15 research outputs found

    Service traceroute: Tracing Paths of Application Flows

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    International audienceTraceroute is often used to help diagnose when users experience issues with Internet applications or services. Unfortunately, probes issued by classic traceroute tools differ from application traffic and hence can be treated differently by routers that perform load balancing and middleboxes within the network. This paper proposes a new tracer-oute tool, called Service traceroute. Service traceroute leverages the idea from paratrace, which passively listens to application traffic to then issue traceroute probes that pretend to be part of the application flow. We extend this idea to work for modern Internet services with support for identifying the flows to probe automatically, for tracing of multiple concurrent flows, and for UDP flows. We implement command-line and library versions of Service traceroute, which we release as open source. This paper also presents an evaluation of Service traceroute when tracing paths traversed by Web downloads from the top-1000 Alexa websites and by video sessions from Twitch and Youtube. Our evaluation shows that Service traceroute has no negative effect on application flows. Our comparison with Paris traceroute shows that a typical traceroute tool that launches a new flow to the same destination discovers different paths than when embedding probes in the application flow in a significant fraction of experiments (from 40% to 50% of our experiments in PlanetLab Europe)

    Service traceroute: Tracing Paths of Application Flows

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    International audienceTraceroute is often used to help diagnose when users experience issues with Internet applications or services. Unfortunately , probes issued by classic traceroute tools differ from application traffic and hence can be treated differently by middleboxes within the network. This paper proposes a new traceroute tool, called Service traceroute. Service tracer-oute leverages the idea from paratrace, which passively listens to application traffic to then issue traceroute probes that pretend to be part of the application flow. We extend this idea to work for modern Internet services with support for automatically identifying application flows, for tracing of multiple concurrent flows as well as for UDP flows. We implement command-line and library versions of Service tracer-oute, which we release as open source. This paper also presents a calibration and an evaluation of Service traceroute when tracing paths traversed by Web downloads from the top-1000 Alexa websites and by video sessions from Twitch and Youtube. The goal of the calibration is to find the best parameters of Service traceroute for each application. Our evaluation shows that Service traceroute has no negative side effect on the vast majority of downloads, but that in some rare cases it can cause application flows to abort or increase flow completion times. In addition, the evaluation shows that Service traceroute obtains different paths in at least 30% of paths when compared with a standard traceroute. Using the same source and destination ports as the target application flow to analyze for standard traceroute's probes, Service traceroute still obtains different paths in at least 7% of analyzed paths

    A Graph Theoretic Perspective on Internet Topology Mapping

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    Understanding the topological characteristics of the Internet is an important research issue as the Internet grows with no central authority. Internet topology mapping studies help better understand the structure and dynamics of the Internet backbone. Knowing the underlying topology, researchers can better develop new protocols and services or fine-tune existing ones. Subnet-level Internet topology measurement studies involve three stages: topology collection, topology construction, and topology analysis. Each of these stages contains challenging tasks, especially when large-scale backbone topologies of millions of nodes are studied. In this dissertation, I first discuss issues in subnet-level Internet topology mapping and review state-of-the-art approaches to handle them. I propose a novel graph data indexing approach to to efficiently process large scale topology data. I then conduct an experimental study to understand how the responsiveness of routers has changed over the last decade and how it differs based on the probing mechanism. I then propose an efficient unresponsive resolution approach by incorporating our structural graph indexing technique. Finally, I introduce Cheleby, an integrated Internet topology mapping system. Cheleby first dynamically probes observed subnetworks using a team of PlanetLab nodes around the world to obtain comprehensive backbone topologies. Then, it utilizes efficient algorithms to resolve subnets, IP aliases, and unresponsive routers in the collected data sets to construct comprehensive subnet-level topologies. Sample topologies are provided at http://cheleby.cse.unr.edu

    The Measurement Manager: Modular and Efficient End-to-End Measurement Services

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    End-to-end network measurement is used to improve the precision, efficiency, and fairness for a variety of Internet protocols and applications. Measurement is typically performed in one of three ways: (1) actively, by injecting specially crafted probe packets into the network, (2) passively, by observing existing data traffic, and (3) customized, where applications use their own traffic to perform customized measurements. All current approaches suffer from drawbacks. Passive techniques are efficient but are constrained by the shape of the existing traffic. Active techniques are faster, more accurate and more flexible but impose a significantly higher overhead. And finally, custom techniques combine flexibility with efficiency, but are so tightly coupled with each application that they are not reusable. To address these shortcomings, we present the Measurement Manager, a practical, modular, and efficient service for performing end-to-end network measurements between hosts. Our architecture introduces a new hybrid approach to network measurement, where applications can pool together their data packets to be reused as padding inside network probes in a transparent and systematic way. We achieve this through the Measurement Manager Protocol (MGRP), a new transport protocol for sending probes that combines data packets and probes on the fly. In MGRP, active measurement algorithms specify the probes they wish to send using a Probe API and applications allow MGRP to use data from their own packets to fill the otherwise wasted probe padding. We have implemented the Measurement Manager inside the Linux kernel and have adapted existing applications and active measurement tools to use our system. Through experimentation we provide detailed empirical evidence that piggybacking data packets on measurement probes is not only feasible but improves source and cross traffic as well as the performance of measurement algorithms while not affecting their accuracy. We show that the Measurement Manager is an architecture with broad applications that can be used to build a generic measurement overlay network as well as expanding the solution space for estimation algorithms, since every application packet can now act as a potential probe

