8 research outputs found

    A study of the total chromatic number of equibipartite graphs

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    AbstractThe total chromatic number χt(G) of a graph G is the least number of colors needed to color the vertices and edges of G so that no adjacent vertices or edges receive the same color, no incident edges receive the same color as either of the vertices it is incident with. In this paper, we obtain some results of the total chromatic number of the equibipartite graphs of order 2n with maximum degree n − 1. As a part of our results, we disprove the biconformability conjecture

    A study of the total chromatic number of equibipartite graphs

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    AbstractThe total chromatic number χt(G) of a graph G is the least number of colors needed to color the vertices and edges of G so that no adjacent vertices or edges receive the same color, no incident edges receive the same color as either of the vertices it is incident with. In this paper, we obtain some results of the total chromatic number of the equibipartite graphs of order 2n with maximum degree n − 1. As a part of our results, we disprove the biconformability conjecture

    Polychromatic colorings of certain subgraphs of complete graphs and maximum densities of substructures of a hypercube

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    If G is a graph and H is a set of subgraphs of G, an edge-coloring of G is H-polychromatic if every graph from H gets all colors present in G on its edges. The H-polychromatic number of G, polyHG, is the largest number of colors in an H-polychromatic coloring. We determine polyHG exactly when G is a complete graph on n vertices, q a fixed nonnegative integer, and H is the family of one of: all matchings spanning n-q vertices, all 2-regular graphs spanning at least n-q vertices, or all cycles of length precisely n-q. For H, K, subsets of the vertex set V(Qd) of the d-cube Qd, K is an exact copy of H if there is an automorphism of Qd sending H to K. For a positive integer, d, and a configuration in Qd, H, we define λ(H,d) as the limit as n goes to infinity of the maximum fraction, over all subsets S of V(Qn), of sub-d-cubes of Qn whose intersection with S is an exact copy of H. We determine λ(C8,4) and λ(P4,3) where C8 is a “perfect” 8-cycle in Q4 and P4 is a “perfect” path with 4 vertices in Q3, λ(H,d) for several configurations in Q2, Q3, and Q4, and an infinite family of configurations. Strong connections exist with extensions Ramsey numbers for cycles in a graph, counting sequences with certain properties, inducibility of graphs, and we determine the inducibility of two vertex disjoint edges in the family of bipartite graphs

    Total colorings of equibipartite graphs

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    Discrete Mathematics1941-359-65DSMH