19 research outputs found

    Unified Heat Kernel Regression for Diffusion, Kernel Smoothing and Wavelets on Manifolds and Its Application to Mandible Growth Modeling in CT Images

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    We present a novel kernel regression framework for smoothing scalar surface data using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions. Starting with the heat kernel constructed from the eigenfunctions, we formulate a new bivariate kernel regression framework as a weighted eigenfunction expansion with the heat kernel as the weights. The new kernel regression is mathematically equivalent to isotropic heat diffusion, kernel smoothing and recently popular diffusion wavelets. Unlike many previous partial differential equation based approaches involving diffusion, our approach represents the solution of diffusion analytically, reducing numerical inaccuracy and slow convergence. The numerical implementation is validated on a unit sphere using spherical harmonics. As an illustration, we have applied the method in characterizing the localized growth pattern of mandible surfaces obtained in CT images from subjects between ages 0 and 20 years by regressing the length of displacement vectors with respect to the template surface.Comment: Accepted in Medical Image Analysi

    Interaction of amyloid and tau on cortical microstructure in cognitively unimpaired adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), a multi-compartment diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) model, may be useful for detecting early cortical microstructural alterations in Alzheimer's disease prior to cognitive impairment. METHODS: Using neuroimaging (NODDI and T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarker data (measured using Elecsys® CSF immunoassays) from 219 cognitively unimpaired participants, we tested the main and interactive effects of CSF amyloid beta (Aβ)42/Aβ40 and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) on cortical NODDI metrics and cortical thickness, controlling for age, sex, and apolipoprotein E ε4. RESULTS: We observed a significant CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 × p-tau interaction on cortical neurite density index (NDI), but not orientation dispersion index or cortical thickness. The directionality of these interactive effects indicated: (1) among individuals with lower CSF p-tau, greater amyloid burden was associated with higher cortical NDI; and (2) individuals with greater amyloid and p-tau burden had lower cortical NDI, consistent with cortical neurodegenerative changes. DISCUSSION: NDI is a particularly sensitive marker for early cortical changes that occur prior to gross atrophy or development of cognitive impairment

    Disturbances in primary visual processing as a function of healthy aging

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    For decades, visual entrainment paradigms have been widely used to investigate basic visual processing in healthy individuals and those with neurological disorders. While healthy aging is known to be associated with alterations in visual processing, whether this extends to visual entrainment responses and the precise cortical regions involved is not fully understood. Such knowledge is imperative given the recent surge in interest surrounding the use of flicker stimulation and entrainment in the context of identifying and treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the current study, we examined visual entrainment in eighty healthy aging adults using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and a 15 Hz entrainment paradigm, while controlling for age-related cortical thinning. MEG data were imaged using a time-frequency resolved beamformer and peak voxel time series were extracted to quantify the oscillatory dynamics underlying the processing of the visual flicker stimuli. We found that, as age increased, the mean amplitude of entrainment responses decreased and the latency of these responses increased. However, there was no effect of age on the trial-to-trial consistency in phase (i.e., inter-trial phase locking) nor amplitude (i.e., coefficient of variation) of these visual responses. Importantly, we discovered that the relationship between age and response amplitude was fully mediated by the latency of visual processing. These results indicate that aging is associated with robust changes in the latency and amplitude of visual entrainment responses within regions surrounding the calcarine fissure, which should be considered in studies examining neurological disorders such as AD and other conditions associated with increased age

    Interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainable behavior are associated with cortical thickness of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

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    Intergenerational sustainability requires people of the present generation to make sacrifices today to benefit others of future generations (e.g. mitigating climate change, reducing public debt). Individuals vary greatly in their intergenerational sustainability, and the cognitive and neural sources of these interindividual differences are not yet well understood. We here combined neuroscientific and behavioral methods by assessing interindividual differences in cortical thickness and by using a common-pool resource paradigm with intergenerational contingencies. This enabled us to look for objective, stable, and trait-like neural markers of interindividual differences in consequential intergenerational behavior. We found that individuals behaving sustainably (vs. unsustainably) were marked by greater cortical thickness of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Given that these brain areas are involved in perspective-taking and self-control and supported by mediation analyses, we speculate that greater cortical thickness of these brain areas better enable individuals to take the perspective of future generations and to resist temptations to maximize personal benefits that incur costs for future generations. By meeting recent calls for the contribution of neuroscience to sustainability research, it is our hope that the present study advances the transdisciplinary understanding of interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainability

