9,754 research outputs found

    Green BPM as a business-oriented discipline : a systematic mapping study and research agenda

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    Green Business Process Management (BPM) focuses on the ecological impact of business processes. This article provides a systematic mapping study of Green BPM literature to evaluate five attributes of the Green BPM research area: (1) scope, (2) disciplines, (3) accountability, (4) researchers and (5) quality control. The results allow developing a research agenda to enhance Green BPM as an approach for environmentally sustainable organizations. We rely on a dichotomy of knowledge production to present research directives relevant for both academics and practitioners in order to help close a rigor-relevance gap. The involvement of both communities is crucial for Green BPM to advance as an applied, business-oriented discipline

    Generic Process Transformation Model: Transition to Process-based Organization

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    The competitive global market climate of the new millennium has raised awareness of business processes as the most important management paradigm (Levi, 2002). Consequently, process elements, as well as process-based organizational solutions, have become an emergent need. However, the question is how companies should transform themselves to become more process-oriented? Many attempts under the helm of Business Process Reengineering movement were not successful in reaching benefits of lateral orientation, what additionally emphasizes the delicacy of business process transformation. Concerning the literature, there is a lack of clarity and presence of organizational change models which could provide managers with guidance for process transformation. The models are mostly focused on the transformation generally, and they do not address the specificity of a change from traditional to process paradigm. Furthermore, they are mostly single-oriented, either on the organizational elements or steps which should be taken during the change, thus only partially answering the dilemma. The purpose of the paper is to present an overview of existing transformation models which could be relevant for taking a process journey, as well as propose a Generic Process Transformation Model which should be able to ensure smooth transition, with emphasis on specific problems related to process transformation. Although the proposed model is theoretically and logically based, without empirical evidence, it represents a first step in convergence of process transformation concepts to business world. Ultimately, only its usage in a real world would or would not prove its severity.process transformation, process-based organization, organizational change, transformation models

    The Link between BPR, Evolutionary Delivery and Evolutionary Development

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    In this paper we intend to show how the challenges of managing a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) project are consistent with the ones of a Systems Development project. As traditional management techniques were no longer appropriate in the changing business environment, companies employed BPR to achieve elevated business performance. Similarly, as traditional systems development approaches delivered disappointing results, system developers experimented with other models, including Evolutionary Delivery and Evolutionary Development, in order to enable successful technology exploitation by businesses. Both these business and systems initiatives embrace elements of cultural change, management flexibility, empowerment, organisational readiness, and technology introduction in a changing environment. We will present the similarities of the two initiatives and show how progress in one initiative could contribute in the progress of the other

    Adoption of Business Process Orientation Practices: Slovenian and Croatian Survey

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    Process orientation has been empirically linked to corporate performance. Several studies have shown that more process oriented companies perform better than less process oriented companies. Consequently, many researchers attempted to define what makes a company process oriented, which resulted in numerous frameworks and conceptualizations of process orientation. Based on concepts of business process orientation (BPO) the authors have developed and operationalised a concept of extended BPO to study its adoption in two countries, one EU member and one a candidate for EU membership (Slovenia and Croatia, respectively). Extensive field study has been carried out in these countries. The results of the analysis show that there are many statistically significant differences, namely companies in Slovenia have implemented process oriented practices to a higher degree than their counterparts in Croatia. The paper shows the main differences in BPO areas and practices.business process orientation, process orientation, maturity, empirical research, Croatia, Slovenia

    Information systems evaluation: Navigating through the problem domain

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    Information systems (IS) make it possible to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, which can provide competitive advantage. There is, however, a great deal of difficulty reported in the normative literature when it comes to the evaluation of investments in IS, with companies often finding themselves unable to assess the full implications of their IS infrastructure. Although many of the savings resulting from IS are considered suitable for inclusion within traditional accountancy frameworks, it is the intangible and non-financial benefits, together with indirect project costs that complicate the justification process. In exploring this phenomenon, the paper reviews the normative literature in the area of IS evaluation, and then proposes a set of conjectures. These were tested within a case study to analyze the investment justification process of a manufacturing IS investment. The idiosyncrasies of the case study and problems experienced during its attempts to evaluate, implement, and realize the holistic implications of the IS investment are presented and critically analyzed. The paper concludes by identifying lessons learnt and thus, proposes a number of empirical findings for consideration by decisionmakers during the investment evaluation process

    An Evaluation of Inter-Organizational Workflow Modelling Formalisms

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    This paper evaluates the dynamic aspects of the UML in the context of inter-organizational workflows. Two evaluation methodologies are used. The first one is ontological and is based on the BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) models. The second validation is based on prototyping and consists in the development of a workflow management system in the aerospace industry. Both convergent and divergent results are found from the two validations. Possible enhancements to the UML formalism are suggested from the convergent results. On the other hand, the divergent results suggest the need for a contextual specification in the BWW models. Ce travail consiste en une évaluation des aspects dynamiques du language UML dans un contexte de workflow inter-organisationnel. Le choix du language par rapport à d'autres est motivé par sa richesse grammaticale lui offrant une très bonne adaptation à ce contexte. L'évaluation se fait par une validation ontologique basée sur les modèles BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) et par la réalisation d'un prototype de système de gestion de workflows inter-organisationnels. À partir des résultats convergents obtenus des deux différentes analyses, des améliorations au formalisme UML sont suggérées. D'un autre coté, les analyses divergentes suggèrent une possibilité de spécifier les modèles BWW à des contextes plus particuliers tels que ceux des workflows et permettent également de suggérer d'autres améliorations possibles au langage.Ontology, Conceptual study, Prototype Validation, UML, IS development methods and tools., Ontologie, étude conceptuelle, validation du prototype, UML, méthodes et outils de développement IS


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    During the last half decade, various theories, concepts, and models have been established to make organizations more environmentally sustainable. The IS community had their share with the Green IS/IT domain. As it turned out most of these concepts took a very functional approach, not making a good fit for business process oriented organizations. To fill this gap the research stream of Green Business Process Management (GBPM) arose. In this paper we develop and discuss various capabilities that organizations should have in order to actually take advantage of GBPM. We call these capabilities GBPM readiness

    Remarks on Environmental Regulation, Firm Behavior and Innovation

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    The Porter Hypothesis says that well-designed environmental regulation should trigger innovations and enhance the competitiveness of firms. This paper, which follows the invitation to participate at a recent workshop financed by the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, summarizes theoretical findings concerning this Hypothesis and makes recommendations to improve existing regulation. L'hypothèse de Porter veut qu'une réglementation environnementale bien conçue encourage l'innovation et renforce la compétitivité des entreprises. Ce cahier, qui fait suite à l'invitation à participer à un récent atelier financé par la Environmental Protection Agency des États-Unis, résume la recherche théorique récente se rapportant à la validité de cette hypothèse et formule des recommandations visant à améliorer les réglements existants.Environmental regulation, innovation, organizational failure, Réglementation environnementale, innovation, failles organisationnelles