27,531 research outputs found

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) for Future Internet Position Paper: System Functions, Capabilities and Requirements

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    Future Internet (FI) research and development threads have recently been gaining momentum all over the world and as such the international race to create a new generation Internet is in full swing: GENI, Asia Future Internet, Future Internet Forum Korea, European Union Future Internet Assembly (FIA). This is a position paper identifying the research orientation with a time horizon of 10 years, together with the key challenges for the capabilities in the Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) part of the Future Internet (FI) allowing for parallel and federated Internet(s)

    Formal certification and compliance for run-time service environments

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    With the increased awareness of security and safety of services in on-demand distributed service provisioning (such as the recent adoption of Cloud infrastructures), certification and compliance checking of services is becoming a key element for service engineering. Existing certification techniques tend to support mainly design-time checking of service properties and tend not to support the run-time monitoring and progressive certification in the service execution environment. In this paper we discuss an approach which provides both design-time and runtime behavioural compliance checking for a services architecture, through enabling a progressive event-driven model-checking technique. Providing an integrated approach to certification and compliance is a challenge however using analysis and monitoring techniques we present such an approach for on-going compliance checking

    Sundarban mangroves: diversity, ecosystem services and climate change impacts

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    The Bengal delta coast harboring the famous Sundarban mangroves is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Already, salinity intrusion, increasing cyclones and anomalies in rainfall, and temperature, are causing many social and livelihood problems. However, our knowledge on the diversified climate change impacts on Sundarban ecosystems services, providing immense benefits, including foods, shelters, livelihood, and health amenities, is very limited. Therefore, this article has systematically reviewed the major functional aspects, and highlights on biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics, and services of the Sunderban mangroves, with respect to variations in climatic factors. The mangrove ecosystems are highly productive in terms of forest biomass, and nutrient contribution, especially through detritus-based food webs, to support rich biodiversity in the wetlands and adjacent estuaries. Sundarban mangroves also play vital role in atmospheric CO2 sequestration, sediment trapping and nutrient recycling. Sea level rise will engulf a huge portion of the mangroves, while the associated salinity increase is posing immense threats to biodiversity and economic losses. Climate-mediated changes in riverine discharge, tides, temperature, rainfall and evaporation will determine the wetland nutrient variations, influencing the physiological and ecological processes, thus biodiversity and productivity of Sundarban mangroves. Hydrological changes in wetland ecosystems through increased salinity and cyclones will lower the food security, and also induce human vulnerabilities to waterborne diseases. Scientific investigations producing high resolution data to identify Sundarban‟s multidimensional vulnerabilities to various climatic regimes are essential. Sustainable plans and actions are required integrating conservation and climate change adaptation strategies, including promotion of alternative livelihoods. Thus, interdisciplinary approaches are required to address the future climatic disasters, and better protection of invaluable ecosystem services of the Sunderban mangroves.Fil: Neogi, Sucharit Basu. Coastal Development Partnership; Bangladesh. Osaka Prefecture University; JapĂłn. Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology GmbH; AlemaniaFil: Dey, Mouri. University of Chittagong; BangladeshFil: Lutful Kabir, S. M.. Bangladesh Agricultural University; BangladeshFil: Masum, Syed Jahangir H.. Coastal Development Partnership; BangladeshFil: Kopprio, GermĂĄn Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĂ­a. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĂ­a; Argentina. Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology GmbH; AlemaniaFil: Yamasaki, Shinji. Osaka Prefecture University; JapĂłnFil: Lara, Ruben Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĂ­a. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĂ­a; Argentin

    Fine Grained Component Engineering of Adaptive Overlays: Experiences and Perspectives

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    Recent years have seen significant research being carried out into peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. This work has focused on the styles and applications of P2P computing, from grid computation to content distribution; however, little investigation has been performed into how these systems are built. Component based engineering is an approach that has seen successful deployment in the field of middleware development; functionality is encapsulated in ‘building blocks’ that can be dynamically plugged together to form complete systems. This allows efficient, flexible and adaptable systems to be built with lower overhead and development complexity. This paper presents an investigation into the potential of using component based engineering in the design and construction of peer-to-peer overlays. It is highlighted that the quality of these properties is dictated by the component architecture used to implement the system. Three reusable decomposition architectures are designed and evaluated using Chord and Pastry case studies. These demonstrate that significant improvements can be made over traditional design approaches resulting in much more reusable, (re)configurable and extensible systems

