9 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving data outsourcing in the cloud via semantic data splitting

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    Even though cloud computing provides many intrinsic benefits, privacy concerns related to the lack of control over the storage and management of the outsourced data still prevent many customers from migrating to the cloud. Several privacy-protection mechanisms based on a prior encryption of the data to be outsourced have been proposed. Data encryption offers robust security, but at the cost of hampering the efficiency of the service and limiting the functionalities that can be applied over the (encrypted) data stored on cloud premises. Because both efficiency and functionality are crucial advantages of cloud computing, in this paper we aim at retaining them by proposing a privacy-protection mechanism that relies on splitting (clear) data, and on the distributed storage offered by the increasingly popular notion of multi-clouds. We propose a semantically-grounded data splitting mechanism that is able to automatically detect pieces of data that may cause privacy risks and split them on local premises, so that each chunk does not incur in those risks; then, chunks of clear data are independently stored into the separate locations of a multi-cloud, so that external entities cannot have access to the whole confidential data. Because partial data are stored in clear on cloud premises, outsourced functionalities are seamlessly and efficiently supported by just broadcasting queries to the different cloud locations. To enforce a robust privacy notion, our proposal relies on a privacy model that offers a priori privacy guarantees; to ensure its feasibility, we have designed heuristic algorithms that minimize the number of cloud storage locations we need; to show its potential and generality, we have applied it to the least structured and most challenging data type: plain textual documents

    When Data Protection by Design and Data Subject Rights Clash

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    • Data Protection by Design (DPbD), a holistic approach to embedding principles in technical and organisational measures undertaken by data controllers, building on the notion of Privacy by Design, is now a qualified duty in the GDPR. • Practitioners have seen DPbD less holistically, instead framing it through the confidentiality-focussed lens of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs). • While focussing primarily on confidentiality risk, we show that some DPbD strategies deployed by large data controllers result in personal data which, despite remaining clearly reidentifiable by a capable adversary, make it difficult for the controller to grant data subjects rights (eg access, erasure, objection) over for the purposes of managing this risk. • Informed by case studies of Apple’s Siri voice assistant and Transport for London’s Wi-Fi analytics, we suggest three main ways to make deployed DPbD more accountable and data subject–centric: building parallel systems to fulfil rights, including dealing with volunteered data; making inevitable trade-offs more explicit and transparent through Data Protection Impact Assessments; and through ex ante and ex post information rights (arts 13–15), which we argue may require the provision of information concerning DPbD trade-offs. • Despite steep technical hurdles, we call both for researchers in PETs to develop rigorous techniques to balance privacy-as-control with privacyas-confidentiality, and for DPAs to consider tailoring guidance and future frameworks to better oversee the trade-offs being made by primarily wellintentioned data controllers employing DPbD

    Automatic privacy and utility evaluation of anonymized documents via deep learning

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    Text anonymization methods are evaluated by comparing their outputs with human-based anonymizations through standard information retrieval (IR) metrics. On the one hand, the residual disclosure risk is quantified with the recall metric, which gives the proportion of re-identifying terms successfully detected by the anonymization algorithm. On the other hand, the preserved utility is measured with the precision metric, which accounts the proportion of masked terms that were also annotated by the human experts. Nevertheless, because these evaluation metrics were meant for information retrieval rather than privacy-oriented tasks, they suffer from several drawbacks. First, they assume a unique ground truth, and this does not hold for text anonymization, where several masking choices could be equally valid to prevent re-identification. Second, annotation-based evaluation relies on human judgements, which are inherently subjective and may be prone to errors. Finally, both metrics weight terms uniformly, thereby ignoring the fact that the influence on the disclosure risk or on utility preservation of some terms may be much larger than of others. To overcome these drawbacks, in this thesis we propose two novel methods to evaluate both the disclosure risk and the utility preserved in anonymized texts. Our approach leverages deep learning methods to perform this evaluation automatically, thereby not requiring human annotations. For assessing disclosure risks, we propose using a re-identification attack, which we define as a multi-class classification task built on top of state-of-the art language models. To make it feasible, the attack has been designed to capture the means and computational resources expected to be available at the attacker's end. For utility assessment, we propose a method that measures the information loss incurred during the anonymization process, which relies on a neural masked language modeling. We illustrate the effectiveness of our methods by evaluating the disclosure risk and retained utility of several well-known techniques and tools for text anonymization on a common dataset. Empirical results show significant privacy risks for all of them (including manual anonymization) and consistently proportional utility preservation

