673 research outputs found

    Towards Zero-shot Learning for Automatic Phonemic Transcription

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    Automatic phonemic transcription tools are useful for low-resource language documentation. However, due to the lack of training sets, only a tiny fraction of languages have phonemic transcription tools. Fortunately, multilingual acoustic modeling provides a solution given limited audio training data. A more challenging problem is to build phonemic transcribers for languages with zero training data. The difficulty of this task is that phoneme inventories often differ between the training languages and the target language, making it infeasible to recognize unseen phonemes. In this work, we address this problem by adopting the idea of zero-shot learning. Our model is able to recognize unseen phonemes in the target language without any training data. In our model, we decompose phonemes into corresponding articulatory attributes such as vowel and consonant. Instead of predicting phonemes directly, we first predict distributions over articulatory attributes, and then compute phoneme distributions with a customized acoustic model. We evaluate our model by training it using 13 languages and testing it using 7 unseen languages. We find that it achieves 7.7% better phoneme error rate on average over a standard multilingual model.Comment: AAAI 202

    Universal Automatic Phonetic Transcription into the International Phonetic Alphabet

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    This paper presents a state-of-the-art model for transcribing speech in any language into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Transcription of spoken languages into IPA is an essential yet time-consuming process in language documentation, and even partially automating this process has the potential to drastically speed up the documentation of endangered languages. Like the previous best speech-to-IPA model (Wav2Vec2Phoneme), our model is based on wav2vec 2.0 and is fine-tuned to predict IPA from audio input. We use training data from seven languages from CommonVoice 11.0, transcribed into IPA semi-automatically. Although this training dataset is much smaller than Wav2Vec2Phoneme's, its higher quality lets our model achieve comparable or better results. Furthermore, we show that the quality of our universal speech-to-IPA models is close to that of human annotators.Comment: 5 pages, 7 table

    Open-vocabulary keyword spotting in any language through multilingual contrastive speech-phoneme pretraining

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    In this paper, we introduce a massively multilingual speech corpora with fine-grained phonemic transcriptions, encompassing more than 115 languages from diverse language families. Based on this multilingual dataset, we propose CLAP-IPA, a multilingual phoneme-speech contrastive embedding model capable of open-vocabulary matching between speech signals and phonemically transcribed keywords or arbitrary phrases. The proposed model has been tested on two fieldwork speech corpora in 97 unseen languages, exhibiting strong generalizability across languages. Comparison with a text-based model shows that using phonemes as modeling units enables much better crosslinguistic generalization than orthographic texts.Comment: Preprint; Work in Progres

    Universal Phone Recognition with a Multilingual Allophone System

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    Multilingual models can improve language processing, particularly for low resource situations, by sharing parameters across languages. Multilingual acoustic models, however, generally ignore the difference between phonemes (sounds that can support lexical contrasts in a particular language) and their corresponding phones (the sounds that are actually spoken, which are language independent). This can lead to performance degradation when combining a variety of training languages, as identically annotated phonemes can actually correspond to several different underlying phonetic realizations. In this work, we propose a joint model of both language-independent phone and language-dependent phoneme distributions. In multilingual ASR experiments over 11 languages, we find that this model improves testing performance by 2% phoneme error rate absolute in low-resource conditions. Additionally, because we are explicitly modeling language-independent phones, we can build a (nearly-)universal phone recognizer that, when combined with the PHOIBLE large, manually curated database of phone inventories, can be customized into 2,000 language dependent recognizers. Experiments on two low-resourced indigenous languages, Inuktitut and Tusom, show that our recognizer achieves phone accuracy improvements of more than 17%, moving a step closer to speech recognition for all languages in the world.Comment: ICASSP 202

    Deciphering Speech: a Zero-Resource Approach to Cross-Lingual Transfer in ASR

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    We present a method for cross-lingual training an ASR system using absolutely no transcribed training data from the target language, and with no phonetic knowledge of the language in question. Our approach uses a novel application of a decipherment algorithm, which operates given only unpaired speech and text data from the target language. We apply this decipherment to phone sequences generated by a universal phone recogniser trained on out-of-language speech corpora, which we follow with flat-start semi-supervised training to obtain an acoustic model for the new language. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first practical approach to zero-resource cross-lingual ASR which does not rely on any hand-crafted phonetic information. We carry out experiments on read speech from the GlobalPhone corpus, and show that it is possible to learn a decipherment model on just 20 minutes of data from the target language. When used to generate pseudo-labels for semi-supervised training, we obtain WERs that range from 32.5% to just 1.9% absolute worse than the equivalent fully supervised models trained on the same data.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Deciphering Speech: a Zero-Resource Approach to Cross-Lingual Transfer in ASR

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    Configurable privacy-preserving automatic speech recognition

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    Voice assistive technologies have given rise to far-reaching privacy and security concerns. In this paper we investigate whether modular automatic speech recognition (ASR) can improve privacy in voice assistive systems by combining independently trained separation, recognition, and discretization modules to design configurable privacy-preserving ASR systems. We evaluate privacy concerns and the effects of applying various state-of-the-art techniques at each stage of the system, and report results using task-specific metrics (i.e. WER, ABX, and accuracy). We show that overlapping speech inputs to ASR systems present further privacy concerns, and how these may be mitigated using speech separation and optimization techniques. Our discretization module is shown to minimize paralinguistics privacy leakage from ASR acoustic models to levels commensurate with random guessing. We show that voice privacy can be configurable, and argue this presents new opportunities for privacy-preserving applications incorporating ASR

    Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning Approach to Pronunciation Error Detection via Latent Phonetic Representation

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    Extensive research has been conducted on CALL systems for Pronunciation Error detection to automate language improvement through self-evaluation. However, many of these previous approaches have relied on HMM or Neural Network Hybrid Models which, although have proven to be effective, often utilize phonetically labelled L2 speech data which is expensive and often scarce. This paper discusses a ”zero-shot” transfer learning approach to detect phonetic errors in L2 English speech by Japanese native speakers using solely unaligned phonetically labelled native Language speech. The proposed method introduces a simple base architecture which utilizes the XLSR-Wav2Vec2.0 model pre-trained on unlabelled multilingual speech. Phoneme mapping for each language is determined based on difference of articulation of similar phonemes. This method achieved a Phonetic Error Rate of 0.214 on erroneous L2 speech after fine-tuning on 70 hours of speech with low resource automated phonetic labelling, and proved to additionally model phonemes of the native language of the L2 speaker effectively without the need for L2 speech fine-tuning

    Automated speech tools for helping communities process restricted-access corpora for language revival efforts

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    Many archival recordings of speech from endangered languages remain unannotated and inaccessible to community members and language learning programs. One bottleneck is the time-intensive nature of annotation. An even narrower bottleneck occurs for recordings with access constraints, such as language that must be vetted or filtered by authorised community members before annotation can begin. We propose a privacy-preserving workflow to widen both bottlenecks for recordings where speech in the endangered language is intermixed with a more widely-used language such as English for meta-linguistic commentary and questions (e.g. What is the word for 'tree'?). We integrate voice activity detection (VAD), spoken language identification (SLI), and automatic speech recognition (ASR) to transcribe the metalinguistic content, which an authorised person can quickly scan to triage recordings that can be annotated by people with lower levels of access. We report work-in-progress processing 136 hours archival audio containing a mix of English and Muruwari. Our collaborative work with the Muruwari custodian of the archival materials show that this workflow reduces metalanguage transcription time by 20% even with minimal amounts of annotated training data: 10 utterances per language for SLI and for ASR at most 39 minutes, and possibly as little as 39 seconds.</p
