17 research outputs found

    Video object watermarking robust to manipulations

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    This paper presents a watermarking scheme that embeds a signature in video objects for the MPEG-4 video standard. The different constraints associated with this standard are quite different from classical video watermarking schemes. The mark detection had to be achieved after different video object manipulations such as rotation or scaling operations. Principal component analysis and warping methods are used to enable the synchronization of the mark after geometric manipulations. The embedding of the mark is done adding an oriented random sequence and the detection of the mark is processed using a correlation criterion. The different results point out the fact that the presented scheme can detect the mark after bit-rate modification, object shape sub-sampling and geometric manipulations (scaling and rotations).Cet article prĂ©sente un schĂ©ma de tatouage permettant de marquer des objets vidĂ©o tels qu'ils sont dĂ©crits dans le cadre de la norme MPEG-4. Les contraintes liĂ©es Ă  cette norme sont diffĂ©rentes de celles connues en tatouage de sĂ©quences classiques. Dans un tel contexte, la dĂ©tection de la signature doit en effet ĂȘtre possible aprĂšs diverses manipulations de l'objet vidĂ©o telles que des rotations ou changements d'Ă©chelle. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e utilise la forme de l'objet vidĂ©o pour permettre la synchronisation de la signature. Cette Ă©tape est effectuĂ©e en utilisant des techniques d'analyse en composantes principales et de « morphing » de sĂ©quences de forme prĂ©dĂ©finie. L'insertion de la signature s'effectue ensuite par addition d'une sĂ©quence alĂ©atoire orientĂ©e, et la dĂ©tection s'opĂšre par corrĂ©lation. Les tests appliquĂ©s sur des objets vidĂ©o indiquent que le schĂ©ma prĂ©sentĂ© permet la dĂ©tection de la signature aprĂšs des opĂ©rations telles que la rĂ©duction du dĂ©bit, le sous-Ă©chantillonnage du masque associĂ© Ă  l'objet, ou encore des manipulations gĂ©omĂ©triques (rotations, changements d'Ă©chelle)

    A Robust Image Watermarking Based on Image Restoration Using SIFT

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    This paper introduces a novel robust watermarking scheme for digital images, which is robust against common signal processing and geometric distortion attacks. In order to be resistant to geometric distortion attacks, the matched feature points determined by the scale-invariance feature transform (SIFT) are used for image restoration to reduce the synchronization errors caused by geometric distortion attacks. An adaptive embedding scheme is applied in discrete Fourier transform (DFT) domain of each subimage. The watermark detection decision is based on the number of matched bits between the retrieved and original watermark in the embedding image blocks. Experimental results show that the proposed watermarking is robust to common signal processing attacks and geometric distortion attacks, including rotation, scaling, cropping, shearing and some combined attacks

    Towards tamper detection and classification with robust watermarks

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    Chaotic encryption driven watermarking of human video objects based on Hu moments

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    Wavelet Analysis for Wind Fields Estimation

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    Wind field analysis from synthetic aperture radar images allows the estimation of wind direction and speed based on image descriptors. In this paper, we propose a framework to automate wind direction retrieval based on wavelet decomposition associated with spectral processing. We extend existing undecimated wavelet transform approaches, by including à trous with B3 spline scaling function, in addition to other wavelet bases as Gabor and Mexican-hat. The purpose is to extract more reliable directional information, when wind speed values range from 5 to 10 ms−1. Using C-band empirical models, associated with the estimated directional information, we calculate local wind speed values and compare our results with QuikSCAT scatterometer data. The proposed approach has potential application in the evaluation of oil spills and wind farms