    Importance of IP Alias Resolution in Sampling Internet Topologies

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    Making broadband access networks transparent to researchers, developers, and users

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    Broadband networks are used by hundreds of millions of users to connect to the Internet today. However, most ISPs are hesitant to reveal details about their network deployments,and as a result the characteristics of broadband networks are often not known to users,developers, and researchers. In this thesis, we make progress towards mitigating this lack of transparency in broadband access networks in two ways. First, using novel measurement tools we performed the first large-scale study of thecharacteristics of broadband networks. We found that broadband networks have very different characteristics than academic networks. We also developed Glasnost, a system that enables users to test their Internet access links for traffic differentiation. Glasnost has been used by more than 350,000 users worldwide and allowed us to study ISPs' traffic management practices. We found that ISPs increasingly throttle or even block traffic from popular applications such as BitTorrent. Second, we developed two new approaches to enable realistic evaluation of networked systems in broadband networks. We developed Monarch, a tool that enables researchers to study and compare the performance of new and existing transport protocols at large scale in broadband environments. Furthermore, we designed SatelliteLab, a novel testbed that can easily add arbitrary end nodes, including broadband nodes and even smartphones, to existing testbeds like PlanetLab.Breitbandanschlüsse werden heute von hunderten Millionen Nutzern als Internetzugang verwendet. Jedoch geben die meisten ISPs nur ungern über Details ihrer Netze Auskunft und infolgedessen sind Nutzern, Anwendungsentwicklern und Forschern oft deren Eigenheiten nicht bekannt. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher Breitbandnetze transparenter zu machen. Mit Hilfe neuartiger Messwerkzeuge konnte ich die erste groß angelegte Studie über die Besonderheiten von Breitbandnetzen durchführen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Breitbandnetze und Forschungsnetze sehr unterschiedlich sind. Mit Glasnost habe ich ein System entwickelt, das mehr als 350.000 Nutzern weltweit ermöglichte ihren Internetanschluss auf den Einsatz von Verkehrsmanagement zu testen. Ich konnte dabei zeigen, dass ISPs zunehmend BitTorrent Verkehr drosseln oder gar blockieren. Meine Studien zeigten dar überhinaus, dass existierende Verfahren zum Testen von Internetsystemen nicht die typischen Eigenschaften von Breitbandnetzen berücksichtigen. Ich ging dieses Problem auf zwei Arten an: Zum einen entwickelte ich Monarch, ein Werkzeug mit dem das Verhalten von Transport-Protokollen über eine große Anzahl von Breitbandanschlüssen untersucht und verglichen werden kann. Zum anderen habe ich SatelliteLab entworfen, eine neuartige Testumgebung, die, anders als zuvor, beliebige Internetknoten, einschließlich Breitbandknoten und sogar Handys, in bestehende Testumgebungen wie PlanetLab einbinden kann

    Improving End-to-End Internet Performance by Detouring

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    The Internet provides a best-effort service, which gives a robust fault-tolerant network. However, the performance of the paths found in regular Internet routing is suboptimal. As a result, applications rarely achieve all the benefits that the Internet can provide. The problem is made more difficult because the Internet is formed of competing ISPs which have little incentives to reveal information about the performance of Internet paths. As a result, the Internet is sometimes referred as a ‘black-box’. Detouring uses routing overlay networks to find alternative paths (or detour paths) that can improve reliability, latency and bandwidth. Previous work has shown detouring can improve the Internet. However, one important issue remains—how can these detour paths be found without conducting large-scale measurements? In this thesis, we describe practical methods for discovering detour paths to improve specific performance metrics that are scalable to the Internet. Particularly we concentrate our efforts on two metrics, latency and bandwidth, which are arguably the two most important performance metrics for end-user’s applications. Taking advantage of the Internet topology, we show how nodes can learn about segments of Internet paths that can be exploited by detouring leading to reduced path latencies. Next, we investigate bandwidth detouring revealing constructive detour properties and effective mechanisms to detour paths in overlay networks. This leads to Ukairo, our bandwidth detouring platform that is scalable to the Internet and tcpChiryo, which predicts bandwidth in an overlay network through measuring a small portion of the network

    Layer 1-informed Internet Topology Measurement

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    Understanding the Internet’s topological structure continues to be fraught with challenges. In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis that physical maps of service provider infras-tructure can be used to effectively guide topology discov-ery based on network layer TTL-limited measurement. The goal of our work is to focus layer 3-based probing on broadly identifying Internet infrastructure that has a fixed geographic location such as POPs, IXPs and other kinds of hosting fa-cilities. We begin by comparing more than 1.5 years of TTL-limited probe data from the Ark [25] project with maps of service provider infrastructure from the Internet Atlas [15] project. We find that there are substantially more nodes and links identified in the service provider map data ver-sus the probe data. Next, we describe a new method for probe-based measurement of physical infrastructure called POPsicle that is based on careful selection of probe source-destination pairs. We demonstrate the capability of our method through an extensive measurement study using ex-isting “looking glass ” vantage points distributed throughout the Internet and show that it reveals 2.4 times more phys-ical node locations versus standard probing methods. To demonstrate the deployability of POPsicle we also conduct tests at an IXP. Our results again show that POPsicle can identify more physical node locations compared with stan-dard layer 3 probes, and through this deployment approach it can be used to measure thousands of networks world wide