    An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia Content in Wireless Grids

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    A grid computing system is designed for solving complicated scientific and commercial problems effectively,whereas mobile computing is a traditional distributed system having computing capability with mobility and adopting wireless communications. Media and Entertainment fields can take advantage from both paradigms by applying its usage in gaming applications and multimedia data management. Multimedia data has to be stored and retrieved in an efficient and effective manner to put it in use. In this paper, we proposed an application layer protocol for delivery of multimedia data in wireless girds i.e. multimedia grid protocol (MMGP). To make streaming efficient a new video compression algorithm called dWave is designed and embedded in the proposed protocol. This protocol will provide faster, reliable access and render an imperceptible QoS in delivering multimedia in wireless grid environment and tackles the challenging issues such as i) intermittent connectivity, ii) device heterogeneity, iii) weak security and iv) device mobility.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, Peer Reviewed Journa

    Non rivalry and complementarity in computer software

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    In this paper we contend that – contrary to what argued by a vast part of the literature – computer software and, more in general, digital goods (i.e. symbolic strings on an electronic medium with some eco- nomic value) do not present the characteristics of a public good as they do not suffer from lack of rivarly and excludability any more than other durable goods which are regularly allocated on competitive markets. We argue instead that the “market allocation problem” – if any – with digital goods does not arise from their public nature but from some pe- culiar characteristics of the production technology. The latter presents the nature of a typical problem solving activity as far as the produc- tion of the first unit is concerned, this means that innovative activities in computer software are characterized by high degrees of interdepen- dencies, cumulativeness, sequentiality, path dependence and, more in general, sub-optimality arising from imperfect problem decompositions. As far as the production of further units is concerned, we observe in- stead high (but not infinite) expansibility and perfect codification (lack of any tacit dimension) which make diffusion costs rapidly fall. Given such claims, we argue that a standard “Coasian” approach to property rights, designed to cope with the externalities of semi-public goods may not be appropriate for computer software, as it may decrease both ex-ante incentives to innovation and ex-post efficiency of diffusion. On the other hand the institutional definition of property rights may strongly influence the patterns of technological evolution and division of labor in directions which are not necessarily optimal.Intellectual property; hierarchies; innovation; software; digital goods

    The impact of RES-E policy setting on integration effects - A detailed analysis of capacity expansion and dispatch results

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    The operation of the power markets is strongly aected by the presence of high shares of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) in the market. Especially in times of high RES-E infeed, rm market situations can lead to extreme results, even to negative power prices. The behavior of RES-E in potential oversupply situations depends on the RES-E support scheme and in particular on the dened curtailment rules. By now, dierent curtailment rules have not been taken into account in long-run capacity expansion analyses. The present research investigates the impact of curtailment rules on the operation and the investment decisions through the utilization of "The High Temporal Resolution Electricity Market Analysis Model" (THEA) for the German power market under consideration of the neighboring countries. In general the results show that RES-E can provide exibility to the system if low burdens for curtailment are applied. This comes with the cost of lacking market signals which could trigger investments in exible generation capacities. However, if RES-E are forced into the market at any cost, the burden for consumers increases and the market signals high demand for alternative exibilities.Power market modeling, RES-E integration, curtailment rules

    Towards Identifying and closing Gaps in Assurance of autonomous Road vehicleS - a collection of Technical Notes Part 1

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    This report provides an introduction and overview of the Technical Topic Notes (TTNs) produced in the Towards Identifying and closing Gaps in Assurance of autonomous Road vehicleS (Tigars) project. These notes aim to support the development and evaluation of autonomous vehicles. Part 1 addresses: Assurance-overview and issues, Resilience and Safety Requirements, Open Systems Perspective and Formal Verification and Static Analysis of ML Systems. Part 2: Simulation and Dynamic Testing, Defence in Depth and Diversity, Security-Informed Safety Analysis, Standards and Guidelines
