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    Pengaruh Dukungan Manajemen Puncak, Manajemen Proyek dan Keterlibatan Pengguna terhadap Tingkat Kesuksesan Implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning pada Perusahaan di Jabodetabek

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become vital strategic tools in today's competitive business environment. Implementation of ERP systems is a highly complex process which is influenced not only by technical, but also by other factors. The purpose of this research to find out factors influencing the success of ERP implementations in companies in Jabodetabek. In this research three factors of success implementation ERP were selected on the bases of previous research that includes top management support, project management and user involvement. The results indicate that top management support and project management are key factors affecting the success of ERP implementations, while user involvement does not affect the success of ERP implementations. Top management support, project management and user involvement affect the success rate of 72.7% of ERP implementations. While the rest equal to 27.3% influenced by other variables not included in this research model. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Top management support, project management, user involvemen


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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become vital strategic tools in today’s competitive business environment. Implementation of ERP systems is a highly complex process which is influenced not only by technical, but also by other factors. The purpose of this research to find out factors influencing the success of ERP implementations in companies in Jabodetabek. In this research three factors of success implementation ERP were selected on the bases of previous research that includes top management support, project management and user involvement. The results indicate that top management support and project management are key factors affecting the success of ERP implementations, while user involvement does not affect the success of ERP implementations. Top management support, project management and user involvement affect the success rate of 72.7% of ERP implementations. While the rest equal to 27.3% influenced by other variables not included in this research model. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Top management support, project management, user involvemen

    Critical Success Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in U.S. Manufacturing

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    Organizational leaders have increasingly turned to enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, also known as decision-support systems, to make their firms\u27 operational, tactical, and strategic processes more efficient and effective in the changing global marketplace. High failure rates in ERP systems implementations make these projects risky, however. Most prior research on critical success factors for conventional ERP implementation has been on large enterprises, resulting in a gap in knowledge on these factors in the small and medium enterprises that constitute the majority of U.S. employer firms. A qualitative modified Delphi study with an expert panel of U.S. manufacturing consultants and 3 iterative rounds of data collection and analysis revealed consensus on 8 critical success factors in ERP implementations, with the highest agreement on top management support and commitment, enterprise resource planning fit with the organization, quality management, and a small internal team of the best employees. In addition to furthering knowledge in the fields of leadership and enterprise applications, the study expands enterprise resource planning experts\u27 and scholars\u27 understanding of strategies to improve project success and the triple bottom line for any size enterprise in the manufacturing industry. Practitioners in the ERP industry can also apply approaches outlined during ERP implementations to mitigate risk during these engagements. Implications for positive social change include additional job opportunities and higher wages through increased efficiencies in ERP applications

    An Analysis of the Processes that Ensure Success in ERP Implementations - A Case Study in a Public Sector Organisation

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    Companies adopt and implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to streamline their business processes, enhance functionality and reporting and ultimately to increase efficiency. ERP implementations are highly complex projects. This paper analyses those factors that need to be considered and understood for a successful implementation. ERP implementation chances of success can be increased by ensuring the ERP project receives a high level of executive and project sponsor support. Top and middle management commitment and leadership and good, clear communication should also be paid particular attention to by any organisation gearing up to undertake such an initiative

    Identifying the critical success factors in the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the Zimbabwe electricity energy sector

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    The study identified CSFs and their prioritisation in ERP implementations in the Zimbabwean electricity energy sector context. This research paper discusses key recommendations for improving future Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations based on insights from an exploratory qualitative single case study in the Zimbabwean electricity sector. The design was an interpretive case study research with the data collected using face to face and telephonically interviews from eighteen participants belonging to four project role groups of project managers, module owners, supper (key) users and end users. The researcher conducted in depth interviews with four role groups. The following critical success factors were identified and discussed: Business Plan and Vision, Business Process Reengineering, Change Management, Communication, ERP System selection, ERP Team composition and competence, External Expertise, IT Infrastructure, Project Management, Top Management Support and Commitment, Training and Education, User Involvement and Vendor Support. The findings from this study can be used to contribute additional insight on the implementation of ERP systems in the electricity energy sector in the Zimbabwean context. This paper is significant because identification and prioritisation of critical success factors help organisations institute appropriate strategies to enhance the successful implementation of ERP system and increase the realisation of the benefits of ERP systems. Management must be able to use the rankings of the CSFs for resource allocation and improved human management

    Identifying critical success factors of ERP systems at the higher education sector

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    In response to a range of contextual drivers, the worldwide adoption of ERP Systems in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has increased substantially over the past decade. Though the difficulties and high failure rate in implementing ERP systems at university environments have been cited in the literature, research on critical success factors (CSFs) for ERP implementations in this context is rare and fragmented. This paper is part of a larger research effort that aims to contribute to understanding the phenomenon of ERP implementations and evaluations in HEIs in the Australasian region; it identifies, previously reported, critical success factors (CSFs) in relation to ERP system implementations and discusses the importance of these factors

    Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Critical Success Factors: Insights from the World's Fastest SAP R/3 Implementation

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    Organizations invest substantial resources in Enterprise Systems (ES) expecting positive outcomes for the organization and its functions. Implementing an ES is a lengthy and costly undertaking, with general upheaval for many of the organizations. Many organizations therefore are seriously considering rapid ES-implementations to reduce cost and other related resources. This paper presents findings of a study conducted to understand critical success factors of rapid ES-implementations gathering data from the world’s fastest SAP implementation, completed in a record time of three weeks. Using a two-phased case study design, gathering data from four distinct stakeholders, this study recognized the relevance of critical success factors identified through the literature to the context of rapid ES-implementations. Moreover, the study identified three new critical success factors that are specific to rapid ES-implementations. The study also demonstrated differentiating views of multiple stakeholders on each of the critical success factors

    ERP implementation success framework for developing countries : case of South African SMEs

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been highlighted in literature as one of the most powerful tools in information systems to facilitate rapid decision-making, cost reduction and greater managerial control. With today's Information Technology (IT) market growth, South African Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have started to recognise ERP systems as a common and necessary platform. However, literature on this topic indicates that the majority of implementations do not meet organisations' expectations. Recent research studies indicate that more than a half of ERP implementations in SMEs fail. More importantly, the factors associated with ERP implementation success in South African SMEs are largely unknown. Furthermore, the high rate failure of ERP implementation in SME represent a threat to South Africa since SMEs are the backbone of the nation's economy. This research study therefore explores success implementation indicators and factors associated with ERP implementation in South African SMEs. In addressing the research questions, the study draws on a combination of the DeLone and McLean IS success model and the Technological, Organisational, Environmental (TOE) framework as well as a number of success factors identified through an extensive review of literature. Semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis are used to collect, analyse the data and to develop the ERP implementation success framework. The ERP implementation success framework is composed of four Information System (IS) success indicators and thirteen success factors. Although, findings established that there are relationships between four IS success indicators and thirteen success factors, only nine of the thirteen success factors were found to have direct relationships with the IS success indicators. The nine success factors are: ERP flexibility, ERP suitability, data accuracy, timeliness, top management support, change management, project management, user training and vendor support. The IS indicators from which these nine factors are related to: Management quality, system quality, information quality and service quality
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