    Cognitive reserve modulates brain structure and cortical architecture in the Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Background:Cognitive reserve (CR) explains the individual resilience to neurodegeneration. Objective:The present study investigated the effect of CR in modulating brain cortical architecture. Methods:278 individuals [110 Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 104 amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) due to AD, 64 healthy subjects (HS)] underwent a neuropsychological evaluation and 3T-MRI. Cortical thickness (CTh) and fractal dimension (FD) were assessed. Years of formal education were used as an index of CR by which participants were divided into high and low CR (HCR and LCR). Within-group differences in cortical architecture were assessed as a function of CR. Associations between cognitive scores and cortical measures were also evaluated. Results:aMCI-HCR compared to aMCI-LCR patients showed significant decrease of CTh in the right temporal and in the left prefrontal lobe. Moreover, they showed increased FD in the right temporal and in the left temporo-parietal lobes. Patients with AD-HCR showed reduced CTh in several brain areas and reduced FD in the left temporal cortices when compared with AD-LCR subjects. HS-HCR showed a significant increase of CTh in prefrontal areas bilaterally, and in the right parieto-occipital cortices. Finally, aMCI-HCR showed significant positive associations between brain measures and memory and executive performance. Conclusion:CR modulates the cortical architecture at pre-dementia stage only. Indeed, only patients with aMCI showed both atrophy (likely due to neurodegeneration) alongside richer brain folding (likely due to reserve mechanisms) in temporo-parietal areas. This opposite trend was not observed in AD and HS. Our data confirm the existence of a limited time-window for CR modulation at the aMCI stage

    Preprocessing methods for morphometric brain analysis and quality assurance of structural magnetic resonance images

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    Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Neuentwicklung und Validierung von Verfahren zur Aufbereitung von anatomischen Daten, die mittels Magnetresonanztomographie gewonnen wurden. Ziel ist dabei die Erfassung von morphometrischen Kennwerten zur Beschreibung der Struktur und Form des Gehirns, wie beispielsweise Volumen, Fläche, Dicke oder Faltung der Großhirnrinde. Die Kennwerte erlauben sowohl die Erforschung individueller gesunder und pathologischer Entwicklung als auch der evolutionären Anpassung des Gehirns. Die zur Datenanalyse notwendige Vorverarbeitung beinhaltet dabei die Angleichung von Bildeigenschaften und individueller Anatomie. Die fortlaufende Weiterentwicklung der Scanner- und Rechentechnik ermöglicht eine zunehmend genauere Bildgebung, erfordert aber die kontinuierliche Anpassung existierender Verfahren. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Dissertation lagen in der Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur (i) Klassifikation der Hirngewebe (Segmentierung), (ii) räumlichen Abbildung des individuellen Gehirns auf ein Durchschnittsgehirn (Registrierung), (iii) Bestimmung der Dicke der Großhirnrinde und Rekonstruktion einer repräsentativen Oberfläche und (iv) Qualitätssicherung der Eingangsdaten. Die Segmentierung gleicht die Bildeigenschaften unterschiedlicher Protokolle an, während die Registrierung anatomische Merkmale normalisiert und so den Vergleich verschiedener Gehirne ermöglicht. Die Rekonstruktion von Oberflächen erlaubt wiederum die Gewinnung einer Vielzahl weiterer morphometrischer Maße zur spezifischen Charakterisierung des Gehirns und seiner Entwicklung. Anhand von simulierten und realen Daten wird die Validität der neuen Methoden belegt und mit anderen Ansätzen verglichen. Die Verfahren sind Bestandteil der Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT; http://dbm.neuro.uni-jena.de/cat), deren Schwerpunkt die Vorverarbeitung von strukturellen Daten ist und die Teil des Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Softwarepaketes in MATLAB ist.This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the development, optimization and validation of preprocessing methods of structural magnetic resonance images of the brain. The preprocessing describes the creation of morphometric data that support a statistical analysis of brain anatomy. Image interferences have to be removed to allow a tissue classification (segmentation). In order to compare different subjects a spatial normalization to an average-shaped brain (template) is required, where atlas maps allow identification of specific brain structures and regions of interest. Beside the analysis in a voxel-grid, the cortex can be represented by surfaces that allow further measures such as the cortical thickness or folding. The derived brain features (such as volume, area, and thickness) permit the individual study of normal and pathological development during the lifespan but also of the evolutionary adaption of the brain. The ongoing progress of imaging and computing technology demands continous enhancement of preprocessing tools but also facilitates the exploration of novel approaches and models. The basis of this thesis is the development of a method that uses a tissue segmentation to estimate the cortical thickness and the central surface in one integrated step. Further essential improvements of surface reconstruction algorithms were achieved by specific refinement of processing steps such as (i) the classification of brain tissue (segmentation), (ii) the spatial mapping of the individual brain to an average brain (registration), (iii) determining the thickness of the cerebral cortex and reconstructing a representative surface and (iv) the quality assurance of input data. The validity of the new methods is proven and compared with other approaches by simulated and real data. The procedures are part of the Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT; http://dbm.neuro.uni-jena.de/cat), which focuses on the preprocessing of structural data and is part of the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software package in MATLAB