21,921 research outputs found

    New technologies for urban designers: the VENUE project

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    In this report, we first outline the basic idea of VENUE. This involves developing digital tools froma foundation of geographic information systems (GIS) software which we then apply to urbandesign, a subject area and profession which has little tradition in using such tools. Our project wasto develop two types of tool, namely functional analysis based on embedding models of movementin local environments into GIS based on ideas from the field of space syntax; and secondlyfashioning these ideas in a wider digital context in which the entire range of GIS technologies werebrought to bear at the local scale. By local scale, we mean the representation of urban environmentsfrom about 1: 500 to around 1: 2500

    Where creativity comes from: the social spaces of embodied minds

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    This paper explores creative design, social interaction and perception. It proposes that creativity at a social level is not a result of many individuals trying to be creative at a personal level, but occurs naturally in the social interaction between comparatively simple minds embodied in a complex world. Particle swarm algorithms can model group interaction in shared spaces, but design space is not necessarily one pre-defined space of set parameters on which everyone can agree, as individual minds are very different. A computational model is proposed that allows a similar swarm to occur between spaces of different description and even dimensionality. This paper explores creative design, social interaction and perception. It proposes that creativity at a social level is not a result of many individuals trying to be creative at a personal level, but occurs naturally in the social interaction between comparatively simple minds embodied in a complex world. Particle swarm algorithms can model group interaction in shared spaces, but design space is not necessarily one pre-defined space of set parameters on which everyone can agree, as individual minds are very different. A computational model is proposed that allows a similar swarm to occur between spaces of different description and even dimensionality

    Verifiable and Nonverifiable Information in a Two-Period Agency Problem

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    I examine how a firm’s opportunity to verify information influences the joint use of verifiable and unverifiable information for incentive contracting. I employ a simple two-period agency model, in which contract frictions arise from limited liability and the potential unverifiability of the principal’s information about the agent’s action. With short-term contract, the principal benefits from both a more informative and a more conservative verification of his private information. With long-term contracts, he may prefer a less informative verification, but his preference for a conservative verification persists

    Learning to design without prior data: Discovering generalizable design strategies using deep learning and tree search

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    Building an AI agent that can design on its own has been a goal since the 1980s. Recently, deep learning has shown the ability to learn from large-scale data, enabling significant advances in data-driven design. However, learning over prior data limits us only to solve problems that have been solved before and biases data-driven learning towards existing solutions. The ultimate goal for a design agent is the ability to learn generalizable design behavior in a problem space without having seen it before. We introduce a self-learning agent framework in this work that achieves this goal. This framework integrates a deep policy network with a novel tree search algorithm, where the tree search explores the problem space, and the deep policy network leverages self-generated experience to guide the search further. This framework first demonstrates an ability to discover high-performing generative strategies without any prior data, and second, it illustrates a zero-shot generalization of generative strategies across various unseen boundary conditions. This work evaluates the effectiveness and versatility of the framework by solving multiple versions of two engineering design problems without retraining. Overall, this paper presents a methodology to self-learn high-performing and generalizable problem-solving behavior in an arbitrary problem space, circumventing the needs for expert data, existing solutions, and problem-specific learning.Comment: ASME. J. Mech. De


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    Este artigo descreve uma nova abordagem ao desenho do espaço público aberto, baseada numa análise multidimensional orientada para a tomada de decisão e para o desenvolvimento de soluções arquitetônicas assentes em evidências. Apresenta uma visão geral das variáveis mais relevantes de projeto e suas restrições, fornecendo assim informações úteis para o desenvolvimento de um desenho urbano mais sustentável, que considera os valores sociais e culturais locais. Este trabalho propõe fornecer uma ferramenta de orientação holística para o desenvolvimento de melhores propostas de projeto em ambientes urbanos contemporâneos; mais especificamente, visa caracterizar de forma síncrona os espaços urbanos através de análises multiescala e multidimensional, quantitativas e qualitativas, incorporando as contribuições da sintaxe espacial, dos estudos de vida pública, da ciência da construção e da análise ambiental/conforto em espaços públicos abertos. Várias ferramentas digitais avançadas são utilizadas para gerir os dados, gerar e testar iterativamente as diferentes propostas do projeto. A metodologia proposta se baseia em diversos testes e análises executados no processo de desenvolvimento de um novo projeto experimental desenvolvido para o Largo da Graça, uma praça urbana localizada no centro histórico de Lisboa que permitiu o teste de diferentes tipos de propostas. Este experimento gerou uma estrutura processual digital para o desenho urbano da praça, no qual se registaram todas as etapas relativas à resolução de vários problemas de projeto, incluindo os objetivos de eficiência (centralidade, conectividade, compacidade, conforto térmico, segurança, igualdade e interação). O processo abarca uma sequência de propostas testadas e comparadas, bem como as escolhas feitas em relação às informações latentes, subjacentes às condições de mudança no uso do espaço público e à adaptabilidade programática da praça portuguesa. A estratégia de projeto adotada e os exemplos extraídos da estrutura processual digital são usados para ilustrar a abordagem prática da metodologia proposta, pretendendo assim demonstrar como o vínculo entre investigação aplicada e desenho urbano sustentável pode ser o adequado para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento de melhores soluções de espaço público.This study describes a new approach to explore the design of public open spaces based on a multidimensional analysis useful to inform decision-making and foster the development of evidence-based architectural solutions. It presents an overview of the most relevant design variables and their constraints, providing, in this way, valuable information for the elaboration of a more sustainable urban design, considerate of the local socio-cultural values. This research aims at providing holistic guidance for the development of better design proposals in contemporary urban environments. More specifically, it seeks to synchronously characterize urban spaces at a multi-scale and multidimensional level, both quantitatively and qualitatively, by collecting contributions from Space Syntax Theory, Public Life Studies, Building Science and Environmental/Comfort Analysis in public open spaces. Many advanced digital tools are used for data management purposes and to generate and test iteratively different design proposals. The proposed methodology is based on a range of tests and analyses performed in the process of developing a new experimental project for Largo da Graça, an urban square located in Lisbon’s historic centre, which allowed the testing of different design solutions. This experiment generated a digital workflow for the design of the urban square, in which are registered all the steps undertaken to solve the many design problems identified by considering the efficiency targets (centrality, connectivity, enclosure, thermal comfort, security, social equity and interaction). The process comprises a sequence of comparative design reviews and records the choices made when dealing with latent information underlying changing conditions in the use of public space and the programmatic malleability of the Portuguese plaza. The description of the adopted design strategy and the examples extracted from the workflow are used to illustrate the practical approach of the proposed methodology. Ultimately, this study seeks to show how tightening the link between applied research and sustainable urban design can effectively support the design and planning of better public open spaces