157,381 research outputs found

    Eksperimen Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share (Tps) Dan Jigsaw Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono Tahun 2017/ 2018

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    The aim in this study to examine: (1) the influence of stategy Think Pair Share and Jigsaw against the outcomes of learning mathematics. (2) the influence of motivation against the outcomes of learning mathematics. (3) the effect of the interaction of learning strategy and learning motivation toward mathematics learning outcomes. This research is quantitative research which is designed by quasi-experimental. The respondents of this study are 278 eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono. Samples were taken using cluster random sampling of 2-classes, first class used Jigsaw strategy and second class used a strategy Think Pair Share. Data collection technique used test, questionnaire and documentation. Mechanical analysis used two lines analysis variance with different cells. With significance level of 5% was taken: (1) Jigsaw activity is better than Think Pair Share activity. (2) there are influence learning motivation towards students learning outcomes. (3) there is no interaction between learning strategy and learning motivation toward students learning outcomes. Keywords: Think Pair Share, jigsaw, motivation to learn and learning outcomes

    Implementasi Metode Group Investigation (GI) dan Mind Mapping dalam Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Prestasi Belajar ditinjau dari Kemampuan Penalaran Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    The research purposed to examine: (1) the effect of methods Group Investigation (GI) and Mind Mapping toward mathematics achievement, (2) the effect of reasoning ability students' toward mathematics achievement, (3) the effects of the interaction between learning methods of Group Investigation (GI) and Mind Mapping toward mathematics achievement. The type of the research is a quantitative with experimental design. Population of the research was the eighth grade students of Junior High School in Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta academic year 2016/2017. The sample was class eighth D and eighth G. The technique of sampling is sampling techniques. Methods of collection data is documentation and test. Mechanical data analysis using statistical techniques to test two-way analysis of variance. The result of this research show that: (1) There is an effect method of Group Investigation and Mind Mapping toward mathematics achievement with FA> Ftable it’s 10.3248> 4.314, (2) There is an effect reasoning ability of students to learn mathematics achievement with FB> Ftable it’s 11, 9206> 3,284 (3) There is no interaction effect between teaching methods and reasoning skills at the level of high, medium and low on mathematics learning achievement of students, with the result of the test statistic FAB <Ftabel, it’s 0.0870 <3.284. Keywords: Group Investigation, Mind Mapping, reasoning ability, academic achievement

    The solution of the Sixth Hilbert Problem: the Ultimate Galilean Revolution

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    I argue for a full mathematisation of the physical theory, including its axioms, which must contain no physical primitives. In provocative words: "physics from no physics". Although this may seem an oxymoron, it is the royal road to keep complete logical coherence, hence falsifiability of the theory. For such a purely mathematical theory the physical connotation must pertain only the interpretation of the mathematics, ranging from the axioms to the final theorems. On the contrary, the postulates of the two current major physical theories either don't have physical interpretation (as for von Neumann's axioms for quantum theory), or contain physical primitives as "clock", "rigid rod ", "force", "inertial mass" (as for special relativity and mechanics). A purely mathematical theory as proposed here, though with limited (but relentlessly growing) domain of applicability, will have the eternal validity of mathematical truth. It will be a theory on which natural sciences can firmly rely. Such kind of theory is what I consider to be the solution of the Sixth Hilbert's Problem. I argue that a prototype example of such a mathematical theory is provided by the novel algorithmic paradigm for physics, as in the recent information-theoretical derivation of quantum theory and free quantum field theory.Comment: Opinion paper. Special issue of Philosophical Transaction A, devoted to the VI Hilbert problem, after the Workshop "Hilbert's Sixth Problem", University of Leicester, May 02-04 201

    Engineering at Gettysburg College

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    This little volume narrates the story of engineering instruction at Gettysburg College, particularly of the Engineering Department that functioned from 1912 to 1940. It includes also an account of the apparently first venture in engineering by an American liberal arts college, undertaken during the brief association of the renowned Herman Haupt with Gettysburg College between 1837 and 1847. Time dims our memories. Although there are more than fifty living alumni who were graduated from the Engineering Department, many Gettysburgians are unaware of its existence and accomplishments. The purpose of this story is to place on record a significant aspect of our tradition. [excerpt]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/collegehistory/1000/thumbnail.jp
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