10 research outputs found

    MDAC synapse for analog neural networks

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    Journal ArticleEfficient weight storage and multiplication are important design challenges which must be addressed in analog neural network implementations. Many schemes which treat storage and multiplication separately have been previously reported for implementation of synapses. We present a novel synapse circuit that integrates the weight storage and multiplication into a single, compact multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC) circuit. The circuit has a small layout area (5400 μm2 in a 1.5-μm process) and exhibits good linearity over its entire input range. We have fabricated several synapses and characterized their presponses. Average maximum INL and DNL values of 0.2 LSB and 0.4 LSB, respectively, have been measured. We also report on the performance of an analog recurrent neural network which uses these new synapses

    Proposta de implementação em hardware dedicado de redes neurais competitivas com técnicas de circuitos integrados analógicos

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    Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma proposta de uma técnica para implementação em hardware, das estruturas básicas de uma Rede Neural Competitiva, baseada em técnicas analógicas. Através desta proposta, será abordada uma das classes mais interessantes de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA) que são as Redes Neurais Competitivas (RNC), que possuem forte inspiração biológica. As equações fundamentais que descrevem o comportamento da RNC foram derivadas de estudos interdisciplinares, a maioria envolvendo observações neurofisiológicas. O estudo do neurônio biológico, por exemplo, nos leva à clássica equação da membrana. A técnica mostrada para a implementação das Redes Neurais Competitivas se baseia no uso das técnicas analógicas. Estas conduzem a um projeto mais compacto além de permitirem um processamento em tempo real, visto que o circuito computacional analógico altera simultaneamente e continuamente todos os estados dos neurônios que se encontram interligados em paralelo. Para esta proposta de implementação, é mostrado que as equações fundamentais que governam as Redes Neurais Competitivas possuem uma relação com componentes eletrônicos básicos, podendo então, serem implementados através destes simples componentes com os quais as equações fundamentais se relacionam. Para tanto, é mostrado por meio de simulações em software, o comportamento das equações fundamentais deste tipo de Redes Neurais, e então, é comparado este comportamento, com os obtidos através de simulações elétricas dos circuitos equivalentes oriundos destas equações fundamentais. Mostra-se também, em ambas as simulações, uma das características mais importantes existentes nos modelos de RNC, conhecida como Memória de Tempo Curto (STM). Por fim, é apresentada uma aplicação típica na área de clusterização de padrões utilizando pesos sinápticos, a fim de, demonstrar a implementação utilizando as técnicas descritas durante o trabalho. Esta aplicação é demonstrada através de uma simulação elétrica, sendo esta realizada por meio do simulador HSPICE. Tal aplicação demonstra o correto desempenho da proposta deste trabalho.Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Multiplexed gradient descent: Fast online training of modern datasets on hardware neural networks without backpropagation

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    We present multiplexed gradient descent (MGD), a gradient descent framework designed to easily train analog or digital neural networks in hardware. MGD utilizes zero-order optimization techniques for online training of hardware neural networks. We demonstrate its ability to train neural networks on modern machine learning datasets, including CIFAR-10 and Fashion-MNIST, and compare its performance to backpropagation. Assuming realistic timescales and hardware parameters, our results indicate that these optimization techniques can train a network on emerging hardware platforms orders of magnitude faster than the wall-clock time of training via backpropagation on a standard GPU, even in the presence of imperfect weight updates or device-to-device variations in the hardware. We additionally describe how it can be applied to existing hardware as part of chip-in-the-loop training, or integrated directly at the hardware level. Crucially, the MGD framework is highly flexible, and its gradient descent process can be optimized to compensate for specific hardware limitations such as slow parameter-update speeds or limited input bandwidth

    An Investigation into Neuromorphic ICs using Memristor-CMOS Hybrid Circuits

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    The memristance of a memristor depends on the amount of charge flowing through it and when current stops flowing through it, it remembers the state. Thus, memristors are extremely suited for implementation of memory units. Memristors find great application in neuromorphic circuits as it is possible to couple memory and processing, compared to traditional Von-Neumann digital architectures where memory and processing are separate. Neural networks have a layered structure where information passes from one layer to another and each of these layers have the possibility of a high degree of parallelism. CMOS-Memristor based neural network accelerators provide a method of speeding up neural networks by making use of this parallelism and analog computation. In this project we have conducted an initial investigation into the current state of the art implementation of memristor based programming circuits. Various memristor programming circuits and basic neuromorphic circuits have been simulated. The next phase of our project revolved around designing basic building blocks which can be used to design neural networks. A memristor bridge based synaptic weighting block, a operational transconductor based summing block were initially designed. We then designed activation function blocks which are used to introduce controlled non-linearity. Blocks for a basic rectified linear unit and a novel implementation for tan-hyperbolic function have been proposed. An artificial neural network has been designed using these blocks to validate and test their performance. We have also used these fundamental blocks to design basic layers of Convolutional Neural Networks. Convolutional Neural Networks are heavily used in image processing applications. The core convolutional block has been designed and it has been used as an image processing kernel to test its performance.Comment: Bachelor's thesi

    Analogue neuromorphic systems.

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    This thesis addresses a new area of science and technology, that of neuromorphic systems, namely the problems and prospects of analogue neuromorphic systems. The subject is subdivided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It formulates the oncoming problem of the creation of highly computationally costly systems of nonlinear information processing (such as artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence systems). It shows that an analogue technology could make a vital contribution to the creation such systems. The basic principles of creation of analogue neuromorphic systems are formulated. The importance will be emphasised of the principle of orthogonality for future highly efficient complex information processing systems. Chapter 2 reviews the basics of neural and neuromorphic systems and informs on the present situation in this field of research, including both experimental and theoretical knowledge gained up-to-date. The chapter provides the necessary background for correct interpretation of the results reported in Chapter 3 and for a realistic decision on the direction for future work. Chapter 3 describes my own experimental and computational results within the framework of the subject, obtained at De Montfort University. These include: the building of (i) Analogue Polynomial Approximator/lnterpolatoriExtrapolator, (ii) Synthesiser of orthogonal functions, (iii) analogue real-time video filter (performing the homomorphic filtration), (iv) Adaptive polynomial compensator of geometrical distortions of CRT- monitors, (v) analogue parallel-learning neural network (backpropagation algorithm). Thus, this thesis makes a dual contribution to the chosen field: it summarises the present knowledge on the possibility of utilising analogue technology in up-to-date and future computational systems, and it reports new results within the framework of the subject. The main conclusion is that due to its promising power characteristics, small sizes and high tolerance to degradation, the analogue neuromorphic systems will playa more and more important role in future computational systems (in particular in systems of artificial intelligence)

    Overcoming Noise and Variations In Low-Precision Neural Networks

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    This work explores the impact of various design and training choices on the resilience of a neural network when subjected to noise and/or device variations. Simulations were performed under the expectation that the neural network would be implemented on analog hardware; this context asserts that there will be random noise within the circuit as well as variations in device characteristics between each fabricated device. The results show how noise can be added during the training process to reduce the impact of post-training noise. Architectural choices for the neural network also directly impact the performance variation between devices. The simulated neural networks were more robust to noise with a minimal architecture with fewer layers; if more neurons are needed for better fitting, networks with more neurons in shallow layers and fewer in deeper layers closer to the output tend to perform better. The paper also demonstrates that activation functions with lower slopes do a better job of suppressing noise in the neural network. It also shown that the accuracy can be made more consistent by introducing sparsity into the neural network. To that end, an evaluation is included of different methods for generating sparse architectures for smaller neural networks. A new method is proposed that consistently outperforms the most common methods used in larger, deeper networks.Ph.D