    Utility-Preserving Anonymization of Textual Documents

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    Cada dia els éssers humans afegim una gran quantitat de dades a Internet, tals com piulades, opinions, fotos i vídeos. Les organitzacions que recullen aquestes dades tan diverses n'extreuen informació per tal de millorar llurs serveis o bé per a propòsits comercials. Tanmateix, si les dades recollides contenen informació personal sensible, hom no les pot compartir amb tercers ni les pot publicar sense el consentiment o una protecció adequada dels subjectes de les dades. Els mecanismes de preservació de la privadesa forneixen maneres de sanejar les dades per tal que no revelin identitats o atributs confidencials. S'ha proposat una gran varietat de mecanismes per anonimitzar bases de dades estructurades amb atributs numèrics i categòrics; en canvi, la protecció automàtica de dades textuals no estructurades ha rebut molta menys atenció. En general, l'anonimització de dades textuals exigeix, primer, detectar trossos del text que poden revelar informació sensible i, després, emmascarar aquests trossos mitjançant supressió o generalització. En aquesta tesi fem servir diverses tecnologies per anonimitzar documents textuals. De primer, millorem les tècniques existents basades en etiquetatge de seqüències. Després, estenem aquestes tècniques per alinear-les millor amb el risc de revelació i amb les exigències de privadesa. Finalment, proposem un marc complet basat en models d'immersió de paraules que captura un concepte més ampli de protecció de dades i que forneix una protecció flexible guiada per les exigències de privadesa. També recorrem a les ontologies per preservar la utilitat del text emmascarat, és a dir, la seva semàntica i la seva llegibilitat. La nostra experimentació extensa i detallada mostra que els nostres mètodes superen els mètodes existents a l'hora de proporcionar anonimització robusta tot preservant raonablement la utilitat del text protegit.Cada día las personas añadimos una gran cantidad de datos a Internet, tales como tweets, opiniones, fotos y vídeos. Las organizaciones que recogen dichos datos los usan para extraer información para mejorar sus servicios o para propósitos comerciales. Sin embargo, si los datos recogidos contienen información personal sensible, no pueden compartirse ni publicarse sin el consentimiento o una protección adecuada de los sujetos de los datos. Los mecanismos de protección de la privacidad proporcionan maneras de sanear los datos de forma que no revelen identidades ni atributos confidenciales. Se ha propuesto una gran variedad de mecanismos para anonimizar bases de datos estructuradas con atributos numéricos y categóricos; en cambio, la protección automática de datos textuales no estructurados ha recibido mucha menos atención. En general, la anonimización de datos textuales requiere, primero, detectar trozos de texto que puedan revelar información sensible, para luego enmascarar dichos trozos mediante supresión o generalización. En este trabajo empleamos varias tecnologías para anonimizar documentos textuales. Primero mejoramos las técnicas existentes basadas en etiquetaje de secuencias. Posteriormente las extendmos para alinearlas mejor con la noción de riesgo de revelación y con los requisitos de privacidad. Finalmente, proponemos un marco completo basado en modelos de inmersión de palabras que captura una noción más amplia de protección de datos y ofrece protección flexible guiada por los requisitos de privacidad. También recurrimos a las ontologías para preservar la utilidad del texto enmascarado, es decir, su semantica y legibilidad. Nuestra experimentación extensa y detallada muestra que nuestros métodos superan a los existentes a la hora de proporcionar una anonimización más robusta al tiempo que se preserva razonablemente la utilidad del texto protegido.Every day, people post a significant amount of data on the Internet, such as tweets, reviews, photos, and videos. Organizations collecting these types of data use them to extract information in order to improve their services or for commercial purposes. Yet, if the collected data contain sensitive personal information, they cannot be shared with third parties or released publicly without consent or adequate protection of the data subjects. Privacy-preserving mechanisms provide ways to sanitize data so that identities and/or confidential attributes are not disclosed. A great variety of mechanisms have been proposed to anonymize structured databases with numerical and categorical attributes; however, automatically protecting unstructured textual data has received much less attention. In general, textual data anonymization requires, first, to detect pieces of text that may disclose sensitive information and, then, to mask those pieces via suppression or generalization. In this work, we leverage several technologies to anonymize textual documents. We first improve state-of-the-art techniques based on sequence labeling. After that, we extend them to make them more aligned with the notion of privacy risk and the privacy requirements. Finally, we propose a complete framework based on word embedding models that captures a broader notion of data protection and provides flexible protection driven by privacy requirements. We also leverage ontologies to preserve the utility of the masked text, that is, its semantics and readability. Extensive experimental results show that our methods outperform the state of the art by providing more robust anonymization while reasonably preserving the utility of the protected outcome