    Toward a content-based watermarking scheme

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    Image watermarking consists in embedding an unnoticeable and indelible mark inside a digital image. Watermarking technologies aims at solving copyright and integrity problems. Nevertheless classical geometrical transforms generally induce a loss of synchronization that prevent the detection of the mark. We propose in this paper a content-based watermarking scheme that uses a feature point detector to link the mark with the content of the image. In this scheme, feature point detection is followed by a triangular tessellation and the signature is embedded in each triangle of the partition. Our results show that the presented scheme is robust to local geometrical transforms and attacks such as Stirmark.Le tatouage d'images consiste Ă  insĂ©rer une signature invisible et indĂ©lĂ©bile dans une image. Il permet de rĂ©pondre Ă  des problĂšmes de droit d'auteur ou d'intĂ©gritĂ©. Les transformations gĂ©omĂ©triques peuvent cependant provoquer une perte de synchronisation et ainsi empĂȘcher la dĂ©tection de la signature. Nous proposons une mĂ©thode de tatouage fondĂ©e sur le contenu qui utilise un dĂ©tecteur de points d'intĂ©rĂȘts pour lier la signature au contenu de l'image. La dĂ©tection de point d'intĂ©rĂȘts permet de crĂ©er une partition triangulaire et la signature est ensuite insĂ©rĂ©e dans chacun des triangles. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que la mĂ©thode prĂ©sentĂ©e est robuste aux dĂ©formations gĂ©omĂ©triques tels que Stirmark

    Protecting Ownership Rights of Videos Against Digital Piracy: An Efficient Digital Watermarking Scheme

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    Violation of one’s intellectual ownership rights by the others is a common problem which entertainment industry frequently faces now-a-days. Sharing of information over social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp and twitter without giving credit the owner causes huge financial losses to the owner and hence needs an immediate attention. Digital watermarking is a promising technique to protect owners’ right against digital piracy. Most of the state-of-the-art techniques does not provides adequate level of resilience against majority of video specific attacks and other commonly applied attacks. Therefore, this paper proposes a highly transparent and robust video watermarking solution to protect the owners rights by first convert each video frame into YCbCr color components and then select twenty five strongest speeded-up robust features (SURF) points of the normalized luminance component as points for both watermark embedding and extraction. After applying variety of geometric, simple signal processing and video specific attacks on the watermarked video meticulous analysis is performed using popular metrics which reveals that the proposed scheme possesses high correlation value which makes it superior for practical applications against these attacks. The scheme also proposes a novel three-level impairment scale for subjective analysis which gives stable results to derive correct conclusions

    A study of watermarking methods in medical application

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    Nowadays, watermarking technology is playing an important role in medical image watermarking as it can hide the patient information and then get back the information by the owner itself using certain private key. The objective of this project is to address the specific requirements needs for watermarking of medical images and compare three appropriate schemes for watermarking of medical images. Four important requirements in medical image watermarking are imperceptible watermarking, integrity control, authentication and capacity hiding. The three methods of medical image watermarking that have been studied are Least Significant Bit (LSB), Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) encryption and decryption with LSB, RSA encryption and decryption with feature-based. These three methods of image watermarking are categorized in spatial domain. Performance for watermarking scheme is carried out and comparisons are made. There are three quality metrics used in this project which are Peak-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Among these three methods, LSB method has the most capacity of watermark and fastest rate in embedding process. These three algorithms implemented in this project are shown to be sensitive for the attack. Attacks applied in this project are salt & pepper noise with 0.0001 noise density, median filtering, JPEG compression with index 100 and index 75, cropping and rotation. These three methods that being studied are better for integrity control. Meanwhile, a Graphic User Interface (GUI) is developed for embedding and extracting purpose. User can embed a watermark into their host image and extract the watermark from the watermarked image

    Scale Invariant and Rotation Invariant Image Watermarking

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    The scheme proposed is an improved version of the image watermarking scheme in "Scale-Invariant Image Watermarking via Optimization Algorithm for Quantizing Randomized Statistics". The previous watermarking scheme was scale invariant but not rotation invariant. In this thesis we propose to modify the method by incorporating Zernike moment transformation to make it rotationally invariant, thus making it robust against synchronization attacks.Computer Science Departmen