33 research outputs found

    Towards Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems with UTP and Isabelle/HOL

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    In this paper, we outline our vision for building verification tools for Cyber-Physical Systems based on Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) and interactive proof technology in Isabelle/HOL. We describe our mechanisation and explain some of the design decisions that we have taken to get a convenient and smooth implementation. In particular, we describe our use of lenses to encode state. We illustrate our work with an example UTP theory and describe the implementation of three foundational theories: designs, reactive processes, and the hybrid relational calculus. We conclude by reflecting on how tools are linked by unifying theories

    Towards a UTP semantics for modelica

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    We describe our work on a UTP semantics for the dynamic systems modelling language Modelica. This is a language for modelling a system’s continuous behaviour using a combination of differential algebraic equations and an event-handling system. We develop a novel UTP theory of hybrid relations, inspired by Hybrid CSP and Duration Calculus, that is purely relational and provides uniform handling of continuous and discrete variables. This theory is mechanised in our Isabelle implementation of the UTP, Isabelle/UTP, with which we verify some algebraic properties. Finally, we show how a subset of Modelica models can be given semantics using our theory. When combined with the wealth of existing UTP theories for discrete system modelling, our work enables a sound approach to heterogeneous semantics for Cyber-Physical systems by leveraging the theory linking facilities of the UTP

    Formal Model-Based Assurance Cases in Isabelle/SACM : An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Case Study

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    Isabelle/SACM is a tool for automated construction of model-based assurance cases with integrated formal methods, based on the Isabelle proof assistant. Assurance cases show how a system is safe to operate, through a human comprehensible argument demonstrating that the requirements are satisfied, using evidence of various provenances. They are usually required for certification of critical systems, often with evidence that originates from formal methods. Automating assurance cases increases rigour, and helps with maintenance and evolution. In this paper we apply Isabelle/SACM to a fragment of the assurance case for an autonomous underwater vehicle demonstrator. We encode the metric unit system (SI) in Isabelle, to allow modelling requirements and state spaces using physical units. We develop a behavioural model in the graphical RoboChart state machine language, embed the artifacts into Isabelle/SACM, and use it to demonstrate satisfaction of the requirements

    Features of integrated model-based co-modelling and co-simulation technology

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    Given the considerable ongoing research interest in collaborative multidisciplinary modelling and co-simulation, it is worth considering the features of model-based techniques and tools that deliver benefits to cyber-physical systems developers. The European project “Integrated Tool Chain for Model-based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems” (INTO-CPS) has developed a well-founded tool chain for CPS design, based on the Functional Mock-up Interface standard, and supported by methodological guidance. The focus of the project has been on the delivery of a sound foundation, an open chain of compatible and usable tools, and a set of accessible guidelines that help users adapt the technology to their development needs

    Unifying heterogeneous state-spaces with lenses

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    Most verification approaches embed a model of program state into their semantic treatment. Though a variety of heterogeneous state-space models exists,they all possess common theoretical properties one would like to capture abstractly,such as the common algebraic laws of programming. In this paper,we propose lenses as a universal state-space modelling solution. Lenses provide an abstract interface for manipulating data types through spatially-separated views. We define a lens algebra that enables their composition and comparison,and apply it to formally model variables and alphabets in Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). The combination of lenses and relational algebra gives rise to a model for UTP in which its fundamental laws can be verified. Moreover,we illustrate how lenses can be used to model more complex state notions such as memory stores and parallel states. We provide a mechanisation in Isabelle/HOL that validates our theory,and facilitates its use in program verification