3 research outputs found

    Non-elitist Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimizers Revisited

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    Since around 2000, it has been considered that elitist evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms (EMOAs) always outperform non-elitist EMOAs. This paper revisits the performance of non-elitist EMOAs for bi-objective continuous optimization when using an unbounded external archive. This paper examines the performance of EMOAs with two elitist and one non-elitist environmental selections. The performance of EMOAs is evaluated on the bi-objective BBOB problem suite provided by the COCO platform. In contrast to conventional wisdom, results show that non-elitist EMOAs with particular crossover methods perform significantly well on the bi-objective BBOB problems with many decision variables when using the unbounded external archive. This paper also analyzes the properties of the non-elitist selection.Comment: This is an accepted version of a paper published in the proceedings of GECCO 201

    Multi-objective mixed-integer evolutionary algorithms for building spatial design

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    Multi-objective evolutionary computation aims to find high quality (Pareto optimal) solutions that represent the trade-off between multiple objectives. Within this field there are a number of key challenges. Among others, this includes constraint handling and the exploration of mixed-integer search spaces. This thesis investigates how these challenges can be handled at the same time, and in particular how they can be applied in the multi-objective optimisation algorithms. These algorithms are developed in the context of the optimisation of building spatial designs, which describe the exterior shape of a building, and the internal division into different spaces. Spatial designs are developed early in the design process, and thus have a large impact on the final building design, and in turn also on the quality of the building. Here the structural and thermal performance of a building are optimised to reduce resource consumption. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows. Firstly, a representation for building spatial designs in is introduced. Secondly, specialised search operators are designed to ensure only feasible solutions will be explored. Thirdly, data about the discovered solutions is analysed to explain the results to domain experts. Finally, a general purpose multi-objective mixed-integer evolutionary algorithm is developed. This work is part of the TTW-Open Technology Programme with project number 13596, which is (partly) financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).Computer Science

    Prioritisation of requests, bugs and enhancements pertaining to apps for remedial actions. Towards solving the problem of which app concerns to address initially for app developers

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    Useful app reviews contain information related to the bugs reported by the app’s end-users along with the requests or enhancements (i.e., suggestions for improvement) pertaining to the app. App developers expend exhaustive manual efforts towards the identification of numerous useful reviews from a vast pool of reviews and converting such useful reviews into actionable knowledge by means of prioritisation. By doing so, app developers can resolve the critical bugs and simultaneously address the prominent requests or enhancements in short intervals of apps’ maintenance and evolution cycles. That said, the manual efforts towards the identification and prioritisation of useful reviews have limitations. The most common limitations are: high cognitive load required to perform manual analysis, lack of scalability associated with limited human resources to process voluminous reviews, extensive time requirements and error-proneness related to the manual efforts. While prior work from the app domain have proposed prioritisation approaches to convert reviews pertaining to an app into actionable knowledge, these studies have limitations and lack benchmarking of the prioritisation performance. Thus, the problem to prioritise numerous useful reviews still persists. In this study, initially, we conducted a systematic mapping study of the requirements prioritisation domain to explore the knowledge on prioritisation that exists and seek inspiration from the eminent empirical studies to solve the problem related to the prioritisation of numerous useful reviews. Findings of the systematic mapping study inspired us to develop automated approaches for filtering useful reviews, and then to facilitate their subsequent prioritisation. To filter useful reviews, this work developed six variants of the Multinomial Naïve Bayes method. Next, to prioritise the order in which useful reviews should be addressed, we proposed a group-based prioritisation method which initially classified the useful reviews into specific groups using an automatically generated taxonomy, and later prioritised these reviews using a multi-criteria heuristic function. Subsequently, we developed an individual prioritisation method that directly prioritised the useful reviews after filtering using the same multi-criteria heuristic function. Some of the findings of the conducted systematic mapping study not only provided the necessary inspiration towards the development of automated filtering and prioritisation approaches but also revealed crucial dimensions such as accuracy and time that could be utilised to benchmark the performance of a prioritisation method. With regards to the proposed automated filtering approach, we observed that the performance of the Multinomial Naïve Bayes variants varied based on their algorithmic structure and the nature of labelled reviews (i.e., balanced or imbalanced) that were made available for training purposes. The outcome related to the automated taxonomy generation approach for classifying useful review into specific groups showed a substantial match with the manual taxonomy generated from domain knowledge. Finally, we validated the performance of the group-based prioritisation and individual prioritisation methods, where we found that the performance of the individual prioritisation method was superior to that of the group-based prioritisation method when outcomes were assessed for the accuracy and time dimensions. In addition, we performed a full-scale evaluation of the individual prioritisation method which showed promising results. Given the outcomes, it is anticipated that our individual prioritisation method could assist app developers in filtering and prioritising numerous useful reviews to support app maintenance and evolution cycles. Beyond app reviews, the utility of our proposed prioritisation solution can be evaluated on software repositories tracking bugs and requests such as Jira, GitHub and so on