1,454 research outputs found


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    Biomechanics is a vast discipline within the field of Biomedical Engineering. It explores the underlying mechanics of how biological and physiological systems move. It encompasses important clinical applications to address questions related to medicine using engineering mechanics principles. Biomechanics includes interdisciplinary concepts from engineers, physicians, therapists, biologists, physicists, and mathematicians. Through their collaborative efforts, biomechanics research is ever changing and expanding, explaining new mechanisms and principles for dynamic human systems. Biomechanics is used to describe how the human body moves, walks, and breathes, in addition to how it responds to injury and rehabilitation. Advanced biomechanical modeling methods, such as inverse dynamics, finite element analysis, and musculoskeletal modeling are used to simulate and investigate human situations in regard to movement and injury. Biomechanical technologies are progressing to answer contemporary medical questions. The future of biomechanics is dependent on interdisciplinary research efforts and the education of tomorrow’s scientists

    Launching a Virtual Decision Lab: Development and Field-Testing of a Web-Based Patient Decision Support Research Platform

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    Over 100 trials show that patient decision aids effectively improve patients’ information comprehension and values-based decision making. However, gaps remain in our understanding of several fundamental and applied questions, particularly related to the design of interactive, personalized decision aids. This paper describes an interdisciplinary development process for, and early field testing of, a web-based patient decision support research platform, or virtual decision lab, to address these questions

    Activity intensity, assistive devices and joint replacement influence predicted remodelling in the proximal femur

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    Bone morphology and density changes are commonly observed following joint replacement, and may contribute to the risks of implant loosening and periprosthetic fracture, and reduce the available bone stock for revision surgery. This study was presented in the “Bone and Cartilage Mechanobiology across the scales” WCCM symposium to review the development of remodelling prediction methods and to demonstrate simulation of adaptive bone remodelling around hip replacement femoral components, incorporating intrinsic (prosthesis) and extrinsic (activity and loading) factors.An iterative bone remodelling process was applied to finite element models of a femur implanted with a cementless THR (total hip replacement) and a hip resurfacing implant. Previously developed for a cemented THR implant, this modified process enabled the influence of pre- to postoperative changes in patient activity and joint loading to be evaluated. A control algorithm used identical pre- and postoperative conditions, and the predicted extents and temporal trends of remodelling were measured by generating virtual x-rays and DXA scans.The modified process improved qualitative and quantitative remodelling predictions for both the cementless THR and resurfacing implants, but demonstrated the sensitivity to DXA scan region definition and appropriate implant-bone position and sizing. Predicted remodelling in the intact femur in response to changed activity and loading demonstrated that in this simplified model, although the influence of the extrinsic effects were important, the mechanics of implantation were dominant. This study supports the application of predictive bone remodelling as one element in the range of physical and computational studies, which should be conducted in the pre-clinical evaluation of new prostheses

    Optimization of care in orthopaedics and neurosurgery

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    This thesis aimed to contribute to the optimal use of non-surgical treatment and timing of surgery among hip and knee OA and sciatica patients in two different ways. First, if guidelines are specific on non-surgical and (timing of) surgical treatment, the focus was on implementation strategies to improve guideline uptake in hip and knee OA and sciatica care. Across the different studies carried out in this thesis, knowledge, attitude of health care providers and organization of care seem to be relevant for any implementation of evidence based guideline recommendations in a multidisciplinary setting. Future implementation studies can start focusing on these topics. However, if guidelines are not available or not specific on e.g. optimal timing of total hip or knee arthroplasty (THA/TKA), additional evidence is needed. Therefore, the second part of this thesis focused on studying criteria and determinants to reach the best possible outcomes after THA and TKA, as information in the literature is lacking on optimal timing of surgery. Pooling multiple cohort studies in the Netherlands showed that preoperative status is the most important variable for outcome after both THA and TKA, i.e. patients with better preoperative quality of life, functioning and less pain had better postoperative outcomes

