42,518 research outputs found

    Deciding Disputes: Factors That Guide Chinese Courts in the Adjudication of Rural Responsibility Contract Disputes

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    Post-silicon validation and debug, or ensuring that software executes correctly on the silicon of a multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSOC) is complicated, as it involves checking global properties that are distributed on the chip. In this paper we define an architecture to non-intrusively observe global properties at run time using distributed monitors. The architecture enables to perform actions when a property holds, such as stopping (part of) the system for inspection. We apply this architecture to the problem of software races that result in incorrect communication between concurrent tasks on different processors. In a case study, where we implemented monitors, event distribution, and instruments to stop communication between intellectual property (IP) blocks, we demonstrate that these races can be detected and classified as timing violations or as FIFO protocol violations.©2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Erik Larsson, Bart Vermeulen and Kees Goossens, A Distributed Architecture to Check Global Properties for Post-Silicon Debug, 2010, IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS'10), Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28, 2010.</p

    Labour Administration Reforms in China

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    [Excerpt] This publication provides an explanation of the comprehensive labour administration system in China, including its recent advances, with emphasis on its public services functions, such as public employment, labour inspection and social insurance services. With the recent improvements to both the legal framework and the institutions of labour administration, it is believed that these public services will play bigger and more active roles in ensuring compliance with legislation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employers and workers alike

    Individual Risk Management for Digital Payment Systems

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    Despite existing security standards and security technologies, such as secure hardware, gaps between users’ demand for security and the security offered by a payment system can still remain. These security gaps imply risks for users. In this paper, we introduce a framework for the management of those risks. As a result, we present an instrument enabling users to evaluate eventual risks related with digital payment systems and to handle these risks with technical and economic instruments.Payment Systems, Digital Money

    Strengthening Women's Access to Land into IFAD projects: The Rwanda Experience

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    This paper is a joint effort of IFAD and RISD to analyse and investigate women's land rights in Rwanda. It presents the outcomes of the investigation on women?s land rights and its implications in the redistribution, delimitation and registration process carried out in the Nyagatare, Gatsibo, Kayonza and Kirehe Districts in the Eastern Province. For the assessment, meetings were held in the four Districts, with IFAD project staff, beneficiaries, Cell and District Executive Secretaries, Districts Mayors, members of various men and women cooperatives, District Land Officers, members of Cell and District Land Committees


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    vertical coordination, vertical linkage, public policy, agri-food supply chains, supply chain management, Agribusiness, Q1, L1,

    Logics of Action, Globalization, and Employment Relations Change in China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines

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    A logic of action framework is developed in order to conceptualize and understand the impact of globalization on employment relations, as well as to predict the future trajectory of employment relations. The argument is that the interplay between three different logics of action, i.e., the logic of competition, the logic of industrial peace, and the logic of employment-income protection determines the employment relations pattern in any given nation. The strengths of the logics themselves are determined by five often related factors, i.e., economic development strategy, the intensity of globalization, union strength, labor market features and government responsiveness to workers. Drawing on extensive field research on national policies and workplace practices in India, China, the Philippines and Malaysia, we show support for our framework. We find that ER patterns are reflect different combinations of logic strengths, that globalization\u27s impact on employment relations is not only complex, but contingent, and we suggest that long term convergence in employment relations is unlikely given variations in the combinations of logic strengths in different countries, and changes in logic strengths over time