    Toward sensitive document release with privacy guarantees

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    Privacy has become a serious concern for modern Information Societies. The sensitive nature of much of the data that are daily exchanged or released to untrusted parties requires that responsible organizations undertake appropriate privacy protection measures. Nowadays, much of these data are texts (e.g., emails, messages posted in social media, healthcare outcomes, etc.) that, because of their unstructured and semantic nature, constitute a challenge for automatic data protection methods. In fact, textual documents are usually protected manually, in a process known as document redaction or sanitization. To do so, human experts identify sensitive terms (i.e., terms that may reveal identities and/or confidential information) and protect them accordingly (e.g., via removal or, preferably, generalization). To relieve experts from this burdensome task, in a previous work we introduced the theoretical basis of C-sanitization, an inherently semantic privacy model that provides the basis to the development of automatic document redaction/sanitization algorithms and offers clear and a priori privacy guarantees on data protection; even though its potential benefits C-sanitization still presents some limitations when applied to practice (mainly regarding flexibility, efficiency and accuracy). In this paper, we propose a new more flexible model, named (C, g(C))-sanitization, which enables an intuitive configuration of the trade-off between the desired level of protection (i.e., controlled information disclosure) and the preservation of the utility of the protected data (i.e., amount of semantics to be preserved). Moreover, we also present a set of technical solutions and algorithms that provide an efficient and scalable implementation of the model and improve its practical accuracy, as we also illustrate through empirical experiments

    Toward sensitive document release with privacy guarantees

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2016.12.013 URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0952197616302408 Filiació URV: SI Inclòs a la memòria: SIPrivacy has become a serious concern for modern Information Societies. The sensitive nature of much of the data that are daily exchanged or released to untrusted parties requires that responsible organizations undertake appropriate privacy protection measures. Nowadays, much of these data are texts (e.g., emails, messages posted in social media, healthcare outcomes, etc.) that, because of their unstructured and semantic nature, constitute a challenge for automatic data protection methods. In fact, textual documents are usually protected manually, in a process known as document redaction or sanitization. To do so, human experts identify sensitive terms (i.e., terms that may reveal identities and/or confidential information) and protect them accordingly (e.g., via removal or, preferably, generalization). To relieve experts from this burdensome task, in a previous work we introduced the theoretical basis of C-sanitization, an inherently semantic privacy model that provides the basis to the development of automatic document redaction/sanitization algorithms and offers clear and a priori privacy guarantees on data protection; even though its potential benefits C-sanitization still presents some limitations when applied to practice (mainly regarding flexibility, efficiency and accuracy). In this paper, we propose a new more flexible model, named (C, g(C))-sanitization, which enables an intuitive configuration of the trade-off between the desired level of protection (i.e., controlled information disclosure) and the preservation of the utility of the protected data (i.e., amount of semantics to be preserved). Moreover, we also present a set of technical solutions and algorithms that provide an efficient and scalable implementation of the model and improve its practical accurac

    Toward sensitive document release with privacy guarantees

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    Privacy has become a serious concern for modern Information Societies. The sensitive nature of much of the data that are daily exchanged or released to untrusted parties requires that responsible organizations undertake appropriate privacy protection measures. Nowadays, much of these data are texts (e.g., emails, messages posted in social media, healthcare outcomes, etc.) that, because of their unstructured and semantic nature, constitute a challenge for automatic data protection methods. In fact, textual documents are usually protected manually, in a process known as document redaction or sanitization. To do so, human experts identify sensitive terms (i.e., terms that may reveal identities and/or confidential information) and protect them accordingly (e.g., via removal or, preferably, generalization). To relieve experts from this burdensome task, in a previous work we introduced the theoretical basis of C-sanitization, an inherently semantic privacy model that provides the basis to the development of automatic document redaction/sanitization algorithms and offers clear and a priori privacy guarantees on data protection; even though its potential benefits C-sanitization still presents some limitations when applied to practice (mainly regarding flexibility, efficiency and accuracy). In this paper, we propose a new more flexible model, named (C, g(C))-sanitization, which enables an intuitive configuration of the trade-off between the desired level of protection (i.e., controlled information disclosure) and the preservation of the utility of the protected data (i.e., amount of semantics to be preserved). Moreover, we also present a set of technical solutions and algorithms that provide an efficient and scalable implementation of the model and improve its practical accuracy, as we also illustrate through empirical experiments