    On the thermal impact during drilling operations in guided dental surgery: An experimental and numerical investigation

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    In recent years, a major development in dental implantology has been the introduction of patient-specific 3D-printed surgical guides. The utilization of dental guides offers advantages such as enhanced accuracy in locating the implant sites, greater simplicity, and reliability in performing bone drilling operations. However, it is important to note that the presence of such guides may contribute to a rise in cutting temperature, hence increasing the potential hazards of thermal injury to the patient's bone. The aim of this study is to examine the drilling temperature evolution in two distinct methods for 3D-printed surgical dental guides, one utilizing an internal metal bushing system and the other using external metal reducers. Cutting tests are done on synthetic polyurethane bone jaw models using a lab-scale automated Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine to find out the temperature reached by different drilling techniques and compare them to traditional free cutting configurations. Thermal imaging and thermocouples, as well as the development of numerical simulations using finite element modeling, are used for the aim. The temperature of the tools' shanks experienced an average rise of 2.4 °C and 4.8 °C, but the tooltips exhibited an average increase of around 17 °C and 24 °C during traditional and guided dental surgery, respectively. This finding provides confirmation that both guided technologies have the capability to maintain temperatures below the critical limit for potential harm to bone and tissue. Numerical models were employed to validate and corroborate the findings, which exhibited identical outcomes when applied to genuine bone samples with distinct thermal characteristics

    Cognitively Empowering Internet-Based Patient Education for Ambulatory Orthopaedic Surgery Patients

