4 research outputs found


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    SPARQL has become the most popular language for querying RDF datasets, the standard data model for representing information in the Web. This query language has received a good deal of attention in the last few years: two versions of W3C standards have been issued, several SPARQL query engines have been deployed, and important theoretical foundations have been laid. However, many fundamental aspects of SPARQL queries are not yet fully understood. To this end, it is crucial to understand the correspondence between SPARQL and well-developed frameworks like relational algebra or first order logic. But one of the main obstacles on the way to such understanding is the fact that the well-studied fragments of SPARQL do not produce RDF as output. In this paper we embark on the study of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries, that is, queries which output RDF graphs. This class of queries takes rightful place in the standards and implementations, but contrary to SELECT queries, it has not yet attracted a worth-while theoretical research. Under this framework we are able to establish a strong connection between SPARQL and well-known logical and database formalisms. In particular, the fragment which does not allow for blank nodes in output templates corresponds to first order queries, its well-designed sub-fragment corresponds to positive first order queries, and the general language can be re-stated as a data exchange setting. These correspondences allow us to conclude that the general language is not composable, but the aforementioned blank-free fragments are. Finally, we enrich SPARQL with a recursion operator and establish fundamental properties of this extension

    Otimização de consultas SPARQL em bases RDF distribuídas

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra Carmem Satie HaraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 07/04/2017Inclui referências : f. 83-85Resumo; O modelo de dados RDF vem sendo usado em diversas aplicações devido a sua simplicidade e exibilidade na modelagem de dados quando comparado aos modelos de dados tradicionais. Dado o grande volume de dados RDF existente atualmente, diversas abordagens de processamento de consultas têm sido propostas visando garantir a escalabilidade destas aplicações. De uma forma geral, estas abordagens propõem métodos de distribuição de dados a _m de promover o processamento distribuído e paralelo de consultas SPARQL em sistemas RDF. Embora a distribuição forneça escalabilidade de armazenamento, o custo de comunicação no processamento de consultas pode ser alto. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem de processamento de consultas SPARQL que tem o objetivo de minimizar o custo de comunicação para o processamento de consultas em sistemas RDF distribuídos. A abordagem explora a existência de padrões de alocação (PAs) na distribuição de dados, fornecida por um método de distribuição controlada de dados, que determina como triplas RDF são agrupadas e armazenadas em um mesmo servidor. Sendo assim, durante a distribuição, fragmentos de bases RDF seguem a composição de um determinado PA. Logo, a abordagem de processamento proposta gera planos de execução de consultas baseando-se nestes padrões viabilizando a escolha de duas estratégias de comunicação durante o processamento de consultas: get-frag e send-result. Na primeira estratégia, dada uma consulta, um servidor requisita para servidores remotos fragmentos de dados para a resolução de consultas. Na segunda, o servidor envia resultados intermediários da consulta para outros servidores continuarem a sua execução. Essas estratégias são combinadas em um método, denominado de 2ways, que escolhe a estratégia de comunicação adequada sempre que a execução de consultas transitar entre fragmentos de dados. A escolha da estratégia depende do número de mensagens e do volume de dados a ser transmitido entre servidores. Resultados experimentais mostram que 2ways reduz o custo de comunicação de maneira efetiva e melhora o tempo de resposta do processamento de consultas SPARQL em sistemas RDF distribuídos. Por fim, considerando que bases RDF podem ser alteradas por meio de operações de exclusão/interseção de triplas, este trabalho estende a abordagem de processamento proposta considerando que nem sempre novos dados inseridos estarão de acordo com os PAs predefinidos. A abordagem de atualização define um tipo especial de PA, denominado de PaOverow, para o armazenamento de dados que não podem ser categorizados pelos PAs existentes. Logo, o PaOverow também deve ser considerado no planejamento e no processamento de consultas. Um estudo experimental inicial mostra que, como esperado, a adoção do PaOverow pode aumentar o tempo de resposta de consultas na abordagem de processamento proposta. Palavras-chave: RDF, SPARQL, Processamento Distribuído de Consultas, Otimização de Consultas.Abstract: RDF has been used by many applications due to its simplicity and exibility in data modeling. Due to the huge volume of RDF data that exists nowadays, many distributed query processing approaches have been proposed aiming to ensure scalability for these applications. In general, these approaches propose data distribution methods promoting distributed and parallel SPARQL query processing. However, while distribution may provide storage scalability, it may also incur high communication costs for processing queries. This work presents a parallel and distributed query processing approach that aims to minimize the communication cost. The approach explores the existence of data allocation patterns (PAs) for data distribution, provided by a controlled data distribution method, that determine how RDF triples should be grouped and stored on the same server. Fragments of the RDF datastore follow a given allocation pattern. The approach generates execution plans based on this distribution model making possible the choice of two communication strategies for query processing: get-frag and send-result. With the get-frag approach, a server requests remote servers to send fragments that contain data required by a query. The send-result approach, on the other hand, forwards intermediate results to other servers to continue the query processing. These strategies are combined on a method, called 2ways, that chooses the adequate communication strategy whenever queries traverse fragment boundaries. The choice of the communication strategy is based on the number of requisitions and the volume of the data to be transmitted. Experimental results show that our proposed technique e_ectively reduces the communication cost and improves the response time for processing SPARQL queries on a distributed RDF datastore. Finally, considering that RDF datasets are dynamic, and may be updated by delete/insert operations, this work extends the query processing approach considering that not all newly inserted data may conform to the prede_ned allocation patterns. We de_ne a special purpose type of PA, called PaOverow, for storing data that can not be categorized by existing PAs. Consequentelly, the PaOverow must be considered in query planning and processing. An initial experimental study shows that, as expected, the PaOverow adoption can increase the response time for processing queries on the proposed processing approach. Keywords: RDF, SPARQL, Distributed Query Processing, Query Optimization

    Towards Well-Behaved Schema Evolution

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    We study the problem of schema evolution in the RDF data model. RDF and the RDFS schema language are W3C standards for flexibly modeling and sharing data on the web. Although schema evolution has been intensively studied in the database and knowledge-representation communities, only recently has progress been made on the study of RDFS schema evolution. Indeed, the flexible nature of RDF poses novel challenges. In particular, since the data model does not strictly distinguish data from metadata, schema evolution is intimately related to data updates. A major issue encountered during RDFS database updates is a certain type of “nondeterminism ” exhibited during schema evolution. In current solutions, such nondeterminism is handled by extralogical rules or heuristics. Is it possible to characterize the class of RDFS updates which are well-behaved, that is, with a well-defined semantics avoiding ad-hoc solutions? In this paper, we present our first steps in a project to formally reason about such issues in RDF schema evolution. Specifically, we introduce an effective notion of determinism in RDF schema evolution, formally characterize a large class of well-behaved updates on RDFS graphs with respect to this definition, and show that computing such updates is tractable via a polynomial-time algorithm. 1