting the hunters:Wildlife Monitoring System

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    A Low-Cost IoT-Based System to Monitor the Location of a Whole Herd

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    Animal location technologies have evolved considerably in the last 60 years. Nowadays, animal tracking solutions based on global positioning systems (GPS) are commercially available. However, existing devices have several constraints, mostly related to wireless data transmission and financial cost, which make impractical the monitorization of all the animals in a herd. The main objective of this work is to develop a low-cost solution to enable the monitorization of a whole herd. An IoT-based system, which requires some animals of the herd being fitted with GPS collars connected to a Sigfox network and the rest with low-cost Bluetooth tags, has been developed. Its performance has been tested in two commercial farms, raising sheep and beef cattle, through the monitorization of 50 females in each case. Several collar/tag ratios, which define the cost per animal of the solution, have been simulated. Results demonstrate that a low collar/tag ratio enable the monitorization of a whole sheep herd. A larger ratio is needed for beef cows because of their grazing behavior. Nevertheless, the optimal ratio depends on the purpose of location data. Large variability has been observed for the number of hourly and daily messages from collars and tags. The system effectiveness for the monitorization of all the animals in a herd has been certainly proved

    Trustworthiness Mechanisms for Long-Distance Networks in Internet of Things

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    Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu aconseguir un intercanvi de dades fiable en un entorn hostil millorant-ne la confiabilitat mitjançant el disseny d'un model complet que tingui en compte les diferents capes de confiabilitat i mitjançant la implementació de les contramesures associades al model. La tesi se centra en el cas d'ús del projecte SHETLAND-NET, amb l'objectiu de desplegar una arquitectura d'Internet de les coses (IoT) híbrida amb comunicacions LoRa i d'ona ionosfèrica d'incidència gairebé vertical (NVIS) per oferir un servei de telemetria per al monitoratge del “permafrost” a l'Antàrtida. Per complir els objectius de la tesi, en primer lloc, es fa una revisió de l'estat de l'art en confiabilitat per proposar una definició i l'abast del terme de confiança. Partint d'aquí, es dissenya un model de confiabilitat de quatre capes, on cada capa es caracteritza pel seu abast, mètrica per a la quantificació de la confiabilitat, contramesures per a la millora de la confiabilitat i les interdependències amb les altres capes. Aquest model permet el mesurament i l'avaluació de la confiabilitat del cas d'ús a l'Antàrtida. Donades les condicions hostils i les limitacions de la tecnologia utilitzada en aquest cas d’ús, es valida el model i s’avalua el servei de telemetria a través de simulacions en Riverbed Modeler. Per obtenir valors anticipats de la confiabilitat esperada, l'arquitectura proposada es modela per avaluar els resultats amb diferents configuracions previ al seu desplegament en proves de camp. L'arquitectura proposada passa per tres principals iteracions de millora de la confiabilitat. A la primera iteració, s'explora l'ús de mecanismes de consens i gestió de la confiança social per aprofitar la redundància de sensors. En la segona iteració, s’avalua l’ús de protocols de transport moderns per al cas d’ús antàrtic. L’última iteració d’aquesta tesi avalua l’ús d’una arquitectura de xarxa tolerant al retard (DTN) utilitzant el Bundle Protocol (BP) per millorar la confiabilitat del sistema. Finalment, es presenta una prova de concepte (PoC) amb maquinari real que es va desplegar a la campanya antàrtica 2021-2022, descrivint les proves de camp funcionals realitzades a l'Antàrtida i Catalunya.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo lograr un intercambio de datos confiable en un entorno hostil mejorando su confiabilidad mediante el diseño de un modelo completo que tenga en cuenta las diferentes capas de confiabilidad y mediante la implementación de las contramedidas asociadas al modelo. La tesis se centra en el caso de uso del proyecto SHETLAND-NET, con el objetivo de desplegar una arquitectura de Internet de las cosas (IoT) híbrida con comunicaciones LoRa y de onda ionosférica de incidencia casi vertical (NVIS) para ofrecer un servicio de telemetría para el monitoreo del “permafrost” en la Antártida. Para cumplir con los objetivos de la tesis, en primer lugar, se realiza una revisión del estado del arte en confiabilidad para proponer una definición y alcance del término confiabilidad. Partiendo de aquí, se diseña un modelo de confiabilidad de cuatro capas, donde cada capa se caracteriza por su alcance, métrica para la cuantificación de la confiabilidad, contramedidas para la mejora de la confiabilidad y las interdependencias con las otras capas. Este modelo permite la medición y evaluación de la confiabilidad del caso de uso en la Antártida. Dadas las condiciones hostiles y las limitaciones de la tecnología utilizada en este caso de uso, se valida el modelo y se evalúa el servicio de telemetría a través de simulaciones en Riverbed Modeler. Para obtener valores anticipados de la confiabilidad esperada, la arquitectura propuesta es modelada para evaluar los resultados con diferentes configuraciones previo a su despliegue en pruebas de campo. La arquitectura propuesta pasa por tres iteraciones principales de mejora de la confiabilidad. En la primera iteración, se explora el uso de mecanismos de consenso y gestión de la confianza social para aprovechar la redundancia de sensores. En la segunda iteración, se evalúa el uso de protocolos de transporte modernos para el caso de uso antártico. La última iteración de esta tesis evalúa el uso de una arquitectura de red tolerante al retardo (DTN) utilizando el Bundle Protocol (BP) para mejorar la confiabilidad del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta una prueba de concepto (PoC) con hardware real que se desplegó en la campaña antártica 2021-2022, describiendo las pruebas de campo funcionales realizadas en la Antártida y Cataluña.This thesis aims at achieving reliable data exchange over a harsh environment by improving its trustworthiness through the design of a complete model that takes into account the different layers of trustworthiness and through the implementation of the model’s associated countermeasures. The thesis focuses on the use case of the SHETLAND-NET project, aiming to deploy a hybrid Internet of Things (IoT) architecture with LoRa and Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) communications to offer a telemetry service for permafrost monitoring in Antarctica. To accomplish the thesis objectives, first, a review of the state of the art in trustworthiness is carried out to propose a definition and scope of the trustworthiness term. From these, a four-layer trustworthiness model is designed, with each layer characterized by its scope, metric for trustworthiness accountability, countermeasures for trustworthiness improvement, and the interdependencies with the other layers. This model enables trustworthiness accountability and assessment of the Antarctic use case. Given the harsh conditions and the limitations of the use technology in this use case, the model is validated and the telemetry service is evaluated through simulations in Riverbed Modeler. To obtain anticipated values of the expected trustworthiness, the proposal has been modeled to evaluate the performance with different configurations prior to its deployment in the field. The proposed architecture goes through three major iterations of trustworthiness improvement. In the first iteration, using social trust management and consensus mechanisms is explored to take advantage of sensor redundancy. In the second iteration, the use of modern transport protocols is evaluated for the Antarctic use case. The final iteration of this thesis assesses using a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) architecture using the Bundle Protocol (BP) to improve the system’s trustworthiness. Finally, a Proof of Concept (PoC) with real hardware that was deployed in the 2021-2022 Antarctic campaign is presented, describing the functional tests performed in Antarctica and Catalonia