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    Tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukeva internet-perustainen ohjaus päiväkirurgisille ortopedisille potilaille Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukeva Internetperustainen potilasohjausohjelma sekä arvioida sitä. Tutkimusprosessi jaettiin kahteen vaiheeseen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa luotiin sisältö tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukevalle Internet-perustaiselle ohjaukselle päiväkirurgisia ortopedisia potilaita varten. Toisessa vaiheessa arvioitiin Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen (koeryhmä) hyväksyttävyyttä käyttäjien arvioimana ja ohjauksen tuloksia sekä verrattiin Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen (koeryhmä) tuloksia tiedollisesti voimavaraistumista tukevan sairaanhoitajan välittämään ohjauksen (kontrolliryhmä) tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda uusi potilasohjausmuoto joka tarjoaa yksilöllisen, osallistavan ja aikaan ja paikkaan sitomattoman ohjauksen päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tulevalle potilaalle. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa käytettiin kuvailevaa ja vertailevaa tutkimusmenetelmää (ennen ja jälkeen testaus). Tutkimukseen osallistui 120 päiväkirurgista ortopedista potilasta joiden tiedon odotuksia ja heille välitettyä tietoa tarkasteltiin. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisen vaiheen tuloksien ja aikaisemman voimavaraistumista käsittävän tiedon perusteella luotiin sisältö tiedollista voimavaraistumista tukevalle Internet-perustaiselle ohjaukselle. Sisältö rakentui voimavaraistavan tiedon kuudesta eri osa-alueesta. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa käytettiin randomoitua kokeellista tutkimusasetelmaa. Päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tulevat potilaat randomoitiin koeryhmään (n=72) Internetperustaiseen ohjaukseen ja kontrolliryhmään (n=75) sairaanhoitajan välittämään ohjaukseen. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoitujen mittareiden avulla ja tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kehitettyä tiedollisesti voimavaraistumista tukevaa Internet-perustaista potilasohjausmenetelmää voidaan suositella käytettäväksi ortopedisten päiväkirurgisten potilaiden ohjauksessa ja potilailla on hyvät mahdollisuudet voimavaraistua tiedollisesti sen avulla. Monipuolista tietoa sisältävä Internet-perustainen ohjaus osoittautui käyttäjien näkökulmasta hyväksyttäväksi. Vaikka Internet ohjauksen hyväksyttävyys koettiin osittain heikommaksi kuin sairaanhoitajan välittämän ohjauksen, potilaat käyttivät nettisivustoa ongelmitta ja arvioivat sen helppokäyttöiseksi. Ohjausmuodolla ei ollut vaikutusta hoidosta aiheutuneisiin kustannuksiin. Sen sijaan kustannuksista organisaatiolle voitiin puolittaa sairaanhoitajan ohjaukseen käyttämä aika Internet-perustaisen ohjauksen avulla. Internet-perustaiseen ohjaukseen osallistuneiden potilaiden tiedon taso ja kokemus tiedon riittävyydestä lisääntyivät ohjauksen jälkeen enemmän kuin sairaanhoitajan välittämään potilasohjaukseen osallistuneiden potilaiden tiedot. Ohjausmuodolla ei ollut vaikutusta potilaiden kokemien tunteiden ja oireiden voimakkuuteen. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tiedollisesti voimavaraistava Internet-perustaista ohjausta voidaan suositella vaihtoehtoiseksi menetelmäksi sairaanhoitajan välittämälle ohjaukselle päiväkirurgiseen ortopediseen leikkaukseen tuleville potilaille.The aim of this study was to create and evaluate an Internet-based patient education programme aiming to cognitively empower ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients. The research process was divided into two phases. In Phase I, the purpose was to create the content for cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education for ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patient care. In Phase II, the purposes were: to evaluate cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education (experiment group) user acceptance and the outcomes of this education, and to compare the outcomes of cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education to the outcomes of cognitively empowering face-to-face education (control group). The ultimate goal of this study was to create a new type of cognitively empowering patient education intervention which offers an individualized and engaging method that is free of time and place for patients having ambulatory orthopaedic surgery operations. In Phase I, we used a descriptive comparative cross-sectional study (pre- and post-test) design and 120 consecutive ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients evaluated their perceptions of their knowledge expectations and their received knowledge. On the basis of the results of this study, as well as earlier research knowledge on empowerment, we created a website to support the cognitive empowerment of an ambulatory orthopaedic patient. The content of the website is multidimensional. In Phase II we evaluated the programme using a randomized controlled trial. Elective ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients were randomized to either an experiment group (n=72) receiving education through a website or to a control group (n=75) receiving face-to-face education with a nurse. We collected the data at the two phases of the research with structured instruments and analysed it using statistical methods. This study showed that patients’ possibilities to become cognitively empowered can be increased with the help of cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education. Users accepted the website that included multidimensional knowledge. Thus, the utility of cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education was partially lower than cognitively empowering face-to-face patient education; patients used the website without any problems and evaluated it as easy to use. There were no differences between the out-of-pocket costs of education. However, the nurses saved time when using the cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education. This study also showed that cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education increased patients’ knowledge level and their sufficiency of knowledge more than did face-to-face education. Patients’ experiences of their emotions and intensity of symptoms did not differ between the education groups. In summary, cognitively empowering Internet-based patient education can be recommended as an alternative to the face-to-face education method for ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients.Siirretty Doriast

    Unveiling the prospects of point-of-care 3D printing of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) patient-specific implants

