745 research outputs found

    Better health and ambient assisted living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

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    Assisting technologies aim to provide more support in the meeting of one's daily needs and the preservation of one's autonomy and quality of life. Continual developments in medicine, medical equipment, nursing and medical care are assumed to lead to new types of care being created. A high degree of social and economic relevance has been attributed to assisting technologies, as well as information and communication systems, by scientists and politicians alike, particularly in connection with the development, promotion and organization of so-called senior-friendly environments and with ambient assisted living (AAL). Here the focus is especially upon the aged of the future, their specific demands and resources, which these technologies should be able to serve while adhering to their individual requirements. These new technologies can also be extremely relevant to people surrounding the elderly. They can make a considerable difference to the way in which people are able to live together for example by assisting the nursing care provided by close relatives and they may represent new opportunities to the providers of outpatient and inpatient nursing and medical care. -- Assistierende Technologien sollen der besseren Unterstützung bei der Deckung von Bedürfnissen des täglichen Lebens und zur Erhaltung von Selbständigkeit und Lebensqualität dienen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass durch die kontinuierliche Entwicklung in der Medizin, der Medizintechnik sowie assistierender Technologien in der medizinischen und pflegerischen Versorgung neue Versorgungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung, der Förderung und der Ausgestaltung sogenannter altersgerechter Lebenswelten bzw. eines ambient assisted living (AAL) wird den unterstützenden Technologien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken von wissenschaftlicher und politischer Seite eine hohe gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Relevanz zugewiesen. Im Fokus stehen dabei vor allem die zukünftigen Älteren und ihre spezifischen Bedarfe und Ressourcen, die diese Technologien ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen entsprechend nutzen können sollen. Derartige Techniken können aber auch für Personen aus dem sozialen Umfeld der Älteren von hoher Relevanz sein. So können diese die Gestaltung des Zusammenlebens erheblich ändern - beispielsweise durch die Unterstützung bei der pflegerischen Versorgung durch Angehörige - und beispielsweise den Anbietern im Bereich der gesundheitlichen und pflegerischen ambulanten und stationären Versorgung neue Möglichkeiten der Versorgung bieten.

    Better Health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

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    Assisting technologies aim to provide more support in the meeting of one's daily needs and the preservation of one's autonomy and quality of life. Continual developments in medicine, medical equipment, nursing and medical care are assumed to lead to new types of care being created. A high degree of social and economic relevance has been attributed to assisting technologies, as well as information and communication systems, by scientists and politicians alike, particularly in connection with the development, promotion and organization of so-called senior-friendly environments and with ambient assisted living (AAL).economic development; ambient assisted living; health care system; assisting technologies; health care; new technologies; health economy

    Applying Evolutionary Algorithms Successfully: A Guide Gained from Real-world Applications

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    Metaheuristics (MHs) in general and Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) in particular are well known tools for successful optimization of difficult problems. But when is their application meaningful and how does one approach such a project as a novice? How do you avoid beginner\u27s mistakes or use the design possibilities of a metaheuristic search as efficiently as possible? This paper tries to give answers to these questions based on 30 years of research and application of the Evolutionary Algorithm GLEAM and its memetic extension HyGLEAM. Most of the experience gathered and discussed here can also be applied to the use of other metaheuristics such as ant algorithms or particle swarm optimization. This paper addresses users with basic knowledge of MHs in general and EAs in particular who want to apply them in an optimization project. For this purpose, a number of questions that arise in the course of such a project are addressed. At the end, some non-technical project management issues are discussed, whose importance for project success is often underestimated

    Clinical Workflows - The Killer Application for Process-oriented Information Systems?

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    There is an increasing interest in changing information systems to support business processes in a more direct way. Workflow technology is a very interesting candidate to achieve this goal. Hence the important question arises, how far do we get using this technology. Is its functionality powerful enough to support a wide range of applications or is it only suitable for rather simple ones? And, if the latter is the case, are the missing functions of the “just to do” type or are more fundamental issues addressed? The paper uses the clinical domain to motivate and to elaborate the functionality needed to adequately support an advanced application environment. It shows that workflow technology is still lacking important features to serve this domain. The paper surveys the state of the art and it presents solutions for some issues based on the concepts elaborated in the ADEPT project

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    Metaheuristics for the unit commitment problem : The Constraint Oriented Neighbourhoods search strategy

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    Tese de mestrado. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 199