2,871 research outputs found

    A survey of machine learning techniques applied to self organizing cellular networks

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    In this paper, a survey of the literature of the past fifteen years involving Machine Learning (ML) algorithms applied to self organizing cellular networks is performed. In order for future networks to overcome the current limitations and address the issues of current cellular systems, it is clear that more intelligence needs to be deployed, so that a fully autonomous and flexible network can be enabled. This paper focuses on the learning perspective of Self Organizing Networks (SON) solutions and provides, not only an overview of the most common ML techniques encountered in cellular networks, but also manages to classify each paper in terms of its learning solution, while also giving some examples. The authors also classify each paper in terms of its self-organizing use-case and discuss how each proposed solution performed. In addition, a comparison between the most commonly found ML algorithms in terms of certain SON metrics is performed and general guidelines on when to choose each ML algorithm for each SON function are proposed. Lastly, this work also provides future research directions and new paradigms that the use of more robust and intelligent algorithms, together with data gathered by operators, can bring to the cellular networks domain and fully enable the concept of SON in the near future

    A multi-objective particle swarm optimized fuzzy logic congestion detection and dual explicit notification mechanism for IP networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.The Internet has experienced a tremendous growth over the past two decades and with that growth have come severe congestion problems. Research efforts to alleviate the congestion problem can broadly be classified into three groups: Cl) Router based congestion detection; (2) Generation and transmission of congestion notification signal to the traffic sources; (3) End-to-end algorithms which control the flow of traffic between the end hosts. This dissertation has largely addressed the first two groups which are basically router initiated. Router based congestion detection mechanisms, commonly known as Active Queue Management (AQM), can be classified into two groups: conventional mathematical analytical techniques and fuzzy logic based techniques. Research has shown that fuzzy logic techniques are more effective and robust compared to the conventional techniques because they do not rely on the availability of a precise mathematical model of Internet. They use linguistic knowledge and are, therefore, better placed to handle the complexities associated with the non-linearity and dynamics of the Internet. In spite of all these developments, there still exists ample room for improvement because, practically, there has been a slow deployment of AQM mechanisms. In the first part of this dissertation, we study the major AQM schemes in both the conventional and the fuzzy logic domain in order to uncover the problems that have hampered their deployment in practical implementations. Based on the findings from this study, we model the Internet congestion problem as a multi-objective problem. We propose a Fuzzy Logic Congestion Detection (FLCD) which synergistically combines the good characteristics of the fuzzy approaches with those of the conventional approaches. We design the membership functions (MFs) of the FLCD algorithm automatically by using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO), a population based stochastic optimization algorithm. This enables the FLCD algorithm to achieve optimal performance on all the major objectives of Internet congestion control. The FLCD algorithm is compared with the basic Fuzzy Logic AQM and the Random Explicit Marking (REM) algorithms on a best effort network. Simulation results show that the FLCD algorithm provides high link utilization whilst maintaining lower jitter and packet loss. It also exhibits higher fairness and stability compared to its basic variant and REM. We extend this concept to Proportional Differentiated Services network environment where the FLCD algorithm outperforms the traditional Weighted RED algorithm. We also propose self learning and organization structures which enable the FLCD algorithm to achieve a more stable queue, lower packet losses and UDP traffic delay in dynamic traffic environments on both wired and wireless networks. In the second part of this dissertation, we present the congestion notification mechanisms which have been proposed for wired and satellite networks. We propose an FLCD based dual explicit congestion notification algorithm which combines the merits of the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) and the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) mechanisms. In this proposal, the ECN mechanism is invoked based on the packet marking probability while the BECN mechanism is invoked based on the BECN parameter which helps to ensure that BECN is invoked only when congestion is severe. Motivated by the fact that TCP reacts to tbe congestion notification signal only once during a round trip time (RTT), we propose an RTT based BECN decay function. This reduces the invocation of the BECN mechanism and resultantly the generation of reverse traffic during an RTT. Compared to the traditional explicit notification mechanisms, simulation results show that the new approach exhibits lower packet loss rates and higher queue stability on wired networks. It also exhibits lower packet loss rates, higher good-put and link utilization on satellite networks. We also observe that the BECN decay function reduces reverse traffic significantly on both wired and satellite networks while ensuring that performance remains virtually the same as in the algorithm without BECN traffic reduction.Print copy complete; page numbering of 105-108 incorrect

    Fuzzy logic traffic signal controller enhancement based on aggressive driver behavior classification