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) or three-dimensional (3D) printing is rapidly gaining acceptance in the healthcare sector. With the availability of low-cost desktop 3D printers and inexpensive materials, in-hospital or point-of-care (POC) manufacturing has gained considerable attention in personalized medicine. Material extrusion-based [Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)] 3D printing of low-temperature thermoplastic polymer is the most commonly used 3D printing technology in hospitals due to its ease of operability and availability of low-cost machines. However, this technology has been limited to the production of anatomical biomodels, surgical guides, and prosthetic aids and has not yet been adopted into the mainstream production of patient-specific or customized implants. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), a high-performance thermoplastic polymer, has been used mainly in reconstructive surgeries as a reliable alternative to other alloplastic materials to fabricate customized implants. With advancements in AM systems, prospects for customized 3D printed surgical implants have emerged, increasing attention for POC manufacturing. A customized implant may be manufactured within few hours using 3D printing, allowing hospitals to become manufacturers. However, manufacturing customized implants in a hospital environment is challenging due to the number of actions necessary to design and fabricate the implants. The focus of this thesis relies on material extrusion-based 3D printing of PEEK patient-specific implants (PSIs). The ambitious challenge was to bridge the performance gap between 3D printing of PEEK PSIs for reconstructive surgery and the clinical applicability at the POC by taking advantage of recent developments in AM systems. The main reached milestones of this project include: (i) assessment of the fabrication feasibility of PEEK surgical implants using material extrusion-based 3D printing technology, (ii) incorporation of a digital clinical workflow for POC manufacturing, (iii) assessment of the clinical applicability of the POC manufactured patient-specific PEEK scaphoid prosthesis, (iv) visualization and quantification of the clinical reliability of the POC manufactured patient-specific PEEK cranial implants, and (v) assessment of the clinical performance of the POC manufactured porous patient-specific PEEK orbital implants. During this research work, under the first study, we could demonstrate the prospects of FFF 3D printing technology for POC PEEK implant manufacturing. It was established that FFF 3D printing of PEEK allows the construction of complex anatomical geometries which cannot be manufactured using other technologies. With a clinical digital workflow implementation at the POC, we could further illustrate a smoother integration and faster implant production (within two hours) potential for a complex-shaped, patented PEEK patient-specific scaphoid prosthesis. Our results revealed some key challenges during the FFF printing process, exploring the applicability of POC manufactured FFF 3D printed PEEK customized implants in craniofacial reconstructions. It was demonstrated that optimal heat distribution around the cranial implants and heat management during the printing process are essential parameters that affect crystallinity, and thus the quality of the FFF 3D printed PEEK cranial implants. At this stage of the investigation, it was observed that the root mean square (RMS) values for dimensional accuracy revealed higher deviations in large-sized cranial prostheses with “horizontal lines” characteristics. Further optimization of the 3D printer, a layer-by-layer increment in the airflow temperature was done, which improved the performance of the FFF PEEK printing process for large-sized cranial implants. We then evaluated the potential clinical reliability of the POC manufactured 3D printed PEEK PSIs for cranial reconstruction by quantitative assessment of geometric, morphological, and biomechanical characteristics. It was noticed that the 3D printed customized cranial implants had high dimensional accuracy and repeatability, displaying clinically acceptable morphologic similarity concerning fit and contours continuity. However, the tested cranial implants had variable peak load values with discrete fracture patterns from a biomechanical standpoint. The implants with the highest peak load had a strong bonding with uniform PEEK fusion and interlayer connectivity, while air gaps and infill fusion lines were observed in implants with the lowest strength. The results of this preclinical study were in line with the clinical applicability of cranial implants; however, the biomechanical attribute can be further improved. It was noticed that each patient-specific reconstructive implant required a different set of manufacturing parameters. This was ascertained by manufacturing a porous PEEK patient-specific orbital implant. We evaluated the FFF 3D printed PEEK orbital mesh customized implants with a metric considering the design variants, biomechanical, and morphological parameters. We then studied the performance of the implants as a function of varying thicknesses and porous design constructs through a finite element (FE) based computational model and a decision matrix based statistical approach. The maximum stress values achieved in our results predicted the high durability of the implants. In all the implant profile configurations, the maximum deformation values were under one-tenth of a millimeter (mm) domain. The circular patterned design variant implant revealed the best performance score. The study further demonstrated that compounding multi-design computational analysis with 3D printing can be beneficial for the optimal restoration of the orbital floor. In the framework of the current thesis, the potential clinical application of material extrusion-based 3D printing for PEEK customized implants at the POC was demonstrated. We implemented clinical experience and engineering principles to generate a technical roadmap from preoperative medical imaging datasets to virtual surgical planning, computer-aided design models of various reconstructive implant variants, to the fabrication of PEEK PSIs using FFF 3D printing technology. The integration of 3D printing PEEK implants at the POC entails numerous benefits, including a collaborative team approach, quicker turnaround time of customized implants, support in pre-surgical and intraoperative planning, improved patient outcomes, and decreased overall healthcare cost. We believe that FFF 3D printing of customized PEEK implants could become an integral part of the hospitals and holds potential for various reconstructive surgery applications

