4 research outputs found

    Image re-ranking based on statistics of frequent patterns

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    International audienceText-based image retrieval is a popular and simple framework consisting in using text annotations (e.g. image names, tags) to perform image retrieval, allowing to handle efficiently very large image collections. Even if the set of images retrieved using text annotations is noisy, it constitutes a reasonable initial set of images that can be considered as a bootstrap and improved further by analyzing image content. In this context, this paper introduces an approach for improving this initial set by re-ranking the so-obtained images, assuming that non-relevant images are scattered (i.e. they do not form clusters), unlike the relevant ones. More specifically, the approach consists in computing efficiently and on the fly frequent closed patterns, and in re-ranking images based on the number of patterns they contain. To do this, the paper introduces a simple but powerful new scoring function. The approach is validated on three different datasets for which state-of-the-art results are obtained

    Semi-supervised learning for image classification

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    Object class recognition is an active topic in computer vision still presenting many challenges. In most approaches, this task is addressed by supervised learning algorithms that need a large quantity of labels to perform well. This leads either to small datasets (< 10,000 images) that capture only a subset of the real-world class distribution (but with a controlled and verified labeling procedure), or to large datasets that are more representative but also add more label noise. Therefore, semi-supervised learning is a promising direction. It requires only few labels while simultaneously making use of the vast amount of images available today. We address object class recognition with semi-supervised learning. These algorithms depend on the underlying structure given by the data, the image description, and the similarity measure, and the quality of the labels. This insight leads to the main research questions of this thesis: Is the structure given by labeled and unlabeled data more important than the algorithm itself? Can we improve this neighborhood structure by a better similarity metric or with more representative unlabeled data? Is there a connection between the quality of labels and the overall performance and how can we get more representative labels? We answer all these questions, i.e., we provide an extensive evaluation, we propose several graph improvements, and we introduce a novel active learning framework to get more representative labels.Objektklassifizierung ist ein aktives Forschungsgebiet in maschineller Bildverarbeitung was bisher nur unzureichend gelöst ist. Die meisten Ansätze versuchen die Aufgabe durch überwachtes Lernen zu lösen. Aber diese Algorithmen benötigen eine hohe Anzahl von Trainingsdaten um gut zu funktionieren. Das führt häufig entweder zu sehr kleinen Datensätzen (< 10,000 Bilder) die nicht die reale Datenverteilung einer Klasse wiedergeben oder zu sehr grossen Datensätzen bei denen man die Korrektheit der Labels nicht mehr garantieren kann. Halbüberwachtes Lernen ist eine gute Alternative zu diesen Methoden, da sie nur sehr wenige Labels benötigen und man gleichzeitig Datenressourcen wie das Internet verwenden kann. In dieser Arbeit adressieren wir Objektklassifizierung mit halbüberwachten Lernverfahren. Diese Algorithmen sind sowohl von der zugrundeliegenden Struktur, die sich aus den Daten, der Bildbeschreibung und der Distanzmasse ergibt, als auch von der Qualität der Labels abhängig. Diese Erkenntnis hat folgende Forschungsfragen aufgeworfen: Ist die Struktur wichtiger als der Algorithmus selbst? Können wir diese Struktur gezielt verbessern z.B. durch eine bessere Metrik oder durch mehr Daten? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Qualität der Labels und der Gesamtperformanz der Algorithmen? In dieser Arbeit beantworten wir diese Fragen indem wir diese Methoden evaluieren. Ausserdem entwickeln wir neue Methoden um die Graphstruktur und die Labels zu verbessern

    Towards unsupervised discovery of visual categories

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    Towards unsupervised discovery of visual categories

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    Abstract. Recently, many approaches have been proposed for visual object category detection. They vary greatly in terms of how much supervision is needed. High performance object detection methods tend to be trained in a supervised manner from relatively clean data. In order to deal with a large number of object classes and large amounts of training data, there is a clear desire to use as little supervision as possible. This paper proposes a new approach for unsupervised learning of visual categories based on a scheme to detect reoccurring structure in sets of images. The approach finds the locations as well as the scales of such reoccurring structures in an unsupervised manner. In the experiments those reoccurring structures correspond to object categories which can be used to directly learn object category models. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the new approach and compare the performance to previous fully-supervised methods.