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    The rise in population worldwide and especially in Egypt, together with the increase in the number of vehicles present serious complications regarding traffic congestion and road safety. The elementary solution towards improving congestion is to expand road capacities by building new lanes. This, however, requires time and effort and therefore new methodologies are being implemented. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) try to approach traffic congestion through the application of computational and engineering techniques. Traffic signal control is a branch of intelligent transportation systems which focuses on improving traffic signal conditions. A traffic signal controllers’ main objective is to improve this assignment in a way which reduces delays. This research proposes a new approach to enhancing traffic signal control and reducing delays of a single intersection, through the integration of an aggressive driving behavior classifier. Previous approaches dealt with traffic control and driver behavior separately, and therefore their successful integration is a new challenging area in the field. Multiple experiment sets were conducted to provide an indication to the effectiveness of our approach. Firstly, an aggressive driver behavior classifier using feed-forward neural network was successfully built utilizing Virginia Tech 100-car naturalistic driving study data. Its performance was compared against long short-term memory recurrent neural networks and support vector machines, and it resulted in better performance as shown by the area under the curve. To the best of our knowledge, this classifier is the first of its kind to be built on this 100-car study data. Secondly, a representation of aggressive driving behavior was constructed in the simulated environment, based on real life data and statistics. Finally, Mamdani’s fuzzy logic controller was modified to accommodate for the integration of the aggressive behavior classifier. The integration results were encouraging and yielded significant improvements at higher traffic flow volumes when compared against the built Mamdani’s controller. The results are promising and provide an initial step towards the integration of driver behavior classification and traffic signal control

    Congestion Control for Adaptive Satellite Communication Systems with Intelligent Systems

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    With the advent of life critical and real-time services such as remote operations over satellite, e-health etc, providing the guaranteed minimum level of services at every ground terminal of the satellite communication system has gained utmost priority. Ground terminals and the hub are not equipped with the required intelligence to predict and react to inclement and dynamic weather conditions on its own. The focus of this thesis is to develop intelligent algorithms that would aid in adaptive management of the quality of service at the ground terminal and the gateway level. This is done to adapt both the ground terminal and gateway to changing weather conditions and to attempt to maintain a steady throughput level and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements on queue delay, jitter, and probability of loss of packets. The existing satellite system employs the First-In-First-Out routing algorithm to control congestion in their networks. This mechanism is not equipped with adequate ability to contend with changing link capacities, a common result due to bad weather and faults and to provide different levels of prioritized service to the customers that satisfies QoS requirements. This research proposes to use the reported strength of fuzzy logic in controlling highly non-linear and complex system such as the satellite communication network. The proposed fuzzy based model when integrated into the satellite gateway provides the needed robustness to the ground terminals to comprehend with varying levels of traffic and dynamic impacts of weather

    Context-aware GPS Integrity Monitoring for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

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    The integrity of positioning systems has become an increasingly important requirement for location-based Intelligent Transports Systems (ITS). The navigation systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), used in ITS cannot provide the high quality positioning information required by most services, due to the various type of errors from GPS sensor, such as signal outage, and atmospheric effects, all of which are difficult to measure, or from the map matching process. Consequently, an error in the positioning information or map matching process may lead to inaccurate determination of a vehicle’s location. Thus, the integrity is require when measuring both vehicle’s positioning and other related information such as speed, to locate the vehicle in the correct road segment, and avoid errors. The integrity algorithm for the navigation system should include a guarantee that the systems do not produce misleading or faulty information; as this may lead to a significant error arising in the ITS services. Hence, to achieve the integrity requirement a navigation system should have a robust mechanism, to notify the user of any potential errors in the navigation information. The main aim of this research is to develop a robust and reliable mechanism to support the positioning requirement of ITS services. This can be achieved by developing a high integrity GPS monitoring algorithm with the consideration of speed, based on the concept of context-awareness which can be applied with real time ITS services to adapt changes in the integrity status of the navigation system. Context-aware architecture is designed to collect contextual information about the vehicle, including location, speed and heading, reasoning about its integrity and reactions based on the information acquired. In this research, three phases of integrity checks are developed. These are, (i) positioning integrity, (ii) speed integrity, and (iii) map matching integrity. Each phase uses different techniques to examine the consistency of the GPS information. A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is used to measure the quality of the GPS positioning data. GPS Doppler information is used to check the integrity of vehicle’s speed, adding a new layer of integrity and improving the performance of the map matching process. The final phase in the integrity algorithm is intended to verify the integrity of the map matching process. In this phase, fuzzy logic is also used to measure the integrity level, which guarantees the validity and integrity of the map matching results. This algorithm is implemented successfully, examined using real field data. In addition, a true reference vehicle is used to determine the reliability and validity of the output. The results show that the new integrity algorithm has the capability to support a various types of location-based ITS services.Saudi Arabia Cultural Burea