    Towards patient-tailored care for soft tissue sarcoma

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    Over the past few decades, there has been a paradigm shift in cancer research from focusing on the homogeneity within a patient population to emphasizing the diversity or heterogeneity in presentation and clinical outcomes among patients. This concept has been commonly referred to as personalised medicine. The foundation of personalised medicine lies in delivering effective care tailored to each individual patient. In this thesis, we aimed to contribute to a more personalised and patient-tailored approach in the management of patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), a rare type of cancer. We achieved this goal by developing and validating different prediction tools and assessing how prediction tools could play a role in the clinical decision making process for STS. The following three main questions were addressed in this thesis:1. PART I: Given the current practice,what is the variation in clinical presentation and oncological outcome of patients with STS? which factors influence this variation in oncological outcome?2. PART II: How to better identify patients at risk and predict oncological outcome in patients with STS?3. PART III: How could prognostic tools play a role in the clinical decision making and management of STS?<br/

    Clinical, industrial, and research perspectives on powder bed fusion additively manufactured metal implants

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    For over ten years, metallic skeletal endoprostheses have been produced in select cases by additive manufacturing (AM) and increasing awareness is driving demand for wider access to the technology. This review brings together key stakeholder perspectives on the translation of AM research; clinical application, ongoing research in the field of powder bed fusion, and the current regulatory framework. The current clinical use of AM is assessed, both on a mass-manufactured scale and bespoke application for patient specific implants. To illuminate the benefits to clinicians, a case study on the provision of custom cranioplasty is provided based on prosthetist testimony. Current progress in research is discussed, with immediate gains to be made through increased design freedom described at both meso- and macro-scale, as well as long-term goals in alloy development including bioactive materials. In all cases, focus is given to specific clinical challenges such as stress shielding and osseointegration. Outstanding challenges in industrialisation of AM are openly raised, with possible solutions assessed. Finally, overarching context is given with a review of the regulatory framework involved in translating AM implants, with particular emphasis placed on customisation within an orthopaedic remit. A viable future for AM of metal implants is presented, and it is suggested that continuing collaboration between all stakeholders will enable acceleration of the translation process

    Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care

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    Background: A high variety of team interventions aims to improve team performance outcomes. In 2008, we conducted a systematic review to provide an overview of the scientific studies focused on these interventions. However, over the past decade, the literature on team interventions has rapidly evolved. An updated overview is therefore required, and it will focus on all possible team interventions without restrictions to a type of intervention, setting, or research design. Objectives: To review the literature from the past decade on interventions with the goal of improving team effectiveness within healthcare organizations and identify the "evidence base" levels of the research. Methods: Seven major databases were systematically searched for relevant articles published between 2008 and July 2018. Of the original search yield of 6025 studies, 297 studies met the inclusion criteria according to three independent authors and were subsequently included for analysis. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation Scale was used to assess the level of empirical evidence. Results: Three types of interventions were distinguished: (1) Training, which is sub-divided into training that is based on predefined principles (i.e. CRM: crew resource management and TeamSTEPPS: Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety), on a specific method (i.e. simulation), or on general team training. (2) Tools covers tools that structure (i.e. SBAR: Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation, (de)briefing checklists, and rounds), facilitate (through communication technology), or trigger (through monitoring and feedback) teamwork. (3) Organizational (re)design is about (re)designing structures to stimulate team processes and team functioning. (4) A programme is a combination of the previous types. The majority of studies evaluated a training focused on the (acute) hospital care setting. Most of the evaluated interventions focused on improving non-technical skills and provided evidence of improvements. Conclusion: Over the last decade, the number of studies on team interventions has increased exponentially. At the same time, research t
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