4 research outputs found

    c2iot a framework for cloud based context aware internet of things services for smart cities

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    Abstract The smart city vision was born by the integration of ICT in the day to day city management operations and citizens lives, owing to the need for novel and smart ways to manage the cities resources; making them more efficient, sustainable and transparent. However, the understanding of the crucial elements to this integration and how they can benefit from each other proves difficult and unclear. In this article, we investigate the intricate synergies between different technologies and paradigms involved in the smart city vision, to help design a robust framework, capable of handling the challenges impeding its successful implementation. To this end, we propose a context-aware centered approach to present a holistic view of a smart city as viewed from the different angles (Cloud, IoT, Big Data). We also propose a framework encompassing elements from the different enablers, leveraging their strengths to build and develop smart-x applications and services

    Context-Aware Data-Driven Intelligent Framework for Fog Infrastructures in Internet of Vehicles

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    Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is the evolution of VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) focused on reaping the benefits of data generated by various sensors within these networks. The IoV is further empowered by a centralized cloud and distributed fog-based infrastructure. The myriad amounts of data generated by the vehicles and the environment have the potential to enable diverse services. These services can benefit from both variety and velocity of the generated data. This paper focuses on the data at the edge nodes to enable fog-based services that can be consumed by various IoV safety and non-safety applications. The paper emphasizes the challenges involved in offering the context-aware services in a IoV environment. In order to overcome these challenges, the paper proposes a data analytics framework for fog infrastructures at the fog layer of traditional IoV architecture that offers context-aware real time, near real-time and batch services at the edge of a network. Finall

    Architectural model for Collaboration in The Internet of Things : a Fog Computing based approach

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    Through sensors, actuators and other Internet-connected devices, applications and services are becoming able to perceive and react on the real world. Seamlessly integrating people, and devices is no longer a futuristic idea. Converging the physical world with the human-made realm into one network is rather a present and promising approach called The Internet of Things (IoT). A closer look at the phenomenon of IoT reveals many problems. The current trends are focusing on Cloud-centric approaches to deal with the heterogeneity and the scale of this network. The blessing of the Cloud computing becomes, however, a burden on latency-sensitive applications, which require processing and storage mechanisms in their proximity to meet low-latency, location and better context-awareness requirements. In addition to mobility support and high geographical distribution requirements. Fog computing is a new concept that focuses on extending the Cloud paradigm to the edge of the Internet of Things, via providing communication, computing, and access management support. This research project foresees and is driven by the promising opportunities of the concept behind Fog computing. In this thesis, we leverage this new concept by delivering a Collaboration Architecture for the Fog computing. This architecture constitutes a referential model to better design and to implement Fog platforms. It powers the freedom of abstraction to make development and deployment at the Fog nodes easier and more efficient. Moreover, it provides a nest where IoT-connected objects can interact and collaborate. To this end, we introduce expressive mechanisms to define and abstract objects, data analytics, and services. To leverage Fog nodes with dynamic services and service-based collaboration, we propose the concept of Operation: a formal way to dynamically generate new services through mechanisms such as aggregation, composition, and transformation. Finally, we deliver a comprehensive study and a collaboration-oriented access control model for the proposed architecture. Dans les dernières années, les avantages du Cloud Computing l’ont mis au cœur des architectures proposées pour l’Internet des Objets (IoT). L’infrastructure homogène, prédictible et performante a fait du Cloud une solution adéquate pour le traitement et l’analyse des données en provenance des objets de l’IoT. Cependant, les avantages de l’utilisation du Cloud se révèlent problématiques pour les systèmes IoT sensibles au temps de latence, et qui exigent la distribution géographique, la prise en compte de l’environnement local ainsi que la mobilité des objets. Le Fog Computing est un nouveau concept visant l'extension du Cloud vers la périphérie de l’IoT. Ainsi, il envisage une couche de nœuds (Fogs) permettant de fournir aux objets connectés un support à la gestion de la communication, à la persistance des données et à la gestion d’accès. Ce projet de recherche est motivé par les opportunités prometteuses du concept du Fog computing. Il anticipe ces opportunités et vise à proposer une architecture fédératrice, jusqu’à présent inexistante, pour la collaboration dans le Fog. De ce fait, dans cette thèse, nous tirons parti de l'idée derrière ce nouveau concept afin de proposer une architecture à cette fin. Cette architecture consiste en un modèle référentiel qui promeut à la fois une grande abstraction dans la conception des applications, ainsi que la facilité et l'efficacité dans le développement et le déploiement au niveau des nœuds de la couche du Fog. En effet, pour renforcer ces nœuds avec des services dynamiques, nous proposons des moyens formels pour la génération dynamique de nouveaux services à travers des opérations d'agrégations, de compositions ou de transformations. En conséquence, les nœuds du Fog deviennent un nid où les objets connectés peuvent interagir et collaborer à travers des mécanismes expressifs de définition et d'abstraction d’objets, des analyses de données et des services

    Toward service aggregation for edge computing

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    Interoperability is one of crucial Internet-related research domains. Today, there is a shift in the architecture of the Internet and the traditional communication model; the human part in machine communication is blurring into a more sophisticated thing-to-thing communication model. In this model things search for other things and provide collaboration-base services, thusly leading to more complex interaction issues. Especially, interoperability must transcend the use of protocols and include semantic to make the different building blocks of the Internet of Things (IoT) work together and exploit the maximum of it. Hence, we propose a multilayer model for IoT infrastructure to abstract the data sources infrastructure, to define filtering and formatting mechanisms, and to present pertinent data in the form of simple unitary or aggregation of multiple services