    Secure Group Communication in Delay Tolerant Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

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    Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) are well-known for delivering various types of information from different senders in a multicast manner, both in centralised and decentralised networks. Wireless mobile nodes form small networks in which one or more senders transmit data to one or more destinations through intermediate nodes. DTN routing protocols differ from traditional wireless routing protocols. There are security threats in DTNs, such as blackhole attackers dropping data, jamming attacks consuming bandwidth, and Vampire attacks depleting battery power and available bandwidth. This paper proposes a prevention scheme to detect and mitigate all three types of attackers in multicast communication. These attackers can impact performance by generating false replies, flooding with redundant information, and wasting communication power. The primary focus of this paper is on security issues related to DTN routing protocols. In order to counter malicious nodes, a blacklist is maintained, and if a neighbour identifies a node as malicious, it excludes packets from that node. Meanwhile, the neighbour continues sending packets to the malicious node, except for broadcast packets, which are dropped. If a node is found to forward no packets or only some packets by all its neighbours, any reply it gives to route requests is disregarded, and any request it initiates is ignored. Successful data reception at the destination indicates that hop-based data delivery maintains a record of successful transmissions. The proposed security scheme demonstrates improved performance

    Movement-Aware Relay Selection for Delay-Tolerant Information Dissemination in Wildlife Tracking and Monitoring Applications

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    As a promising use-case of the Internet of Things (IoT), wildlife tracking and monitoring applications greatly benefit the ecology-related research both commercially and scientifically. In literature, a Forward-Wait-Deliver strategy has been researched to facilitate energy-efficient dissemination of delaytolerant information, which penitentially contributes to long-term tracking and monitoring. However, this strategy is not directly applicable for wildlife tracking and monitoring applications, as the movement trajectory of animals cannot be precisely predicted for relay selection. To this end, further studies are required to utilise partially predictable mobility based on more generalised navigational information such as the movement direction. In this paper, the feasible exploitation of directional movement in pathunconstrained mobility is investigated for strategic forwarding. Our proposal is an advance to the state-of-the-art because the directional correlation of destination movement is considered to dynamically exploit the node mobility for the optimal selection of a stationary relay. Simulation results show that higher delivery utility can be achieved by the proposed fuzzy path model compared with a forwarding scheme without contact prediction or one based on linear trajectory model

    A Comprehensive Survey on Networking over TV White Spaces

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    The 2008 Federal Communication Commission (FCC) ruling in the United States opened up new opportunities for unlicensed operation in the TV white space spectrum. Networking protocols over the TV white spaces promise to subdue the shortcomings of existing short-range multi-hop wireless architectures and protocols by offering more availability, wider bandwidth, and longer-range communication. The TV white space protocols are the enabling technologies for sensing and monitoring, Internet-of-Things (IoT), wireless broadband access, real-time, smart and connected community, and smart utility applications. In this paper, we perform a retrospective review of the protocols that have been built over the last decade and also the new challenges and the directions for future work. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive survey to present and compare existing networking protocols over the TV white spaces.Comment: 19 page

    UAV Aided Data Collection for Wildlife Monitoring using Cache-enabled Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted data collection is not a new concept and has been used in various mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a caching assisted scheme alternative to routing in MANETs for the purpose of wildlife monitoring. Rather than deploying a routing protocol, data is collected and transported to and from a base station using a UAV. Although some literature exists on such an approach, we propose the use of intermediate caching between the mobile nodes and compare it to a baseline scenario where no caching is used. The paper puts forward our communication design where we have simulated the movement of multiple mobile sensor nodes in a field that move according to the Levy walk model imitating wildlife animal foraging and a UAV that makes regular trips across the field to collect data from them. The unmanned aerial vehicle can collect data not only from the current node it is communicating with but also data of other nodes that this node came into contact with. Simulations show that exchanging cached data is highly advantages as the drone can indirectly communicate with many more mobile nodes