    Spatio-temporal traffic anomaly detection for urban networks

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    Urban road networks are often affected by disruptions such as accidents and roadworks, giving rise to congestion and delays, which can, in turn, create a wide range of negative impacts to the economy, environment, safety and security. Accurate detection of the onset of traffic anomalies, specifically Recurrent Congestion (RC) and Nonrecurrent Congestion (NRC) in the traffic networks, is an important ITS function to facilitate proactive intervention measures to reduce the level of severity of congestion. A substantial body of literature is dedicated to models with varying levels of complexity that attempt to identify such anomalies. Given the complexity of the problem, however, very less effort is dedicated to the development of methods that attempt to detect traffic anomalies using spatio-temporal features. Driven both by the recent advances in deep learning techniques and the development of Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS), the aim of this research is to develop novel traffic anomaly detection models that can incorporate both spatial and temporal traffic information to detect traffic anomalies at a network level. This thesis first reviews the state of the art in traffic anomaly detection techniques, including the existing methods and emerging machine learning and deep learning methods, before identifying the gaps in the current understanding of traffic anomaly and its detection. One of the problems in terms of adapting the deep learning models to traffic anomaly detection is the translation of time series traffic data from multiple locations to the format necessary for the deep learning model to learn the spatial and temporal features effectively. To address this challenging problem and build a systematic traffic anomaly detection method at a network level, this thesis proposes a methodological framework consisting of (a) the translation layer (which is designed to translate the time series traffic data from multiple locations over the road network into a desired format with spatial and temporal features), (b) detection methods and (c) localisation. This methodological framework is subsequently tested for early RC detection and NRC detection. Three translation layers including connectivity matrix, geographical grid translation and spatial temporal translation are presented and evaluated for both RC and NRC detection. The early RC detection approach is a deep learning based method that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The NRC detection, on the other hand, involves only the application of the CNN. The performance of the proposed approach is compared against other conventional congestion detection methods, using a comprehensive evaluation framework that includes metrics such as detection rates and false positive rates, and the sensitivity analysis of time windows as well as prediction horizons. The conventional congestion detection methods used for the comparison include Multilayer Perceptron, Random Forest and Gradient Boost Classifier, all of which are commonly used in the literature. Real-world traffic data from the City of Bath are used for the comparative analysis of RC, while traffic data in conjunction with incident data extracted from Central London are used for NRC detection. The results show that while the connectivity matrix may be capable of extracting features of a small network, the increased sparsity in the matrix in a large network reduces its effectiveness in feature learning compared to geographical grid translation. The results also indicate that the proposed deep learning method demonstrates superior detection accuracy compared to alternative methods and that it can detect recurrent congestion as early as one hour ahead with acceptable accuracy. The proposed method is capable of being implemented within a real-world ITS system making use of traffic sensor data, thereby providing a practically useful tool for road network managers to manage traffic proactively. In addition, the results demonstrate that a deep learning-based approach may improve the accuracy of incident detection and locate traffic anomalies precisely, especially in a large urban network. Finally, the framework is further tested for robustness in terms of network topology, sensor faults and missing data. The robustness analysis demonstrates that the proposed traffic anomaly detection approaches are transferable to different sizes of road networks, and that they are robust in the presence of sensor faults and missing data.Open Acces

    Utilizing an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for overcrowding level risk assessment in railway stations

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    The railway network plays a significant role (both economically and socially) in assisting the reduction of urban traffic congestion. It also accelerates the decarbonization in cities, societies and built environments. To ensure the safe and secure operation of stations and capture the real-time risk status, it is imperative to consider a dynamic and smart method for managing risk factors in stations. In this research, a framework to develop an intelligent system for managing risk is suggested. The adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is proposed as a powerful, intelligently selected model to improve risk management and manage uncertainties in risk variables. The objective of this study is twofold. First, we review current methods applied to predict the risk level in the flow. Second, we develop smart risk assessment and management measures (or indicators) to improve our understanding of the safety of railway stations in real-time. Two parameters are selected as input for the risk level relating to overcrowding: the transfer efficiency and retention rate of the platform. This study is the world’s first to establish the hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) model, which has the potency to manage risk uncertainties and learns through artificial neural networks (ANNs) by integrated training processes. The prediction result shows very high accuracy in predicting the risk level performance, and proves the AI model capabilities to learn, to make predictions, and to capture risk level values in real time. Such risk information is extremely critical for decision making processes in managing safety and risks, especially when uncertain disruptions incur (e.g., COVID-19, disasters, etc.). The novel insights stemmed from this study will lead to more effective and efficient risk management for single and clustered railway station facilities towards safer, smarter, and more resilient transportation systems
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