93,201 research outputs found

    "If You Can't Beat them, Join them": A Usability Approach to Interdependent Privacy in Cloud Apps

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    Cloud storage services, like Dropbox and Google Drive, have growing ecosystems of 3rd party apps that are designed to work with users' cloud files. Such apps often request full access to users' files, including files shared with collaborators. Hence, whenever a user grants access to a new vendor, she is inflicting a privacy loss on herself and on her collaborators too. Based on analyzing a real dataset of 183 Google Drive users and 131 third party apps, we discover that collaborators inflict a privacy loss which is at least 39% higher than what users themselves cause. We take a step toward minimizing this loss by introducing the concept of History-based decisions. Simply put, users are informed at decision time about the vendors which have been previously granted access to their data. Thus, they can reduce their privacy loss by not installing apps from new vendors whenever possible. Next, we realize this concept by introducing a new privacy indicator, which can be integrated within the cloud apps' authorization interface. Via a web experiment with 141 participants recruited from CrowdFlower, we show that our privacy indicator can significantly increase the user's likelihood of choosing the app that minimizes her privacy loss. Finally, we explore the network effect of History-based decisions via a simulation on top of large collaboration networks. We demonstrate that adopting such a decision-making process is capable of reducing the growth of users' privacy loss by 70% in a Google Drive-based network and by 40% in an author collaboration network. This is despite the fact that we neither assume that users cooperate nor that they exhibit altruistic behavior. To our knowledge, our work is the first to provide quantifiable evidence of the privacy risk that collaborators pose in cloud apps. We are also the first to mitigate this problem via a usable privacy approach.Comment: Authors' extended version of the paper published at CODASPY 201

    Kronecker Graphs: An Approach to Modeling Networks

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    How can we model networks with a mathematically tractable model that allows for rigorous analysis of network properties? Networks exhibit a long list of surprising properties: heavy tails for the degree distribution; small diameters; and densification and shrinking diameters over time. Most present network models either fail to match several of the above properties, are complicated to analyze mathematically, or both. In this paper we propose a generative model for networks that is both mathematically tractable and can generate networks that have the above mentioned properties. Our main idea is to use the Kronecker product to generate graphs that we refer to as "Kronecker graphs". First, we prove that Kronecker graphs naturally obey common network properties. We also provide empirical evidence showing that Kronecker graphs can effectively model the structure of real networks. We then present KronFit, a fast and scalable algorithm for fitting the Kronecker graph generation model to large real networks. A naive approach to fitting would take super- exponential time. In contrast, KronFit takes linear time, by exploiting the structure of Kronecker matrix multiplication and by using statistical simulation techniques. Experiments on large real and synthetic networks show that KronFit finds accurate parameters that indeed very well mimic the properties of target networks. Once fitted, the model parameters can be used to gain insights about the network structure, and the resulting synthetic graphs can be used for null- models, anonymization, extrapolations, and graph summarization

    Information system support in construction industry with semantic web technologies and/or autonomous reasoning agents

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    Information technology support is hard to find for the early design phases of the architectural design process. Many of the existing issues in such design decision support tools appear to be caused by a mismatch between the ways in which designers think and the ways in which information systems aim to give support. We therefore started an investigation of existing theories of design thinking, compared to the way in which design decision support systems provide information to the designer. We identify two main strategies towards information system support in the early design phase: (1) applications for making design try-outs, and (2) applications as autonomous reasoning agents. We outline preview implementations for both approaches and indicate to what extent these strategies can be used to improve information system support for the architectural designer

    Cascading Behavior in Large Blog Graphs

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    How do blogs cite and influence each other? How do such links evolve? Does the popularity of old blog posts drop exponentially with time? These are some of the questions that we address in this work. Our goal is to build a model that generates realistic cascades, so that it can help us with link prediction and outlier detection. Blogs (weblogs) have become an important medium of information because of their timely publication, ease of use, and wide availability. In fact, they often make headlines, by discussing and discovering evidence about political events and facts. Often blogs link to one another, creating a publicly available record of how information and influence spreads through an underlying social network. Aggregating links from several blog posts creates a directed graph which we analyze to discover the patterns of information propagation in blogspace, and thereby understand the underlying social network. Not only are blogs interesting on their own merit, but our analysis also sheds light on how rumors, viruses, and ideas propagate over social and computer networks. Here we report some surprising findings of the blog linking and information propagation structure, after we analyzed one of the largest available datasets, with 45,000 blogs and ~ 2.2 million blog-postings. Our analysis also sheds light on how rumors, viruses, and ideas propagate over social and computer networks. We also present a simple model that mimics the spread of information on the blogosphere, and produces information cascades very similar to those found in real life

    Random Surfing Without Teleportation

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    In the standard Random Surfer Model, the teleportation matrix is necessary to ensure that the final PageRank vector is well-defined. The introduction of this matrix, however, results in serious problems and imposes fundamental limitations to the quality of the ranking vectors. In this work, building on the recently proposed NCDawareRank framework, we exploit the decomposition of the underlying space into blocks, and we derive easy to check necessary and sufficient conditions for random surfing without teleportation.Comment: 13 pages. Published in the Volume: "Algorithms, Probability, Networks and Games, Springer-Verlag, 2015". (The updated version corrects small typos/errors

    BDGS: A Scalable Big Data Generator Suite in Big Data Benchmarking

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    Data generation is a key issue in big data benchmarking that aims to generate application-specific data sets to meet the 4V requirements of big data. Specifically, big data generators need to generate scalable data (Volume) of different types (Variety) under controllable generation rates (Velocity) while keeping the important characteristics of raw data (Veracity). This gives rise to various new challenges about how we design generators efficiently and successfully. To date, most existing techniques can only generate limited types of data and support specific big data systems such as Hadoop. Hence we develop a tool, called Big Data Generator Suite (BDGS), to efficiently generate scalable big data while employing data models derived from real data to preserve data veracity. The effectiveness of BDGS is demonstrated by developing six data generators covering three representative data types (structured, semi-structured and unstructured) and three data sources (text, graph, and table data)

    Network Sampling: From Static to Streaming Graphs

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    Network sampling is integral to the analysis of social, information, and biological networks. Since many real-world networks are massive in size, continuously evolving, and/or distributed in nature, the network structure is often sampled in order to facilitate study. For these reasons, a more thorough and complete understanding of network sampling is critical to support the field of network science. In this paper, we outline a framework for the general problem of network sampling, by highlighting the different objectives, population and units of interest, and classes of network sampling methods. In addition, we propose a spectrum of computational models for network sampling methods, ranging from the traditionally studied model based on the assumption of a static domain to a more challenging model that is appropriate for streaming domains. We design a family of sampling methods based on the concept of graph induction that generalize across the full spectrum of computational models (from static to streaming) while efficiently preserving many of the topological properties of the input graphs. Furthermore, we demonstrate how traditional static sampling algorithms can be modified for graph streams for each of the three main classes of sampling methods: node, edge, and topology-based sampling. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed family of sampling methods more accurately preserves the underlying properties of the graph for both static and streaming graphs. Finally, we study the impact of network sampling algorithms on the parameter estimation and performance evaluation of relational classification algorithms
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