7 research outputs found

    Durchbrochene Ordnungen: Das Dokumentarische der Gegenwart

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    Von der Entstehung technischer Analogmedien im 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart digitaler Medienpraktiken hinein ist eine Vielzahl dokumentarischer Formen entstanden. Im Zentrum dieses Bandes steht die Frage nach den Operationen, die im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Institutionen und Praktiken auf je spezifische Weise bild-, text- und tonmediale Elemente arrangieren, um so die Lesbarkeit, den Aussagewert und die Machtwirkungen des Dokumentierten zu steuern. Verschiedene Leitkonzepte spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle: Das Dokumentarische 2.0 in den diversen Praktiken ubiquitĂ€rer Selbstdokumentation, etwa in Social Media (Neodokumentarismus), sowie das Dokumentarische zweiter Ordnung, das sich in kritischer Weise auf die ObjektivitĂ€ts- und EvidenzansprĂŒche dokumentarischer Wahrheiten bezieht und sie "gegendokumentarisch" unterlĂ€uft

    Durchbrochene Ordnungen

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    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence: Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    Multispecies Communities

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Dr. Pablo Abend und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland."Multispecies Communities" sind nicht mehr alleine auf den Menschen fixiert und bringen andere Akteure ins Spiel. Damit ergeben sich neue Formen der Kommunikationen und Kollaborationen, der Verantwortlichkeiten und der RĂŒcksichtnahmen (awareness), der Vergemeinschaftungen und der Teilhaben: Diese finden statt zwischen Menschen und Tieren, Pflanzen und Algorithmen, Artefakten und Biofakten, Maschinen und Medien; zwischen den Sphären von belebt und unbelebt, real und virtuell, unberührt und augmentiert. Der Umgang mit Technik ist lĂ€ngst kein menschliches Privileg mehr, wie die Ausdifferenzierungen von Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) oder Plant-Computer Interaction (PCI) verdeutlichen. Diese Ausdifferenzierungen finden ihren Niederschlag ebenso in den verschiedenen Disziplinen der Wissenschaft und in der Kunst sowie in gesellschaftlichen, sozialen, ethischen und politischen Aushandlungen des gemeinsamen Miteinanders. In dieser Ausgabe sind fĂŒr diesen Diskussionszusammenhang relevante programmatische Texte versammelt und erstmals fĂŒr den deutschsprachigen Raum zugĂ€nglich gemacht."Multispecies communities" are no longer focused on humans alone and bring other actors into play. This results in new forms of communication and collaboration, of responsibilities and awareness, of communalisation and participation: These take place between humans and animals, plants and algorithms, artefacts and biofacts, machines and media; between the spheres of animate and inanimate, real and virtual, untouched and augmented. Dealing with technology is no longer a human privilege, as the differentiations from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) into Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) or Plant-Computer Interaction (PCI) exemplify. These differentiations are also reflected in the various disciplines of science and art as well as in societal, social, ethical and political negotiations of shared interaction. In this issue, relevant programmatic texts have been collected for this discussion context and made available for the first time for the German-speaking area

    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    Towards multisensory storming

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    Current digital system interfaces are mainly based on vision and hearing. HCI practitioners and researchers need to introduce unconventional senses in interaction design in order to avoid sensory deprivation in digital life and enhance information accessibility. In this paper, we present a novel technique, called Multisensory Storming, which aims at supporting the multisensory interaction design process. Multisensory Storming is a group method enabling the generation of new ideas and design proposals in physical contexts through exercises that allow exploring all the human senses