394 research outputs found

    A Graph Transformation Approach for Modeling and Verification of UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams

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    Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 Sequence Diagrams (UML 2.0 SD) are used to describe interactions in software systems. These diagrams must be verified in the early stages of software development process to guarantee the production of a reliable system. However, UML 2.0 SD lack formal semantics as all UML specifications, which makes their verification difficult, especially if we are modeling a critical system where the automation of verification is necessary. Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a formal specification language that is suited for analysis and has many automatic verification tools. Thus, UML and CSP have complementary aspects, which are modeling and analysis. Recently, a formalization of UML 2.0 SD using CSP has been proposed in the literature; however, no automation of that formalization exists. In this paper, we propose an approach on the basis of the above formalization and a visual modeling tool to model and automatically transform UML 2.0 SD to CSP ones; thus, the existing CSP model checker can verify them. This approach aims to use UML 2.0 SD for modeling and CSP and its tools for verification. This approach is based on graph transformation, which uses AToM3 tool and proposes a metamodel of UML 2.0 SD and a graph grammar to perform the mapping of the latter into CSP. Failures-Divergence Refinement (FDR) is the model checking tool used to verify the behavioral properties of the source model transformation such as deadlock, livelock and determinism. The proposed approach and tool are illustrated through a case study

    Towards Verification of UML Class Models using Formal Specification Methods: A Review

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    Abstract In today s world many elements of our lives are being affected by software and for that we are in greater need of high-quality software The Unified Modeling Language UML is considered the de facto standard for object-oriented software model development UML class diagram plays an important role in the design and specification of software systems A class diagram provides a static description of system component

    Towards Model Checking Executable UML Specifications in mCRL2

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    We describe a translation of a subset of executable UML (xUML) into the process algebraic specification language mCRL2. This subset includes class diagrams with class generalisations, and state machines with signal and change events. The choice of these xUML constructs is dictated by their use in the modelling of railway interlocking systems. The long-term goal is to verify safety properties of interlockings modelled in xUML using the mCRL2 and LTSmin toolsets. Initial verification of an interlocking toy example demonstrates that the safety properties of model instances depend crucially on the run-to-completion assumptions

    Formal Verification of Tokeneer Behaviours Modelled in fUML Using CSP

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    Much research work has been done on formalizing UML diagrams, but less has focused on using this formalization to analyze the dynamic behaviours between formalized components. In this paper we propose using a subset of fUML (Foundational Subset for Executable UML) as a semi-formal language, and formalizing it to the process algebraic specification language CSP, to make use of FDR as a model checker. Our formalization includes modelling the asynchronous communication framework used within fUML. This allows different interpretations of the communications model to be evaluated. To illustrate the approach, we use the modelling of the Tokeneer ID Station specifications into fUML, and formalize them in CSP to check if the model is deadlock free

    An UML+Z Framework For Validating And Verifying the Static Aspect of Safety Critical System

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to propose an augmented framework for verifying and validating the static aspect of safety critical systems by analysing the UML class diagrams and the relationship between them. Since UML is a semi formal language which is provn to ambiguities due to its various graphical notations, hence Formal analysis of UML class diagram is required. Moreover, class diagram play an important role in system designing phase especially in safety critical systems. Any ambiguity or inconsistency in design can result in potential failure. Formal methods are the mathematical tools and methodology which are sandwiched at various stages of software development process to ensure the correctness, consistency and completeness of software artifacts such as requirement specifications, design etc. In this article, Z notation is used for the purpose of analysis formally and later on verified by the Z/EVES tool

    An Optimization Approach for Effective Formalized fUML Model Checking.

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    CSP: there is more than one way to model it.

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    In this paper, we present an approach for conceptual modelling of con- straint satisfaction problems (CSP). The main objective is to achieve a similarly high degree of modelling support for constraint problems as it is already available in other disciplines. The approach uses diagrams as operational basis for the development of CSP models. To facilitate a broader scope, the use of available mainstream modelling languages is adapted. In particular, the structural aspects of the problem are visually expressed in UML, complemented by a textual representation of rela- tions and constraints in OCL. A case study illustrates the expositions and deployment of the approach
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