5,602 research outputs found

    A three-dimensional Galactic extinction model

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    A large-scale three-dimensional model of Galactic extinction is presented based on the Galactic dust distribution model of Drimmel and Spergel (2001). The extinction A_V to any point within the Galactic disk can be quickly deduced using a set of three-dimensional cartesian grids. Extinctions from the model are compared to empirical extinction measures, including lines-of-sight in and near the Galactic plane using optical and NIR extinction measures; in particular we show how extinction can be derived from NIR color-magnitude diagrams in the Galactic plane to a distance of 8 kiloparsec.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in A&

    Near-IR 2D-Spectroscopy of the 4''x 4'' region around the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC1068 with ISAAC/VLT

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    We present new near-IR long slit spectroscopic data obtained with ISAAC on VLT/ANTU (ESO/Paranal) of the central 4''x 4'' region surrounding the central engine of NGC1068 . Bracket Gamma (Bg) and H2 emission line maps and line profile grids are produced, at a spatial resolution~0.5" and spectral resolution 35km/s. Two conspicuous knots of H2 emission are detected at about 1'' on each side of the central engine along PA=90deg, with a projected velocity difference of 140km/s: this velocity jump has been interpreted in Alloin et al (2001) as the signature of a rotating disk of molecular material. Another knot with both H2 and Bg emission is detected to the North of the central engine, close to the radio source C where the small scale radio jet is redirected and close to the brightest [OIII] cloud NLR-B. At the achieved spectral resolution, the H2 emission line profiles appear highly asymmetric with their low velocity wing being systematically more extended than their high velocity wing. A simple way to account for the changes of the H2 line profiles (peak-shift with respect to the systemic velocity, width, asymmetry) over the entire 4''x 4'' region, is to consider that a radial outflow is superimposed over the emission of the rotating molecular disk. We present a model of such a kinematical configuration and compare our predicted H2 emission profiles to the observed ones.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Unified Optimization Approach for Sparse Tensor Operations on GPUs

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    Sparse tensors appear in many large-scale applications with multidimensional and sparse data. While multidimensional sparse data often need to be processed on manycore processors, attempts to develop highly-optimized GPU-based implementations of sparse tensor operations are rare. The irregular computation patterns and sparsity structures as well as the large memory footprints of sparse tensor operations make such implementations challenging. We leverage the fact that sparse tensor operations share similar computation patterns to propose a unified tensor representation called F-COO. Combined with GPU-specific optimizations, F-COO provides highly-optimized implementations of sparse tensor computations on GPUs. The performance of the proposed unified approach is demonstrated for tensor-based kernels such as the Sparse Matricized Tensor- Times-Khatri-Rao Product (SpMTTKRP) and the Sparse Tensor- Times-Matrix Multiply (SpTTM) and is used in tensor decomposition algorithms. Compared to state-of-the-art work we improve the performance of SpTTM and SpMTTKRP up to 3.7 and 30.6 times respectively on NVIDIA Titan-X GPUs. We implement a CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition and achieve up to 14.9 times speedup using the unified method over state-of-the-art libraries on NVIDIA Titan-X GPUs