6 research outputs found

    A novel control architecture based on behavior trees for an omni-directional mobile robot

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    Robotic systems are increasingly present in dynamic environments. This paper proposes a hierarchical control structure wherein a behavior tree (BT) is used to improve the flexibility and adaptability of an omni-directional mobile robot for point stabilization. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial at each level of the sense–plan–act loop to implement robust and effective robotic solutions in dynamic environments. The proposed BT combines high-level decision making and continuous execution monitoring while applying non-linear model predictive control (NMPC) for the point stabilization of an omni-directional mobile robot. The proposed control architecture can guide the mobile robot to any configuration within the workspace while satisfying state constraints (e.g., obstacle avoidance) and input constraints (e.g., motor limits). The effectiveness of the controller was validated through a set of realistic simulation scenarios and experiments in a real environment, where an industrial omni-directional mobile robot performed a point stabilization task with obstacle avoidance in a workspace.This work was financed by national funds from the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), I.P., through IDMEC under LAETA, project UIDB\50022\2020. The work of Rodrigo Bernardo was supported by the PhD Scholarship BD\6841\2020 from the FCT. This work indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under StandICT.eu 2026 (Grant Agreement No. 101091933).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI: An Introduction

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    A Behavior Tree (BT) is a way to structure the switching between different tasks in an autonomous agent, such as a robot or a virtual entity in a computer game. BTs are a very efficient way of creating complex systems that are both modular and reactive. These properties are crucial in many applications, which has led to the spread of BT from computer game programming to many branches of AI and Robotics. In this book, we will first give an introduction to BTs, then we describe how BTs relate to, and in many cases generalize, earlier switching structures. These ideas are then used as a foundation for a set of efficient and easy to use design principles. Properties such as safety, robustness, and efficiency are important for an autonomous system, and we describe a set of tools for formally analyzing these using a state space description of BTs. With the new analysis tools, we can formalize the descriptions of how BTs generalize earlier approaches. We also show the use of BTs in automated planning and machine learning. Finally, we describe an extended set of tools to capture the behavior of Stochastic BTs, where the outcomes of actions are described by probabilities. These tools enable the computation of both success probabilities and time to completion

    Towards Blended Reactive Planning and Acting using Behavior Trees

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    In this paper, we show how a planning algorithm can be used to automatically create and update a Behavior Tree (BT), controlling a robot in a dynamic environment. The planning part of the algorithm is based on the idea of back chaining. Starting from a goal condition we iteratively select actions to achieve that goal, and if those actions have unmet preconditions, they are extended with actions to achieve them in the same way. The fact that BTs are inherently modular and reactive makes the proposed solution blend acting and planning in a way that enables the robot to effectively react to external disturbances. If an external agent undoes an action the robot re- executes it without re-planning, and if an external agent helps the robot, it skips the corresponding actions, again without re- planning. We illustrate our approach in two different robotics scenarios.QC 20190429</p